







汉语拼音:bí zǔ







  1. 始祖,有世系可考的最初的祖先。

    《汉书·扬雄传上》:“有 周氏 之嬋嫣兮,或鼻祖於 汾 隅。” 颜师古 注:“ 雄 自言系出 周氏 而食采於 扬 ,故云始祖於 汾 隅也。” 金 元好问 《济南庙中古桧同叔能赋》诗:“ 瀨乡 留耳孙, 闕里 传鼻祖。” 清 秋瑾 《黄帝纪元大事表》:“ 黄帝 者, 汉 族之鼻祖也。”

  2. 比喻某一学派或某一行业的创始人。

    清 王韬 《瓮牖馀谈·西国造纸法》:“人莫不以 蔡伦 为造纸之鼻祖矣!” 李大钊 《我的马克思主义观》:“故社会主义经济学的鼻祖不能不推 马克思 。”

  3. 比喻最早出现的某一事物。

    明 陆时雍 《诗镜总论》:“五言在 汉 ,遂为鼻祖。” 清 杨懋建 《京尘杂录·梦华琐簿》:“庚戌 高宗 八旬万寿,入都祝釐,时称三庆徽,是为徽班鼻祖。”



  1. These features allow AFS to be known as the granddaddy of distributed file systems even after so many years of development.


  2. The exact nature of the first cell, the forerunner of all life today, is still a mystery.


  3. Kafkaesque is a famous contemporary novelist of Austria and one of the originators of modernist school of literature.


  4. He is often regarded as a forefather of root-seeking or native-soil literature in China.


  5. Huang fu Mi is Confucius, Que par acupuncture master of acupuncture in the medical field known as the originator.


  6. As can be seen by the above description, this system could be regarded as the ancestor to the modern HUD (head-up display).


  7. Many yuan, with the band dares to attempt the characteristics of innovation, can saying is quite a lot about the earliest style.


  8. Chinese invented gunpowder more than a thousand years ago, and soon developed one of the first guns, called a 'fire spear. '


  9. Perhaps America's premier business newspaper is correct, but something far more momentous is now occurring.


  1. 佛教的鼻祖

    the originator of Buddhism.

  2. 现代计算机的鼻祖

    the granddaddy of modern computers.

  3. 移民鼻祖是拓荒者。

    The Pilgrim Fathers were pioneers.

  4. 现代摄影艺术的鼻祖

    the father of modern photography

  5. 现代摄影艺术的鼻祖

    the father of modern photography

  6. 一切现代汽车的鼻祖

    the father of all modern automobiles

  7. 苏格兰威士忌的鼻祖。

    The Glenlivet. The Father of All Scotch.

  8. 因为我可是写感谢信的鼻祖。

    Because I am master of the thank you note.

  9. 在最后两次出现的买的开山鼻祖。

    appears at last twice in Dharas pedigree.

  10. 这些微型电子装置的鼻祖就是真空管。

    The ancestor of these miniature electronic devices is the vacuum tube.

  11. 道氏理论是技术分析流派的鼻祖。

    Dow theory is the originator of the technical analysis school.

  12. 道氏理论是技术分析流派得鼻祖。

    Dow theory is the originator of the technical analysis school.

  13. 李时珍是我国医药界的鼻祖。

    Li shizhen was the originator of the Chinese pharmacology.

  14. 印象主义运动是抽象艺术的鼻祖之一。

    The impressionist movement was one of the ancestors of abstract art.

  15. 不愧为假唱鼻祖, 比别人就是玩得好。

    They are the best in the synch world!

  16. 美洲方块舞的鼻祖是英国的莫里斯舞。

    English ancestor of American square dance was the Morris dance.

  17. 美洲方块舞的鼻祖是英国的莫里斯舞。

    English ancestor of American square dance was the Morris dance.

  18. 美洲方块舞得鼻祖是英国得莫里斯舞。

    English ancestor of American square dance was the Morris dance.

  19. 从此,奠定了广式莲蓉月饼鼻祖的地位。

    Since then Lianxianglou has been known as the originator of Guangzhou style's lotus seed paste moon cake.

  20. 自此,边沁被称为分析主义法学的鼻祖。

    Since then, Bentham, known as the originator of law and analysis.

  21. 直立行走得人得鼻祖面部轮廓与黑猩猩相似,

    The earliest ancestors of humans that stood upright resembled chimpanzees facially

  22. 直立行走的人的鼻祖面部轮廓与黑猩猩相似,

    The earliest ancestors of humans that stood upright resembled chimpanzees facially

  23. 如果说经济学有一位开山鼻祖的话,那就是斯密。

    If economics has a founding father, it is smith.

  24. 马礼逊是基督教新教来华传教的开山鼻祖。

    Robert Morrison was the first missionary of Protestant Church to do missionary work in China.

  25. 他们还证实了这些人就是现代美洲印第安人的鼻祖。

    They also suggest that at least some of those people were the ancestors of modern Amerindians.

  26. 典型的避税天堂,而且在许多方面对他们所有的鼻祖。

    The archetypal tax haven, and in many ways the granddaddy of them all.

  27. 卡夫卡是奥地利现代著名小说家,现代派文学的鼻祖。

    Kafkaesque is a famous contemporary novelist of Austria and one of the originators of modernist school of literature.

  28. 夏洛特帕金斯吉尔曼是美国女性主义文学的鼻祖。

    Charlotte Perkins Gilman is a foremother of American feminist literature.

  29. 哇,内家功夫真是神了,我喜欢。谁是它的开山鼻祖?

    Boy, it's marvelous. I prefer Neijia to Waijia. Well, who's the forefather of Neijia then?

  30. 传说中的八卦炉,就是由道家的鼻祖老子第一个铸造出来的。

    Legend of the Eight Diagrams of the furnace, is the founder of Taoism Lao Tzu by the first casting.


  1. 问:鼻祖拼音怎么拼?鼻祖的读音是什么?鼻祖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鼻祖的读音是bízǔ,鼻祖翻译成英文是 originator

