


1. 条 [tiáo]2. 条 [tiāo]条 [tiáo]植物的细长枝:枝~。柳~儿。荆~。泛称条形的东西:~子。面~儿。便(biàn)~儿。金~。铁~。细长的形状:~形。~纹。~案。~几(jī)。~凳。~幅(直挂的长条字画)。苗~。身~……





汉语拼音:tiáo bái






  1. 分条陈明。

    《汉书·朱博传》:“正监以为 博 苟强,意未必能然,即共条白焉。” 唐 刘禹锡 《唐故赠左散骑常侍薛公神道碑》:“有司条白其劳,入拜殿内史。”



  1. And I'd outfit myself in a pair of white shorts, sneakers and a sweat shirt. I'd have the right clothes, so I wouldn't look silly.


  2. While looking at the wall of barracudas, a couple of white tip sharks swam around the wall.


  3. His nose, red with cold, was running. On his ears, he wore a pair of tattered earmuffs.


  4. She is beginning to accelerate as she can see the white line, a prism of pure light awaiting her.


  5. He had been dressed in a jacket, white linen breeches, and an apron, the pockets of which were his delight.


  6. After a child, increasing noise and saw the water days, connecting the east where there was a white line, the crowd boiling up again.


  7. He's a few feet under the plane, even a little soil residue no plane down, but on the ground designated for several white-Indian children.


  8. The tsunami drew a line of white fury across the ocean, heading toward the shoreline.


  9. It's like a whole new species of human has evolved with ear buds and two white cords trailing them everywhere they go.


  1. 请拿两条白面包。

    Two white loaves, please.

  2. 我买条白裙子不需要社会的允许。

    I don't need society's permission to buy a white dress.

  3. 英格尔把一大条白面包扔到了泥潭中间。

    Ingel threw a big white loaf of bread in the middle of the puddle.

  4. 看见葆拉穿着那条白裙子使他想起自己的萨拉姨妈。

    Seeing Paula in that white dress called up memories of his aunt sara.

  5. 另一条小道沿着白围墙绕园一周。

    These alleys left behind them four square plots rimmed with box.

  6. 我有一条白毛巾。

    I've a white towel.

  7. 一件蓝绒衣和一条白短裤。

    A blue sweatshirt and white shorts.

  8. 她肩上披着一条白披巾。

    She wore a white shawl overher shoulders.

  9. 她穿一条白底黄花的裙子。

    She wore a skirt with yellow flowers on a white background.

  10. 两条白线,曲曲折折,是奈河,是汶河。

    Flocks of white clouds still float through the mountains today.

  11. 将原条白霞洗净, 再去皮。

    Rinse the bacha, and drain. Then peel the bacha.

  12. 中间那处瀑布像一条白纱,

    The middle fall, like a piece of white silk

  13. 温哥华水族馆里的一条白鲸。

    A beluga whale at Vancouver's aquarium.

  14. 你最好事先在那里划一条白线。

    You'd better mark a white line there beforehand.

  15. 在容器里找到10条白化豹纹壁虎

    Ten albino leopard geckos were recovered from the containers

  16. 从则看见新换的有条白边,但冇阻功能。

    Form side view, can see compass edge, still work fine.

  17. 你能把那条白母牛从牛群中弄出来吗?

    Can you cut out the white cow from the herd?

  18. 天色变得阴沉沉的,紫红色的云,上面一条条白纹。

    The sky had become overcast, purplish, with little streaks of white.

  19. 一架飞机飞过, 在苍空中留下了一条白线。

    A plane flew overhead, leaving a white trail in the sky.

  20. 一架飞机飞过,在苍空中留下了一条白线。

    A plane flew overhead, leaving a white trail in the sky.

  21. 每一个死了的孩子都盘成圈,一条白蛇。

    Each dead child coiled, a white serpent.

  22. 月光像一条白丝带, 缠绕在我得身旁。清澈透明。

    The moonlight which looks like some silk ribbon twines me.

  23. 月光像一条白丝带,缠绕在我的身旁。清澈透明。

    The moonlight which looks like some silk ribbon twines me.

  24. 梭鱼群形成了一堵墙,两条白顶鲨鱼绕着鱼墙游动。

    While looking at the wall of barracudas, a couple of white tip sharks swam around the wall.

  25. 在最远处的山顶上,风卷着积雪宛如蔚蓝天幕上的一条白链。

    From the uttermost point of which a plume of windblown snow made a white stain on the blue sky.

  26. 我给女儿买了条带红点得白裙子。

    I bought my daughter a chalkiness skirt with red spots.

  27. 我给女儿买了条带红点的白裙子。

    I bought my daughter a chalkiness skirt with red spots.

  28. 白线条丝光华达呢

    chalk stripe gabardine

  29. 白底红条的桌布

    a white tablecloth with red stripes

  30. 这条细细得白线被当作界线。

    The thin white lines were used as the borders.