




1. 期 [qī]2. 期 [jī]期 [qī]规定的时间,或一段时间:定~。限~。~限。学~。量词,用于刊物或其他分期的事物:第五~。盼望,希望:~望。~冀。~盼。~待。限度:“征敛无~求索无度”。必,决定:“~死,非勇也”。〔~颐〕指人……



汉语拼音:chāo qī








  1. The book is ten days overdue. How much will I be fined?


  2. Much of that equipment has been run into the ground, damaged or destroyed during a decade of combat.


  3. Emergence of the phenomenon of extended supply, Party A has the right to reject goods, which caused all the consequences.


  4. OIL CHANGE: Don't ask your motor oil to do more than it should. Old oil takes the life out of your car faster than almost anything else.


  5. is a lot like the army, everyone complains, but you'd be surprised at the large ~ that re-enlist.


  6. The fifth part discusses the precautions and solutions of disputes regarding container demurrage, and proposes some legislative suggestions.


  7. The extended period of service shall be one to two years in the army and one year in the navy and the air force.


  8. Regular maintenance, inspection and monitoring to avoid taking "disease" equipment operation, over-term service.


  9. Prepare report analysis on DSO, overdue, collection and key accounts movement to provide professional advice for company credit improvement.


  1. 隐性超期羁押

    hidden extended custody

  2. 隐性超期羁押刍议

    Issue on Hidden Extended Custody

  3. 超期羁押问题研究

    Research on the problem of extended detainment

  4. 产权界定超期羁押

    Detention beyond the legally prescribed time limits

  5. 这些书超期一周。

    These books are one week overdue.

  6. 我有两本书超期了。

    I've got two books that are overdue.

  7. 斑驳的电线超期服役的插座

    Rotting wires, outdated sockets

  8. 论控制侦查中的超期羁押

    On formal detain in control investigations

  9. 超期羁押的预防机制研究

    Research of the prevention system of extended custody.

  10. 抑制超期羁押的制度建构

    The system construction of restraining overdue imprisonment

  11. 隐性超期羁押的法律规制研究

    Touch on Legal System of Hidden Extended Custody

  12. 侦查阶段超期羁押现象之研究

    A brief analysis on reconnoitring and taking into custody exceed the time limit

  13. 论超期羁押的成因及解决措施

    Causes for Detainment Beyond the Fixed Term and Solutions

  14. 谈电动轮超期服役的利与弊

    Discussion on Advantage and Disadvantage of Extended Service of Electric Wheels

  15. 试论超期羁押责任追究制的建立

    Establishment of Responsibility System for Illegally Overdue Detention

  16. 超期羁押中的国家赔偿立法缺位探析

    Analysis of Legislative Flaws in Law of National Compensation for Overrun Custody

  17. 应收账超期超额的跟进及采取行动。

    To follow up and take action on overdue trade debts.

  18. 这架飞机已经超期服役很长时间了。

    The plane has been kept in service far longer than originally intended.

  19. 丁二烯萃取精馏塔超期服役安全评定

    Safety assessment for an extended service of butadiene extraction and rectification tower

  20. 火电厂超期服役机组寿命评估技术导则

    The technical guide for the life assessment of overage units in fossil power plants

  21. 加强对超期服役的门式起重机的运用管理

    Enhancing the Operation and Management of the Gantry Cranes tor Extended Service

  22. 这本书超期十天, 我会被罚多少钱?

    The book is ten days overdue. How much will I be fined

  23. 司法机关采取有力措施预防和遏制超期羁押。

    The judicial organs have adopted vigorous measures to prevent and contain extended detention.

  24. 超期服役机组的损伤模型研究及寿命评估分析

    Damage Model Study and Life Assessment for Aged Unit

  25. 有效地遏制了超期未检液化气钢瓶灌装现象。

    did not effectively curb the cases of extended liquefied gas cylinders instead phenomenon.

  26. 这两本图书快要超期了,应该尽快归还图书馆。

    These two books will soon pass their due time. They should be returned to the library as soon as possible.

  27. 两种超期贮存除草剂在水稻薄膜秧田的除草效果

    Effect of Weed Control about Herbicides of Long Time Storage on Rice Seedling Bed with Polythene Mulch

  28. 由此而言,黄静显而易见地被海淀警方超期羁押了2个月。

    From this says, yellow staticlimit obviously by the Haidian police has taken into custody 2 months.


  1. 问:超期拼音怎么拼?超期的读音是什么?超期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:超期的读音是chāoqī,超期翻译成英文是 To be overdue.

  2. 问:超期羁押拼音怎么拼?超期羁押的读音是什么?超期羁押翻译成英文是什么?

    答:超期羁押的读音是chāo qī jī yā,超期羁押翻译成英文是 extended custody

  3. 问:超期运费拼音怎么拼?超期运费的读音是什么?超期运费翻译成英文是什么?

    答:超期运费的读音是chāo qī yùn fèi,超期运费翻译成英文是 freight pending

  4. 问:超期服现役拼音怎么拼?超期服现役的读音是什么?超期服现役翻译成英文是什么?

    答:超期服现役的读音是chāo qī fú xiàn yì,超期服现役翻译成英文是 Extended Active Duty

  5. 问:超期服役战士拼音怎么拼?超期服役战士的读音是什么?超期服役战士翻译成英文是什么?

    答:超期服役战士的读音是chāo qī fú yì zhàn shì,超期服役战士翻译成英文是 Soldier on Extended Active Service

  6. 问:超期羁押犯人拼音怎么拼?超期羁押犯人的读音是什么?超期羁押犯人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:超期羁押犯人的读音是chāo qī jī yā fàn rén,超期羁押犯人翻译成英文是 lost inmate

  7. 问:超期服役后备队拼音怎么拼?超期服役后备队的读音是什么?超期服役后备队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:超期服役后备队的读音是chāo qī fú yì hòu bèi duì,超期服役后备队翻译成英文是 Reserve on Extended Active Duty

  8. 问:超期服役顾问团拼音怎么拼?超期服役顾问团的读音是什么?超期服役顾问团翻译成英文是什么?

    答:超期服役顾问团的读音是chāo qī fú yì gù wèn tuán,超期服役顾问团翻译成英文是 Retention Counseling Group

  9. 问:超期服役通信管理员拼音怎么拼?超期服役通信管理员的读音是什么?超期服役通信管理员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:超期服役通信管理员的读音是chāo qī fú yì tōng xìn guǎn lǐ yuán,超期服役通信管理员翻译成英文是 Extended Services Communications Manager...