


1. 行 [háng]2. 行 [xíng]行 [háng]行列:字里~间。罗列成~。兄弟姐妹的次弟;排行:我~二,你~几?步行的阵列。量词。用于成行的东西:泪下两~。某些营业所:银~。花~。商行。行业:同~。各~各业。用长的针脚成行地连缀……





汉语拼音:xíng zhuāng







  1. 出远门时所携带的衣物。

    《史记·南越列传》:“王、王太后飭治行装重齎,为入朝具。”《晋书·魏咏之传》:“﹝ 咏之 ﹞生而兔缺……闻 荆州 刺史 殷仲堪 帐下有名医能疗之,贫无行装,谓家人曰:‘残丑如此,用活何为!’遂齎数斛米西上,以投 仲堪 。” 清 周淑履 《冬日送别表妹》诗:“萧萧风雪逼人寒,欲整行装忍泪看。” 冰心 《南归》:“以后的几天,便消磨在收拾行装,清理剩余手续之中。”

  2. 谓着军服。


  3. 指军服。

    后蜀 何光远 《鉴诫录·戏判作》:“行营将士申请裹粮云:‘纔请冬赐,又给行装, 汉州 咫尺,要甚裹粮。’”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第六二回:“两队兵都走过了,跟着两个蓝顶行装的武官押着阵。”

  4. 泛指出行时的服装。

    《儿女英雄传》第九回:“﹝我﹞一面换了行装,就到二十八棵红柳树找着我提的那位老英雄。”《儿女英雄传》第十二回:“那 安太太 正在低头作针线,一抬头见一个行装打扮的人进来。”



  1. Patti packed her bags, left a note for her momma, she was just seventeen.


  2. George showed me to the guestroom which, he said, was rarely used. He told me to unpack my things and then come down to dinner.


  3. We had a new mountain of things with which to return, and that was just the Jersey shopping spree.


  4. Our bags were packed and we were all set to leave when we received new instructions from our Government. We unpacked and stayed.


  5. It seemed understood that I was to fly with him, and they were all busy upon our equipment.


  6. It was the last straw for her ; she packed up and moved North and regained her life.


  7. He packed up and was ready to go.


  8. After a few days of rest, millions of Chinese have packed their bags and are heading off again to earn their living or chase their dreams.


  9. He packed up and moved back to Yaxi to open a restaurant in the house he grew up in.


  1. 准备行装之事

    the business of packing for a trip

  2. 他匆匆整理行装。

    He packed his bag in haste.

  3. 收束行装才能出发

    Must pack to leave

  4. 她正忙于整理行装。

    She is busy packing.

  5. 他们正忙于整理行装。

    They are busy packing.

  6. 为长途旅行准备行装

    Equip oneself for a long journey

  7. 船长想检查你的行装。

    The captain wants to inspect your kit.

  8. 船长想检查你得行装。

    The captain wants to inspect your kit.

  9. 我要尽快地打点行装。

    I'll have to pack up as quickly as possible.

  10. 他整理好行装准备出发。

    He packed up and was ready to go.

  11. 他最终打点行装离开了。

    He packed his bags and left for good.

  12. 他们正忙活着整理行装。

    They are busying themselves packing up.

  13. 你必须立刻动手整理行装。

    You must begin packing at once.

  14. 士兵们背起行装, 继续前进。

    The soldiers shouldered their kit and moved on.

  15. 他们正在忙着整理行装。

    They are being busy in putting in order the outfit for a journey.

  16. 我们必须打点行装,准备出发。

    We must pack up and get ready to start.

  17. 你需要我帮你整理行装吗?

    Do you need me to help you pack up? ?

  18. 早上, 他将回家整理行装。

    In the morning he would go home and pack up.

  19. 我们忙于整理去旅游的行装。

    We are busy packing for a journey.

  20. 我收拾好行装, 出发去圆梦。

    I packed my bags and set off towards my sea dream.

  21. 他为长途旅行准备行装。

    He equipped himself for a long journey.

  22. 我们去整理行装,离开这里吧。

    Let's pack our bags and get out of here.

  23. 我们去整理行装,离开这里吧。

    Let's pack our bags and get out of here.

  24. 我们去整理行装,离开这里吧。

    Let's pack our bags and get out of here.

  25. 我帮你打点行装好吗?

    Shall I help you pack your things?

  26. 你也可能要收拾行装回家。

    You may as well fold up your tent and go home.

  27. 打点周末出行行装的最佳方法

    The Best Packing for a Long Weekend

  28. 我们摒挡好了行装,准备出发。

    We have arranged our luggage, and are ready to set out.

  29. 我们摒挡好了行装,准备出发。

    We have arranged our luggage, and are ready to set out.

  30. 我需要打点行装, 好去海滩旅行。

    I need to pack for the trip to the beach.


  1. 问:行装拼音怎么拼?行装的读音是什么?行装翻译成英文是什么?

    答:行装的读音是xíngzhuāng,行装翻译成英文是 luggage

