


唱:~唱。~咏。~颂。~坛。~台舞榭。~舞。能~善舞。能唱的文词:唱~。~谱。~词。~诀。民~。诗~。~行(xíng )(旧诗的一种体裁,音节、格律比较自由)。诗言志,~咏言。……





汉语拼音:gē hóu







  1. 唱歌人的嗓子。多借指歌声。

    唐 白居易 《寄明州于驸马使君》诗:“ 何郎 小妓歌喉好, 严老 呼为一串珠。” 宋 刘过 《水调歌头·寿王汝良》词:“此曲为君寿,为我唤歌喉。” 袁枚 《随园诗话》卷十三引 清 李啸村 《夜泛红桥》诗:“一串歌喉风动水,轻舟围住画桥西。” 郭小川 《我们歌唱黄河》诗:“扬起你的歌喉,兄弟,泛起你的酒窝呀,朋友!”



  1. I thought he said he was shy about singing?


  2. With neither a brilliant plumage nor a melodic song to set it apart from other birds, the crow might seem to have been dealt a low blow.


  3. Joanna went on her way singing, and it seemed as if her voice was lovelier than that of a bird.


  4. Day one brought much talk of "patriotism" and "nationalism" with a nod and a wink. There was some singing too (see our video above).


  5. The door opened , and out stepped singer Vic Damone, who began to entertain .


  6. Karen had not only a voice that was heaven-sent, but a personality that warmed the lives of everyone who had met and known her.


  7. I'm afraid that due to the illness, the man whom you've all come to hear will not be performing tonight.


  8. His hopes of becoming a professional singer were dashed when doctors told him he would never sing again.


  9. Again like Cagney, he compensated for his passable singing and dancing abilities with all-out conviction and stole all his scenes.


  1. 赐予我美妙歌喉。

    Nd the skills on the mic.

  2. 放开歌喉,歌唱着夏季。

    Singest of summer in fullthroated ease.

  3. 我听见她迷人的歌喉。

    I hear her charm the air.

  4. 特蕾西歌喉非常动听。

    Tracy here has an incredible singing voice.

  5. 特蕾西歌喉非常动听。

    Tracy here has an incredible singing voice.

  6. 歌喉极佳的男中音

    A baritone in excellent voice.

  7. 她歌喉甜美, 音域奇广。

    She has a marvellous voice with an extraordinary range.

  8. 她有一副甜美的歌喉。

    She possesses a beautiful singing voice.

  9. 日落, 她的歌喉, 诗作之美

    the beauty of the sunset, of her singing, of poetry

  10. 她夸耀自己有优美的歌喉。

    She boasted of having a fine voice.

  11. 她唱了歌, 她的歌喉无可比拟

    She sang, in her own inimitaBle fashion.

  12. 她歌喉之美如闻天籁。

    The celestial beauty of her voice.

  13. 没人有她那么响亮的歌喉。

    Nobody can belt out a tune like she can.

  14. 她那歌喉的魅力令观众陶醉。

    The magic of her voice charmed the audience.

  15. 那个美妙歌喉属于英国艺人蒂朵。

    That beautiful voice belongs to UK artist Dido.

  16. 他用美妙歌喉迷住了这群人。

    He magnetized the crowd with his beautiful voice.

  17. 微寒却不刺骨,靓鸟歌喉嘹亮。

    Cold doth not sting, the pretty birds do sing.

  18. 你洁白的清辉浸润着它们的歌喉,

    With thy white beams across their throats

  19. 我不会干涉你的服装或者歌喉

    I'm not interfering with your image or your sound.

  20. 成年人们在展现他们的优美歌喉。

    The Chinese school adult choir displaying their vocal talents.

  21. 高于男中音的成年男子歌喉。

    the adult male singing voice above baritone.

  22. 那歌手美丽的歌喉吸引住了观众。

    The beauty of the singer's voice enthralled the audience.

  23. 那歌手美丽得歌喉吸引住了观众。

    The beauty of the singer's voice enthralled the audience.

  24. 音色乐器或歌喉与其它不同的音调

    The distinctive tone of an instrument or a singing voice.

  25. 演员们敞开歌喉,毫不拘束地唱了起来。

    Open voice actors without binding up to sing.

  26. 他有一副深沉的男低音歌喉。

    He has a rich bass voice.

  27. 这可是我一展歌喉的好机会啊。

    This is a great chance for me to show off my voice.

  28. 这可是我一展歌喉得好机会啊。

    This is a great chance for me to show off my voice.

  29. 我还以为他说他不好意思一展歌喉呢。

    I thought he said he was shy about singing

  30. 远方人儿刚刚卸装回了家,歌喉嘹亮。

    Distant person just uninstall home, loud and clear voice.


  1. 问:歌喉拼音怎么拼?歌喉的读音是什么?歌喉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:歌喉的读音是gēhóu,歌喉翻译成英文是 singing voice; singer's voice

  2. 问:歌喉讚拼音怎么拼?歌喉讚的读音是什么?歌喉讚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:歌喉讚的读音是,歌喉讚翻译成英文是 Pitch Perfect



拼音:gē hóu

注音:ㄍㄜ ㄏㄡˊ


解释: [singer’s voice] 指唱歌人的音色,也指歌声 歌喉婉转 引证

解释:唱歌人的嗓子。多借指歌声。 唐 白居易 《寄明州于驸马使君》诗:“ 何郎 小妓歌喉好, 严老 呼为一串珠。” 宋 刘过 《水调歌头·寿王汝良》词:“此曲为君寿,为我唤歌喉。” 袁枚 《随园诗话》卷十三引 清 李啸村 《夜泛红桥》诗:“一串歌喉风动水,轻舟围住画桥西。” 郭小川 《我们歌唱黄河》诗:“扬起你的歌喉,兄弟,泛起你的酒窝呀,朋友!”