




1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……


1. 其 [qí]2. 其 [jī]其 [qí]第三人物代词,相当于“他(她)”、“他们(她们)”、“它(它们)”;“他(她)的”、“他们(她们)的”、“它(们)的”:各得~所。莫名~妙。三缄~口。独行~是。自食~果。指示代词,相当于“那”……





汉语拼音:tú yǒu qí biǎo







  1. But Mr Obama is certain to face the charge, over the next few weeks, that he is all hat and no cattle.


  2. His good looks won him the election but he has still to prove that he's not just a pretty face.


  3. It had assumed the forms of obnoxious little monsters, but not their essence.


  4. sofa he bought yesterday was found to be an apple of Sodom.


  5. Beauty without virtue is like a rose without fragrance.


  6. But in recent years it has descended into empty theatrics.


  7. I loathe the shoddiness of the boulevards, with their gaudy cafes overgilt and oversumptuous, and their crowds of ill-dressed foreigners.


  8. Established in 1960s when federal money flowed, the clinics are now a shadow of their former selves.


  9. without virtue is a rose without fragrance.


  1. 你觉得谢博德只是徒有其表

    You thought shepherd was just a haircut.

  2. 我看她也没什么真本事,徒有其表罢了。

    I think she has no real ability, just an unwarranted reputation.

  3. 我看她也没什么真本事,徒有其表罢了。

    I think she has no real ability, just an unwarranted reputation.

  4. 奥巴马的许多成就不过是徒有其表而已。

    Many of Mr. Obama's achievements have a Potemkin quality.

  5. 他各方面都是徒有其表,身体虚胖,心灵虚夸。

    He is swollen in everything, in body and in mind.

  6. 世间最重要的是有进取心,但徒有其表是致命的。

    It is most important in this world to be pushing, but it is fatal to seem so.

  7. 他死后,我的生活就成了一个徒有其表的空壳子。

    My life has been an empty shell since he died.

  8. 抛开罗马徒有其表的赫赫声名,它还有什么可与你们相比拟?

    For, setting aside only the splendor of the Roman name, what remains in which they can be compared to you?

  9. 虚有其表的人物

    a shoddy character

  10. 虚有其表的伪君子

    a specious hypocrite

  11. 他漂亮的衣著只是虚有其表而已。

    His fine clothes are a mere facade, facade.

  12. 徒有其名, 而没有多大内容。

    It'seems to be a phrase without much substance.

  13. 他是一个徒有其名的诗人。

    He is a poet of a kind.

  14. 我以为我只是虚有其表,在各个方向摇摆不定。

    I thought I was one shuck and jive away in every direction.

  15. 一句话, 民主只是徒有其名而己。

    Democracy, in short, only in name.

  16. 政府在这种情况下只能徒有其名。

    Government could exist only in name under such circumstances.

  17. 他,套用一句美国人的说法,就是徒有其表。

    He was, to adopt an Americanism,'an empty suit'.

  18. 徒有良好的愿望而不去努力实现, 后悔莫及。

    The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

  19. 虚有其表的女人,就像金环戴在猪鼻上!

    The impressive on the outside but lacking substance woman, looks like ring on the pig nose!

  20. 自从1992年海平面下降以来, 它徒有岛得虚名。

    It has been an island in name only since the sea level dropped in1992.

  21. 自从1992年海平面下降以来,它徒有岛的虚名。

    It has been an island in name only since the sea level dropped in1992.

  22. 徒有意志力不能移山,要有推土机才行。

    To move a mountain, having the will is not enough. You also need a bulldozer.

  23. 美国有国防自主权,而欧洲的这一权利徒有其表。

    While the US has defence sovereignty, Europe pretends to have it.

  24. 屋内徒有一张日历, 公告牌和几张报纸。

    Just a calendar remained, along with a couple of bulletin boards and newspaper clippings about teachers pay.

  25. 而流氓则徒有匹夫之蛮勇四肢发达头脑简单。

    And the PiFu is ACTS have hooligans limbs developed simpleminded foolhardy.

  26. 这世上最要紧的是有冲劲,但虚有其表则要命了。

    It is most important in this world to be pushing, but it is fatal to seem so.

  27. 徒有绝佳的记性而无知识就像空有纺锤而无纺线。

    A man of great memory without learning, has a rock and a spindle, and no stuff to spin.

  28. 广告只想把一些徒有其名的劣质货卖给你。

    The advertisement only attempts you to buy some apple of sodom.

  29. 一个家,并不仅仅只是一个徒有四壁有房顶的地方而已。

    Xxx, a home is not just a place with four walls under one roof.

  30. 虽然外形变成了一些令人讨厌的小怪物,但都徒有其表。

    It had assumed the forms of obnoxious little monsters, but not their essence.


  1. 问:徒有其表拼音怎么拼?徒有其表的读音是什么?徒有其表翻译成英文是什么?

    答:徒有其表的读音是túyǒuqíbiǎo,徒有其表翻译成英文是 Look impressive but worthless

