




1. 发 [fā]2. 发 [fà]发 [fā]交付,送出:分~。~放。~行(批发)。放,射:~射。百~百中。焕~。表达,阐述:~表。~凡(陈述某一学科或一本书的要旨)。阐~。散开,分散:~散。开展,张大,扩大:~展。~扬。打开,揭露:~现……



汉语拼音:bèng fā








  1. 向四周强烈地放射出。

    清 刘大櫆 《郭昆甫时文序》:“且夫文章得天地之菁英而光彩迸发,不可蔽掩。”

  2. 由内而外地突然发出;爆发。

    杨朔 《潼关之夜》:“遏制不住的笑声从她的嘴里迸发出来,仿佛 黄河 的浪花,四处飞溅着。” 徐迟 《哥德巴赫猜想·生命之树常绿》:“ 胡先生 在讲话,激情如喷泉迸发。” 穆青 陆拂为 等《为了周总理的嘱托》二:“长期埋在他内心的感情,一下子都迸发出来了。”



  1. 'He began to knead my whole body as if it were clay, while from him emanated a heat which scorched me and melted me. '


  2. The baby's crying sound, Chen in heaven suddenly inspiration impulse, a set of new thoughts like a meteor flash in his mind.


  3. Just as Elijah finished his prayer and everyone stood silently watching, fire burst out of the alter and everything was covered in flames.


  4. "Who would have imagined, " he said, "that Franklin was capable of such poems, such painting, such force, such fire! "


  5. She bursts into her first sentences as though she's just walked out of the theater and begun ventilating two-hours of pent-up responses.


  6. My anger flared like a fire suddenly out of control provoked by something she did to show she cared.


  7. He was aware that a change had occurred in the quality of her silence, in the silence something waited, ready to spring.


  8. And so I thought that this was sort of the end of the story.


  9. Those that might have sold you out or have given up on you, will see a bright light shining within you & know you were right.


  1. 迸发,爆炸。

    To erupt or explode.

  2. 誓言的迸发

    A volley of oaths.

  3. 感情的迸发

    outburst of feeling

  4. 爱国狂热的迸发

    an outbreak of patriotic frenzy

  5. 沸腾迸发,热狂

    L ebullire ebullient bubble outebullience cy.

  6. 喷泉为什么会迸发

    Why Does a Geyser Erupt

  7. 起初将迸发火星。

    There will be some sparking initially.

  8. 迸发性内障

    complicated cataract

  9. 烟火点燃後火花迸发。

    There is a sudden sparkle as the fireworks is lit.

  10. 迸发出心灵的火花

    ignite the sparks of understanding

  11. 一道闪电迸发出来了。

    There, came a burst of light.

  12. 精力的迸发, 突发的怒火

    a sudden spurt of energy, anger

  13. 烟火点燃后火花迸发。

    There was a sudden sparkle as the fireworks was lit.

  14. 抵不住火花的迸发。

    Cannot resist the spark bursting out.

  15. 火焰跳跃着迸发出火星。

    The flames leaped and sparkled.

  16. 大厅里迸发出一阵笑声。

    There was an outburst of laughter in the hall.

  17. 如果经常迸发出这种火焰。

    If often leaps out of the flames.

  18. 那是我迸发灵感之时。

    That is my inspired time.

  19. 火中迸发的一串火星

    a shower of sparks from the fire

  20. 剧院迸发出一阵大笑声。

    There was an explosion of laughter coming from the theater.

  21. 狂热的激情, 暴怒, 感情的迸发

    Violent passions, rages, fits, etc

  22. 一片自然迸发的赞美声

    spontaneous outpourings of praise.

  23. 激情迸发的。感情冲动的。狂怒的

    Full of strong feeling, violent outbursts, anger, etc

  24. 热烈的掌声, 有如春雷迸发。

    Applause broke out like spring thunder.

  25. 热烈的掌声,犹如春雷迸发。

    Applause broke out like spring thunder.

  26. 呼吸 你要感受情感的迸发

    Breathe. You're going to experience a rush of emotion.

  27. 激烈的迸发暴怒或激烈争论的流露

    A display of rage or fierce contention.

  28. 恰如从琴弦中迸发出的声响,

    They spoke as chords do from the string

  29. 它是激情迸发的即兴创作。哟!

    It was the improvisation of the ebullition.

  30. 一阵欢呼声迸发出的一阵掌声或欢呼。

    A single outburst, as of applause or cheering.


  1. 问:迸发拼音怎么拼?迸发的读音是什么?迸发翻译成英文是什么?

    答:迸发的读音是bèngfā,迸发翻译成英文是 burst out



迸发,词语,读作“bèng fā”,意思是由内而外地突然发出。