如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 戏 [xì]2. 戏 [hū]戏 [xì]玩耍:游~。儿~。嬉~。~豫(嬉游逸乐)。二龙~珠。嘲弄,开玩笑:~言。~弄。~谑(用诙谐有趣的话开玩笑)。演员在舞台上化装表演故事的艺术:~剧。~文。~码(戏曲演出的节目)。~剧性。指具体剧……
汉语拼音:xì fǎ
我国传统杂技之一。表演者以敏捷的手法,造成观众视听上的错觉,表演各种物体、动物或水火等迅速增减隐现的变化。我国戏法历史悠久,据 汉 张衡 《西京赋》载,远在 汉 代就有吞刀、吐火、画地成川等节目。
宋 代称“藏挟技”。见 宋 陈旸 《乐书》卷一八七。 明 清 称“戏法”或“戏术”。今多称“魔术”。
瞿秋白 《<鲁迅杂感选集>序言》:“统治者不能够完全只靠大炮机关枪,一定需要某种‘意识代表’。这些代表们的虚伪和戏法是无穷的。” 浩然 《艳阳天》第十四章:“用不着慌张,我倒要看看,他们还有什么戏法变!”
But this was one of the rare occasions when Rooney saved the day on his own foot, scoring a hat trick to propel United to a 4-2 victory.
但当鲁尼用他的脚完成帽子戏法使球队以4-2反败为胜时,这变成稀罕的事件之一。Hats off to the Nerazzurri and a particular thank you to the hordes of fans who made the journey to see us play today.
对于今天赶到球场特意为我们鼓劲的球迷们,我们用一个帽子戏法作为回报,以次来感谢你们的热情。It was the only triple of the competition and a perfect response to heavy criticism received after the group defeat against Japan.
这是本届比赛唯一一个帽子戏法,同时这也是球队在小组赛上输给日本队后所承受的严厉批评的完美回应。Wit is often a mask. If you could tear it you would find either a genius irritated or cleverness juggling.
风趣常常是一副面具。如果将它撕扯下来,你会发现一个恼羞成怒的天才,或是耍着戏法的小聪明。He was a prestidigitator who entertained the children by pulling rabbits out of hats, swallowing fire, and other similar tricks.
能从帽子里拉出兔子、吞火和玩其他类似的把戏的人不就是变戏法的人吗?These were things the ruling priestesses did not heed, expecting meat and cheese to appear at their tables as if by magic.
这些事领头的祭司们根本不会在意,照样期望着肉和乳酪出现在餐桌,这一切不是变戏法。He was angry because his visitor did not watch him as he began to do his trick, but nevertheless went cheerfully to work.
他很生气,因为那顾客并没有看他怎样变戏法,然而他还是兴致勃勃地搞下去。But would such a sleight of hand really stand up to legal scrutiny in the aftermath of Armageddon?
但这种戏法真的经得起末日审判的法律审查吗?The little Klaus thought for a moment and said, "The little juggler in my bag asked us to look in the fireplace. "