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Facing up to ideology interpellation, the intellectuals always represent the subjective state of themselves in their creative expression.
面对意识形态的质询,知识分子写作者往往在富于创造性的言说中表现出自身的主体性存在。The Member asking a question is allowed to ask a short supplementary question on his question.
提出质询的议员可就其质询提出一项简短的补充质询。What percentage of the total amount in question will be good for you after the money is in your account?
多少百分比的总金额在质询会善于为您后,钱是在您的帐户吗?Goldman Sachs slid 2. 5 percent as the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission said the bank had not complied with requests for documents.
金融危机质询委员会(FCIC)表示高盛未能按时向委员会提交相关文档而接受询问,高盛股价下降2.Some could argue he's got such a talent, why aren't we doing more for him in terms of touring galleries every weekend.
有人可能质询他这么有天才,为什么我们不为他做得更多些,诸如每个周末环游各个画廊。However, Naoto Kan answer questions when called in on the matter fully I do not know.
但是菅直人在回答议员质询时称其对此事完全不知。Local-media reports, which weren't confirmed, said the questioning involved the disappearance of a prototype iPhone.
据未经证实的当地媒体报道说,质询涉及一部iPhone样机的失踪。Mr. Halter had never been permitted to question him, nor had Mr. Castro-Wright's computer files been examined, records and interviews show.
记录和采访显示,哈尔特始终未被允许向他发出质询,卡斯特罗-赖特的电脑文件也从未受到检查。Mr. de Maistre repeated his denial when questioned by police Tuesday, people familiar with the matter said.