




1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……


1. 相 [xiāng]2. 相 [xiàng]相 [xiāng]交互,行为动作由双方来:互~。~等。~同。~识。~传(chuán )。~符。~继。~间(jiàn )。~形见绌。~得益彰(两者互相配合,更加显出双方的长处)。动作由一方来而有……


不争,尽(jǐn)着旁人:~步。~位。谦~。请:~茶。许,使:不~他来。任凭:~他闹去。被:~雨淋了。索取一定代价,把东西给人:出~。转(zhuǎn )~。闪避:~开。当仁不~。责备,谴责:“二世使人~章邯”。古同“攘”,侵夺。……



汉语拼音:hù bù xiāng ràng







互不相让 [hù bù xiāng ràng]
  1. 双方发生争执、冲突,且彼此互不让步。


互不相让 [hù bù xiāng ràng]
  1. 彼此互不让步。




  1. Richard Nixon and John Kennedy were bitter political enemies-Kennedy's victory over Nixon in 1960 had put him in the White House.


  2. In real life, there's a traffic signal intersection is better, not the intersection traffic signal is a scene of disarray, pedestrians.


  3. It is a game that involves at least a dozen players, each with competing agendas and egos.


  4. G-20 officials say they are counting on sense of camaraderie to keep them working together rather than pursuing conflicting national goals.


  5. The strike has entered the eighth day as the standoff between the union and the management continues.


  6. They coordinate action strong, on the ice a speeding, if two swallows fly close to the ground, in, race each other, each other.


  7. The carriage, a wife to close the Windows, another wife want a window, two people are eyeball, finally had to conductor please.


  8. On a recent survey on health-care reform, she blasted Republicans and Democrats alike for refusing to compromise.


  9. Marathon runners pursue each other and do not let others overtake them.


  1. 卡洛斯和加布互不相让

    Carlos and Gaby got competitive.

  2. 卡洛斯和加布互不相让。

    Carlos and Gaby got competitive.

  3. 马拉松运动员互相追逐,互不相让。

    Marathon runners pursue each other and do not let others overtake them.

  4. 那两队一交锋真是棋逢对手,互不相让。

    It was diamond cut diamond when the two teams met.

  5. 一直到终点两匹马都并驾齐驱, 互不相让。

    The two horses were neck and neck all the way down to the wire.

  6. 在公司中左班挤轧右班, 两者互不相让。

    A storm has come and surging waves are beating against the rudder end of the boat.

  7. 两只极贪婪的狗争一根骨头, 互不相让。

    Two extremely ambitious dogs are eyeball to eyeball over the same bone.

  8. 在公司中左班挤轧右班,两者互不相让。

    The two parties are struggling against each other in the company, no one is willing to give way.

  9. 谈判双方你来我往,都因为各自公司的利益而互不相让。

    Both parties bargain with each other, unwilling to make concessions to the profits of their own companies.

  10. 他们虽然是亲兄弟,可有好东西的时候却互不相让。

    Though they are blood brothers, neither of they is willing to make concessions to the other on something good.

  11. 他们虽然是亲兄弟,可有好东西的时候却互不相让。

    Though they are blood brothers, neither of they is willing to make concessions to the other on something good.

  12. 互不相交族

    mutually disjoint family.

  13. 各不相让。

    Neither is willing to give ground.

  14. 两个东西互不相干。

    Two things each other is irrelevant.

  15. 这两件事互不相干。

    The two events were totally unrelated.

  16. 从现在起,我们互不相欠了好吗?

    From here on in, can we just say that we're even?

  17. 现在的局势是三足鼎立, 各不相让。

    The current situation is tripartite confrontation. No party wants to give in to another party.

  18. 现在的局势是三足鼎立、各不相让。

    The current situation is tripartite confrontation. No party wants to give in to another party.

  19. 我们只得把城堡拱手相让交给了敌人。

    We had to give up the castle to the enemy.

  20. 他似乎常常为双方各不相让而生气沮丧。

    He often appeared angry and frustrated by the intransigence of both sides.

  21. 有朝一日,我总要和他把账算得互不相欠。

    I'll get upsides with him some day.

  22. 贸易竞争十分激烈, 竞争的公司你争我夺, 各不相让。

    There was so much competition for the trade that rival firms were fighting with the gloves off.

  23. 董事会成员在选举新董事长中唇枪舌剑, 各不相让。

    The members of the board of directors crossed swords in the selection of a new president.

  24. 我相让我们建立起一种使劳动大众能够获得回报的经济。

    I want us to build an economy that rewards work.

  25. 不要让相类似的情况再次发生。

    The circs must not be happen again!

  26. 光滑的砖面可让相扑手滑行通过到下一砖面。

    The smooth brick noodles can let sumo hand the skidding pass the next brick noodles.

  27. 男傧相准备好让父亲感到荣幸了吗?

    Best man ready to do his dad proud?

  28. 他看了日记,并用日记相威胁,让她喜欢他。

    He read the diary and used it to blackmail her into liking him.

  29. 他看了日记,并用日记相威胁,让她喜欢他。

    He read the diary and used it to blackmail her into liking him.

  30. 还有一件事,不要让电线相碰。

    One more thing, do not let the wires touch.


