




物体的周围部分,外缘:~缘。~沿。国家或地区交界处:~疆。~界。~防。~境。~陲(边境)。几何学上指夹成角或围成多角形的直线:等~三角形。旁侧,近旁:身~。~锋。方面:~干(gàn )~学。表示方位:上~。外~。姓。……



汉语拼音:yè biān








  1. One of the most effective means of absorbing knowledge from a book is to make intelligent notes in the margins.


  2. Use the Align Along Margins check box to align objects with the margins of the page, or to center the objects on the page.


  3. It may be placed in the margin or another location. This method is useful as an alternative to a table for placing icons beside paragraphs.


  4. He made notes in the margins and corrected some of the equations.


  5. You see the dark line on the side and the top.


  6. Side sewing Binding by sewing through the sides of the gathered sections . A method commonly used to bind classical Chinese books .


  7. ing by sewing through the sides of the gathered sections. A method commonly used to bind classical Chinese books.


  8. Rather, you can make it part of your master page, so it always shows up in the margin.


  9. She widened the margin of her paper to make it look longer.


  1. 页边的注解,标记等。

    marginal notes, marks, etc

  2. 页边得插图很有趣。

    The marginal illustration is very interesting.

  3. 他在页边加了评注。

    He inserted a comment in the margin.

  4. 页边距, 也可以自己指定页边距。

    Page margins or you can specify your own.

  5. 写在页边空白处的注解

    notes written in the margin

  6. 他在页边空白处做笔记。

    He made some notes in the margin.

  7. 他在页边空缺处做笔记。

    He made some notes in the margin.

  8. 单击所需的页边距类型。

    Click the margin type that you want.

  9. 对左, 右页边的竖向对齐。

    The vertical alignment of right or left margins.

  10. 在一页的页边空白处作注解。

    Make notes on the margin of a page.

  11. 在页边空白处写上一注解。

    To inscribe or enter in the margin of a page.

  12. 在页边作个记号表示有遗漏。

    Put a mark in the margin to show the omission.

  13. 有人在页边空白用草书注释。

    Someone had scribbled some notes in the margin of the book.

  14. 这本书里有很多页边注解。

    Are lots of marginal notes in this book.

  15. 他在页边草草地加了个注解。

    He jotted a note in the margin.

  16. 有人在页边空白处做了笔记。

    Someone's made notes in the margin.

  17. 这些人甚至都不在页边里了。

    These people do not exist even in the margin.

  18. 您还可以指定自己的页边距设置。

    You can also specify your own margin settings.

  19. 她在页边的空白处写下了评语。

    She added her comments in the margin.

  20. 请在每页上留下一英尺的页边距。

    Finally, please margin an inch on each page.

  21. 请在每页上留下一英尺得页边距。

    Finally, please margin an inch on each page.

  22. 页边距也影响印刷材料的易读性。

    Margins also affect the legibility of printed material.

  23. 页边距也影响印刷材料得易读性。

    Margins also affect the legibility of printed material.

  24. 旁注在左页边距放置得框架得样式。

    A style for placing a frame beside the left margin.

  25. 旁注在左页边距放置的框架的样式。

    A style for placing a frame beside the left margin.

  26. 毛边的未切开或修整页边的,用于书

    Having the page edge not slit or trimmed. Used of a book.

  27. 编辑在页边的空白处写了许多意见。

    The editor had written numerous suggestions into the margins.

  28. 编辑在页边得空白处写了许多意见。

    The editor had written numerous suggestions into the margins.

  29. 在其中一页的页边空白处有一些字迹。

    There was some writing in the margins on one of the pages.

  30. 图形对象的轮廓与最近的页边距对齐。

    To the page margins aligns the contour of the graphic object to the nearest page margin.


  1. 问:页边距拼音怎么拼?页边距的读音是什么?页边距翻译成英文是什么?

    答:页边距的读音是yè biān jù,页边距翻译成英文是 page margin

  2. 问:页边空白拼音怎么拼?页边空白的读音是什么?页边空白翻译成英文是什么?

    答:页边空白的读音是,页边空白翻译成英文是 margin

  3. 问:页边签字拼音怎么拼?页边签字的读音是什么?页边签字翻译成英文是什么?

    答:页边签字的读音是yè biān qiān zì,页边签字翻译成英文是 marginal signature

  4. 问:页边行数拼音怎么拼?页边行数的读音是什么?页边行数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:页边行数的读音是,页边行数翻译成英文是 runners

  5. 问:页边说明拼音怎么拼?页边说明的读音是什么?页边说明翻译成英文是什么?

    答:页边说明的读音是yè biān shuō míng,页边说明翻译成英文是 marginalia