







汉语拼音:wǒ shān






  1. 喻顽固的我执。

    唐 司空图 《与伏牛长老偈》诗之一:“推倒我山无一事,莫将文字缚真如。” 宋 范成大 《蛮触》诗:“万仞我山高不极,一团心火蔓难图。”参见“ 我见 ”。



  1. Stand me on a mountain I'm trying to reach you Just because I'm grounded doesn't mean I'm beneath you!


  2. I will bless them and the places surrounding my hill. I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessing.


  3. No one can tell me if there is immortal living in the mountain.


  1. 你们要从我山的谷中逃跑,因为山谷必延到亚萨。

    You will flee by my mountain valley, for it will extend to Azel.

  2. 山我来一杯不加冰的纯伏特加。

    Sa I will have an Absolute straight up, please.

  3. 的确,我喜欢山。

    Yes, I love hills.

  4. 我觉得山在召唤我。

    I felt the mountains calling me.

  5. 山我真不敢想像他们在学校都教了你什么。

    Sa I not even going to think about what they re not teaching you in school.

  6. 山我收到来自全国各地好几百封女人的来信。

    Sa I got hundreds of letters from women all over the country.

  7. 我到山里面去砍柴。

    I went into the mountains to get wood.

  8. 我的山要比你的丘陵高。

    My mountain is higher than your molehill.

  9. 我只觉得这个人待我恩重如山。

    I only saw a man who had meant to be my benefactor.

  10. 我想山那边应该热闹点吧。

    I suppose it's more cheerful on the other side of the mountains.

  11. 这些树挡住了我看山得视线。

    The trees obstruct my view of the mountains.

  12. 这些树挡住了我看山的视线。

    The trees obstruct my view of the mountains.

  13. 我喜欢山,但不是光秃秃的荒凉的高山。

    I like mountains but not high, bare, bleak mountains.

  14. 我爱山的寂静。听不到任何声音!

    I love the silence of the mountains. You can't hear anything.

  15. 我去山中宿营以享受新鲜的空气。

    I go camping in the mountains to enjoy the fresh air.

  16. 水往下流, 山往上长, 而我如山, 不断朝上进发。

    Water down the stream, up a long hill, and I like mountains, and constantly rolls upward.

  17. 但是我没有山。只有一个编辑室和一个摄像机。

    But I didn't have a mountain. I had a newsroom and a camera.

  18. 夫人待我恩重如山,无论发生什么事我都不能离开。

    Madam is my benefactor, I'd stay with her whatever happened.

  19. 我从未想过到世界上的任何其他地方去。因为我在山中。

    I never wanted to go anywhere else in the world, for I was in the mountains.

  20. 我父亲背我上了山。

    My father carried me up the hill, piggyback.

  21. 如果你虎我,我就会山你!

    If you tiger me, I will mountain you!

  22. 我喜欢有山有水的地方。

    I feel good to be close to the nature.

  23. 我站在山的岩架上看日落。

    I am standing on a mountain ledge wathching the sunset.

  24. 我站在山的岩架上看日落。

    I am standing on a mountain ledge wathching the sunset.

  25. 我必须继续做我书桌上如山的作业。

    I have to just keep on ploughing through the mountains of paperwork on my desk.

  26. 我必须继续做我书桌上如山的作业。

    I have to just keep on ploughing through the mountains of paperwork on my desk.

  27. 我原来以为山只不过是一个个巨大无比的石头柱子。

    I thought that the mountains are only some gigantic stone pillar.

  28. 在前几天我想攀登山的山和几个朋友花使自己。

    In the first few days I want to climb Mount Hua Shan with several friends to refresh ourselves.

  29. 攀登这座山给我成就感。

    Climbing the mountain gave me a sense of achievement.

  30. 一道绿色的山峦挡住了我的视线, 使我看不到山那边的房屋。

    From where I stood the house was hidden by a green spur.