


1. 及 [jí]及 [jí]从后头跟上:来得~。赶不~。达到:~格。~第(古代科举考试中选,特指考取进士)。普~。过犹不~。趁着,乘:~时。~早。~锋而试。连词,和,跟:阳光、空气~水是生物生存的基本条件。以~。……




1. 而 [ér]而 [ér]古同“尔”,代词,你或你的:“~翁归,自与汝复算耳”。连词(a.表平列,如“多~杂”。b.表相承,如“取~代之”。c.表递进,如“~且”。d.表转折,如“似是~非”。e.连接肯定和否定表互为补充,如“浓~不烈”……





汉语拼音:jí fēng ér shì





趁士气高昂时,及时作战。后泛指抓住有利时机,及时采取行动。《汉书·高帝纪上》:“吏卒皆山东之人,日夜企而望归,及其锋而用之,可以有大功。” 及:当,趁着。锋:锋利,比喻士气旺盛。



  • 【解释】:及:乘;锋:锋利,比喻士气高昂;试:试用。趁锋利的时候用它。原指乘士气高涨的时候使用军队,后比喻乘有利的时机行动。
  • 【出自】:《汉书·高帝纪上》:“吏卒皆山东之人,日夜企而望归,及其锋而用之,可以有大功。”
  • 【示例】:此后自当避免些无须必践的荆棘,养精蓄锐,以待~。
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语;比喻乘可行之机而行事


  1. na.
  2. Try while the point is sharp.;attack when army kept up high morale;come up to the tip of a bayonet and try;Strike the iron while it is hot.

  3. >

  1. 他看准部下的特长,及锋而试,让部下最大限度地发挥自己的能力。

    He observed his followers' advantages and granted them appropriate opportunities to give good play to their abilities.

  2. 而卢拉得回应则是, 不能为了想试而试。

    Not for want of trying, is Lula's response.

  3. 而卢拉的回应则是,不能为了想试而试。

    Not for want of trying, is Lula's response.

  4. 而柔丝试着向我解释艾略特的诗。

    And Rosie was trying to explain t. s. eiiot.

  5. 我们不应灰心, 而应再试一次。

    We should not lose heart, but make another try.

  6. 而现在你试着告诉我你很后悔。

    And now you're trying to tell me that you're sorry.

  7. 他们两手合拢而坐,试着去决定这新的生命。

    They sit with their hands folded, trying to decide about this new life.

  8. 我们觉得我们要做一件事 只要一件事 而不是试着做每件事

    So our sense was we had to do one thing, and only one thing, instead of trying to have everything.

  9. 你也许想试一试蔬菜而不是鱼和肉。

    Instead of having meat and fish, you may want to try some vegetables.

  10. 如果你已经试过而没能改变, 缺少的可能就是启动力量。

    If you've tried and failed make a shift, the missing ingredient was probably leverage.

  11. 以类似方式, 地球上的所有物种也正在透过试错法而提升。

    In a similar manner, all species upon Earth are ascending through trial and error.

  12. 而我一直在试着拓展我的渠道

    to branch out on my own a little bit.

  13. 而我又一直试着让它们重新回来。

    And I was trying constantly to bring them back to me.

  14. 一次的失败便使他气馁而不敢再试。

    A single failure discouraged him from trying again.

  15. 与其为失败而后悔,为什么不再试一次呢

    Rather than regretting for the failure, why not try again

  16. 若能试着聆听而不是大叫大嚷的话,你就能学到更多。

    You can learn a great deal more if you listen rather than rant and rave.

  17. 走在雨中, 浑身湿透, 试着想遗忘而使我得心饱受折磨。

    Just walking in rain, soaking wet, torturing my heart by trying to forget.

  18. 走在雨中,浑身湿透,试着想遗忘而使我的心饱受折磨。

    Just walking in rain, soaking wet, torturing my heart by trying to forget.

  19. 你试过为挣钱而作曲吗?

    Have you ever tried writing music for money?

  20. 而现在, 由于他试着阻止打斗, 致使马库修即将死去。

    And now, because he had tried to stop the fight, Mercutio was going to die.

  21. 那晚跟飞蛾聊天他正试着破灯而入自炸于电丝上

    I was talking to a moth the other evening he was trying to break into an electric light bulb and fry himself on the wires

  22. 试着不屈膝而弯腰触摸脚趾。

    Try to bend down and touch your toes without bending your knees.

  23. 而用卡丁车场作为试驾场地正能体现新雨燕的操控优势。

    The kart with the market as a venue are able to test drive the new Swift embodies the advantages of control.

  24. 你该试着打球瓶而不是洗沟。

    You should try hitting the pins, not the gutter.

  25. 睡觉时试着左侧卧位而不是右侧卧位。

    When going to bed, try lying on the left side rather than the right side.

  26. 你有没有试过不用水而用酒来煮肉?

    Have you ever tried cooking meat in wine instead of water?

  27. 器必试而先知其利钝, 马必骑而后知其良驽。

    Devices will test the Prophet its edge, horse will know good and then riding a jade.

  28. 我不会为了试着去帮助他而道歉的。

    I am not going to apologize for trying to help the guy.

  29. 他试著逆流而上。

    He tried to make his way upstream.

  30. 正确得试室是第13室, 而不是第10室!

    The correct exam room was No.13 not No.10!


  1. 问:及锋而试拼音怎么拼?及锋而试的读音是什么?及锋而试翻译成英文是什么?

    答:及锋而试的读音是jífēng'érshì,及锋而试翻译成英文是 To come up to the tip of a bayonet and try...



解释 及:乘;锋:锋利,比喻士气高昂;试:试用。趁锋利的时候用它。原指乘士气高涨的时候使用军队,后比喻乘有利的时机行动。