




1. 色 [sè]色 [sè]由物体发射、反射的光通过视觉而产生的印象:颜~。~彩。~相(xiàng )。~调(diào )。脸上表现出的神气、样子:脸~。气~。~厉内荏。情景,景象:行~匆匆。景~宜人。种类:各~用品。品质,质量:音~。成……



汉语拼音:liàng sè







  1. 明亮的色彩。

    鲁迅 《南腔北调集·<自选集>自序》:“我于是删削些黑暗,装点些欢容,使作品比较的显出若干亮色。”



  1. If you leave a dark car and a light car out in sunlight, you'll notice after a while that the dark one feels hotter .


  2. Without the truth, and then gorgeous, beautiful text is just a coat color-hyun, the lack of bright soul.


  3. It was a terrible scene, and Anzheluo uplink walk on the roof, but as it sets, jumped out of the death to light tones, bright and calm.


  4. The menu is implemented with a simple texture, the background is just a dark space, and most graphics are bright.


  5. The suggestive sheerness of this shirt is juxtaposed with an androgynous bow tie and a bright printed skirt.


  6. In no sense, I left those daffodils. When I woke up, they had been a bright star on the horizon.


  7. If your expected viewers are children, the best colors you can use are the bright ones but make it pleasing to the eyes.


  8. Brights are not the only colors attracting designers' interest.


  9. On shore, clams and cockles sit in heaps before a long brick row of low fisherman's homes, the door posts pasted with bright paper charms.


  1. 检索或设置环境亮色。

    Retrieves or sets the ambient light color.

  2. 我很少穿亮色衣服。

    I rarely wear bright colors.

  3. 她把房间装饰成亮色。

    She tricked out the room in bright colors.

  4. 一片黑暗中的一抹亮色。

    A single bright moment in an otherwise dark time.

  5. 我钟爱亮色,因为亮色更加显眼。

    I always stick with bright colors so it stands out.

  6. 年轻人都喜欢穿亮色的衣服。

    Young people all like wearing bright colored clothes.

  7. 年轻人都喜欢穿亮色的衣服。

    Young people all like wearing bright colored clothes.

  8. 考虑下让亮色和亮色搭配,深色和深色搭配。

    Think suit and match light colors with light and dark with dark.

  9. 他能画最亮的亮色和最暗的暗色。

    He could paint the lightest light and the darkest dark.

  10. 这是我寒假生活的一抹亮色!

    It was a dot in my Winter Holiday.

  11. 这是我寒假生活得一抹亮色!

    It was a dot in my Winter Holiday.

  12. 射手可以为处女的日子增添亮色。

    Sagittarius can add variety and new excitement to Virgo's day.

  13. 为这片英雄的土地增添了新的亮色。

    All these have given new glories to this heroic land.

  14. 衬衫很贵, 而且是用亮色材质做得。

    It was very expensive and made of brightly colored material.

  15. 衬衫很贵,而且是用亮色材质做的。

    It was very expensive and made of brightly colored material.

  16. 或许需要一个亮色的丝巾来配一下。

    Maybe a bright colored scarf is needed to go with it.

  17. 但是年轻人大致都是喜欢生动的亮色调。

    Youngsters, on the other hand, will appreciate more vivid and brighter colors keepingattitude.

  18. 在树丛中, 穿亮色的长裤, 长袖, 帽子。

    In the woods, wear lightcolored long pants , long sleeves, and a hat so ticks are easy to spot.

  19. 和亮色及浅色在一起则起到平衡作用。

    It'seems sad with color tone but plays a balancing role with tone and light color.

  20. 亮色的包包不再只是去海边的时候才用得到。

    Bright bags are not just for the beach or baby wipes anymore.

  21. 亮色的几何图样增加了这块布外观的吸引力

    Bright geometrics enhance the appearance of the cloth.

  22. 淡雅的黄色酒体,透出一抹柠檬般的亮色。

    Pale yellow color with lemony reflections.

  23. 淡雅得黄色酒体,透出一抹柠檬般得亮色。

    Pale yellow color with lemony reflections.

  24. 一身端庄的西服,配上亮色的衬衫,就是理想装束。

    A sober suit with a bright shirt is perfect.

  25. 再看看。或许需要一个亮色的丝巾来配一下。

    If you give a pig a pancake, shell want some syrup to go with it.

  26. 他们会用高亮色笔标出想让我看的内容。

    They highlight what they want me to see.

  27. 这种发膜给你得头发带来一抹可爱得亮色。

    This mask gives a lovely shine to your hair.

  28. 这种发膜给你的头发带来一抹可爱的亮色。

    This mask gives a lovely shine to your hair.

  29. 这种发膜给你的头发带来一抹可爱的亮色。

    This mask gives a lovely shine to your hair.

  30. 明星给我们贫乏,单调的生活增添了一抹亮色。

    Celebrities add vivid colors to our dull monotonous daily routines.


  1. 问:亮色拼音怎么拼?亮色的读音是什么?亮色翻译成英文是什么?

    答:亮色的读音是liàngsè,亮色翻译成英文是 Brilliant color.

  2. 问:亮色调图象调节键拼音怎么拼?亮色调图象调节键的读音是什么?亮色调图象调节键翻译成英文是什么?

    答:亮色调图象调节键的读音是liàng sè diào tú xiàng tiáo jié jiàn,亮色调图象调节键翻译成英文是 high key