




物体的周围部分,外缘:~缘。~沿。国家或地区交界处:~疆。~界。~防。~境。~陲(边境)。几何学上指夹成角或围成多角形的直线:等~三角形。旁侧,近旁:身~。~锋。方面:~干(gàn )~学。表示方位:上~。外~。姓。……



汉语拼音:fēi biān







  1. 散碎银子。

    清 李渔 《比目鱼·利集》:“每人一块飞边,有一钱多重,拿去买烟吃。”

  2. 模锻时终锻模膛内多馀的金属流入飞边槽而形成围绕锻件四周的一圈金属。具有保证金属填满模膛的作用。模锻后必须将其切实。



  1. For general finishing, good metal removal and exceptional wear. Performs in a wide variety of deburr , de flash and radius applications.


  2. According to technical condition supplied, the results indicate that the products have no flow mark, flash and other . flaws.


  3. The results shows that the forging part has better filling die, even flash and has not fold defect.


  4. Trim flash with knives as necessary to meet specifications.


  5. waving and smiling at some of his coworkers.


  6. According to these ideas, the software was developed. The design criteria of forging-die flash sizes with the software used were given.


  7. Open-die forging test of lead work-piece showed die structure being complex and flash being created.


  8. Defects due to the use of worn moulds, including fins, surface crazing, and scraps or bulges.


  9. It uses its long clawed feet to grab the fish in the water surface and then feeds on the wing.


  1. 钻杆飞边打磨

    upset grinding

  2. 芯飞边缺肉

    core fin

  3. 锻模飞边槽

    flash gutter

  4. 有风, 轻轻从窗前飞边。

    Across my window, wind was quietly flying away.

  5. 它是怎么边飞边画地图的

    and creating this map on the fly.

  6. 锤上无飞边模锻的探索

    Explore for die forging without flash by forging hammer

  7. 天下秀棉飞边印花长袖衣

    Edge dye printing long sleeve clothes

  8. 副铸造安装跨幻灯片削减飞边。

    Vice casting mounting on cross slide to fly cut the side.

  9. 产品表面光滑精致,无飞边、毛刺。

    The product's surface is smooth and neat without flash, burr.

  10. 用液压机清理铸件飞边毛刺

    Wipe off splash and burr of casting using hydraulic punch

  11. 边飞边向他的一些同事挥手、微笑。

    Waving and smiling at some of his coworkers.

  12. 大型曲轴锤锻模飞边槽的设计

    Design of Flash Slot for Heavy Crankshaft Forging Hammer Die

  13. 外翅片管加工时飞边的形成机理

    Forming mechanism of overlap during the manufacturing of outside fin tube

  14. 飞边槽桥部尺寸对模锻成形的影响

    Influence of the bridge size of fash slot on die forming

  15. 压铸过程中飞边产生及其防治的研究

    Study on the Causes and Precaution of Flashes in the Process of High Pressure Die Casting

  16. 轴唇圈刃口和飞边车削机床的研制

    Development of lathe for turning bearing seal lip and molding flash

  17. 在飞越障碍物的时候 它们能边飞边变换队形

    And to fly through obstacles they can adapt the formations on the fly.

  18. 在此基础上, 得到优化的飞边槽结构尺寸。

    On the basis of these, the optimized flash cave sizes are obtained.

  19. 精密无飞边冲孔瞬时间隙及塑性状态研究

    Research on the Instantaneous Clearance and the Plastic Status to the Precise Punching without Burr.

  20. 单工步与三工步无飞边冲孔工艺的对比研究

    Research of a singlestep punching as contrasted to threestep punching without burr.

  21. 减少飞边提高压铸件精度的途径吴卫黄志禄

    The Ways to Reduce the Flashes and Improve the Accuracy of Die castings

  22. 采用该技术,可控制住飞边,实现少、无飞边的模锻。

    In this manner, it can control flash forming so as to realize precision forging without or with little flash.

  23. 要走的时候,他嗡嗡地边飞边问公牛是否愿意他离开。

    Just as he was about to fly off, he made a buzzing noise, and inquired of the Bull if he would like him to go.

  24. 经处理的摩擦面,不得有飞边、毛刺、焊疤或污损等。

    Treated surface should be free of fash, burr, welding scar or dirty.

  25. 飞边量可控的模锻设计技术及其在生产中的应用

    A Die Forging Design Technique Controlling Flash Formation and Its Application

  26. 浅谈摩压机无飞边精锻齿坯中锻件的错移

    Eccentricity of the Forging during the Process of Flashless Finish Forging of Gear Blank by Friction Press

  27. 它使用长有爪子的长脚捕捉水面的鱼类,然后边飞边吃。

    It uses its long clawed feet to grab the fish in the water surface and then feeds on the wing.

  28. 摩压机无飞边精锻齿坯中锻件下料重量的确定

    Determination of Cutting Stock Weight during Flashless Finish Forging of Gear Blank by Friction Press

  29. 开式模锻中飞边槽的形式对锻件成形过程的影响较大。

    In the open die forging, the type of flash has great influence on the process of forging.

  30. 本文给出了喷油器体无飞边闭式挤压新型模具结构。

    A type of structure of closed extrusion dies for fuel injector bodies without flash is presented.


  1. 问:飞边沟拼音怎么拼?飞边沟的读音是什么?飞边沟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飞边沟的读音是fēi biān gōu,飞边沟翻译成英文是 flash gutter