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1. 血 [xuè]2. 血 [xiě]血 [xuè]人或动物体内循环系统的不透明液体,大多为红色,主要成分为“血浆”、“血细胞”和“血小板”。味咸而腥:~型。~脂。~压。~糖。~迹。~汗。~泪。~洗。~书。~雨腥风。~海深仇。人类因生育而……
1. 仇 [chóu]2. 仇 [qiú]仇 [chóu]深切的怨恨:~敌。~恨。~视。疾恶如~。同~敌忾(全体一致痛恨敌人)。仇 [qiú]古同“逑”,匹配。姓。……
汉语拼音:xuè chóu
亦作“ 血讎 ”。指有亲人被杀害的仇恨。
晋 葛洪 《<抱朴子>自叙》:“见侵者则恨之入骨,剧於血讎。”
唐 韩愈 《祭马仆射文》:“惟 蔡 及 许 ,旧为血仇。命公并侯,耕借之牛,束其弓矢,礼让优优。” 明 沉德符 《野获编补遗·土司·缅甸盛衰始末》:“ 景泰 二年, 缅 人入 麓川 ,又执 思机法 以去。至五年三月,献俘於朝,自是 麓川 与 缅 世为血仇。”
The assembly must protect the one accused of murder from the avenger of blood and send him back to the city of refuge to which he fled.
会众要救这误杀人的脱离报血仇人的手,也要使他归入逃城。Then said she, I pray thee, let the king remember Jehovah thy God, that the avenger of blood destroy not any more, lest they destroy my son.
妇人说:「愿王记念耶和华你的神,不许报血仇的人施行灭绝,恐怕他们灭绝我的儿子。」There was a blood feud between the two families.
这两个家族间有血仇。The avenger of blood shall put the murderer to death when he meets him.
报血仇的一遇见就杀他。and the avenger of blood finds him outside the city, the avenger of blood may kill the accused without being guilty of murder.
报血仇的在逃城境外遇见他,将他杀了,报血仇的就没有流血之罪。so that anyone who kills a person accidentally and unintentionally may flee there and find protection from the avenger of blood.
使那无心而误杀人的,可以逃到那里。这些城可以作你们逃避报血仇人的地方。the assembly must judge between him and the avenger of blood according to these regulations.
会众就要照典章,在打死人的和报血仇的中间审判。They avenged their father's blood.
他们为他父亲报了血仇。5And if the avenger of blood pursue after him, then they shall not deliver the slayer up into his hand;