


1. 华 [huá]2. 华 [huà]3. 华 [huā]华 [huá]美丽而有光彩的:~丽。~艳。~彩。~贵。~章。~表(亦称“桓表”)。~盖。精英:精~。含英咀(jǔ)~。开花:~而不实。春~秋实。繁盛:繁~。荣~富贵。奢侈:浮~。奢……


1. 佗 [tuó]佗 [tuó]负荷:“以一马自~负三十日食”。……







汉语拼音:huà tuó zài shì






华佗再世 [huà tuó zài shì]
  1. 华佗,东汉名医,首用麻醉剂为病人治疗。华佗再世比喻医术高明,有如华佗再度来到人世一般。




  1. na.
  2. the rebirth of great doctor Hua Tuo;a present-day Hua Tuo

  1. 自己是华佗再世,

    and the balm of Gilead in disguise

  2. 人们把汉密尔顿当成塞纳再世。

    People talk about Hamilton as the next Senna.

  3. 我知道我的父亲不会再世 我知道没有人准备好接受战火

    I know my father isn't coming back, and that no one is prepared for the fire.

  4. 这么难得数学题你都能解出来, 你真是华罗庚再世。

    Being able to solve such a difficult math problem, you are really another Hualuogeng.

  5. 这么难的数学题你都能解出来, 你真是华罗庚再世。

    Being able to solve such a difficult math problem, you are really another Hualuogeng.

  6. 这么难的数学题你都能解出来,你真是华罗庚再世。

    Being able to solve such a difficult math problem, you are really another Hualuogeng.

  7. 突然之间那位高尚而可敬的老师就象是圣人再世一样。

    It just so happened that this honorable gentle teacher was the reborn Enlightenment Being.

  8. 你要是再开门,世说新语,在心里我还要日。

    Once more, you open the door, And you're here in my heart.

  9. 如果真有再世之说,我们就不必相信科学了。

    If the theory of a second life is true, then we don't have to believe in science.

  10. 华佗再造丸临床效应的比较研究

    Comparative Study on Clinical Curative Effect of Huatuozaizhao Pills.

  11. 之后再花个30年建新的世贸中心好了!

    And well ent another 30 years on the new WTC!

  12. 四川甘洛、峨眉早寒武世小壳化石再研究

    A restudy of some early Cambrian Small Shelly Fossils from Ganluo and emei, sichuan, Southwest China

  13. 华佗再造丸治疗30例脑梗塞的血液流变性分析

    The Hemorheolgy Analysis for30 Cases with Cerbral Infarction Treated by Huatuozaizao Pills

  14. 陵墓再其建筑上的辉煌与壮观为世所公认。

    The tomb was most admired for its architectural beauty and splendor.

  15. 顺便提一下,再过一个月,上海世博会即将开幕。

    In a month, the Shanghai World Expo will be open.

  16. 再重复一次, 这是世贸中心其中一幢大厦的图。

    That is once again, a picture of one of the towers of the World Trade Center.

  17. 不要再满足于属世的成就,要努力奔向属天的事物。

    Rest no longer satisfied with thy dwarfish attainments, but press forward to things and heavenly.

  18. 不要与世相争,再好也只不过是虚荣,要静静逍遥。

    Don't fight with the world, again good only vanity, silently at.

  19. 认识小秋之後,世奇再也不一个人去看电影了。

    After having met Xiaoqiu, Shiqi never went to movie theater alone.

  20. 认识小秋之后,世奇再也不一个人去看电影了。

    After having met Xiaoqiu, Shiqi never went to movie theater alone.

  21. 我们不能再用20世纪的方法应对21世纪经济带来的挑战。

    We can no longer meet the challenges of the 21 st century economy with 20 th century approaches.

  22. 我们不能再用20世纪得方法应对21世纪经济带来得挑战。

    We can no longer meet the challenges of the 21 st century economy with 20 th century approaches.

  23. 再论扩频体制的抗白噪声干扰性能 敬答饶世麟教授

    A demonstration for performance on anti interference of white noise for spread spectrum system again

  24. 唯一的胜利来自丁伟,他继春兰杯后再克李世石九段。

    The only victory comes from Ding Wei, he after cymbidium virens cup again gram Li Shishi.

  25. 她即刻得来的名声靠的就是她的降生于世,虽然她长大后是否会成为名人还有待来日再看。

    Her immediate fame depends on her birth, although whether she grows up to become a celebrity remains to be seen.