




1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:dāo zǐ






  1. 小刀。

    北魏 贾思勰 《齐民要术·养牛马驴骡》:“缠刀子,露锋刃一寸,刺咽喉,令溃破,即愈。”《红楼梦》第四四回:“你要不实説,立刻拿刀子来割你的肉!” 陈映真 《夜行货车》二:“然而她近乎惊惶地抑制着自己激动的感情,用力眨着眼,握紧刀子。”



  1. Now, essentially we're in the same position we were in with the knife trick. (Laughter) Sort of.


  2. Pretty soon he was all tired out, and dropped down with his back against the door, and said he would rest a minute and then kill me.


  3. Nothing like a nice barroom brawl. . . so easy to stick a knife in a man's back or club him with a bottle when he's lying under a table.


  4. It was the cook who was leaning forward now over the figure in the bed. His arm swung up and a long knife plunged down.


  5. "One soldier held down each one of them with a boot; another came with a knife, " he said. "I could hear their screams. "


  6. Deng said she pulled out a knife after the men repeatedly dragged her back as she tried to leave.


  7. The knife was stuck but she pulled it out with a jerk.


  8. 'You seem to have a lurking desire to have your gizzard slit, and imagine every man has his knife up his sleeve for you, ' Birkin said.


  9. With a long, thin bladed knife, cut a five or six-sided opening out on the top of the pumpkin around the stem.


  1. 刀子脏了。

    This knife is dirty.

  2. 背后捅刀子

    stab in the back.

  3. 刀子的尖端

    The point of a knife.

  4. 钝刀子割肉

    cut flesh with a blunt knife

  5. 这刀子很钝。

    The knife has no edge.

  6. 她递还刀子。

    She handed the knife back.

  7. 刀子嘴, 豆腐心。

    His bark is worse than his bite.

  8. 刀子嘴,豆腐心。

    His bark is worse than his bite .

  9. 他用刀子捅盖子。

    He jabbed at the lid with a knife.

  10. 他用刀子削铅笔。

    He pointed the pencil with a knife.

  11. 我要你得刀子。

    I want your knife.

  12. 我要你的刀子。

    I want your knife.

  13. 他用刀子吓唬我。

    He tried to frighten me by showing me a knife.

  14. 他把刀子当用。

    He employed his knife as a lever.

  15. 智力是一把刀子

    The intellect is a cleaver

  16. 我用刀子切蛋糕。

    I cut the cake with knife.

  17. 快把刀子放下来!

    Put the knife down immediately!

  18. 挥舞枪, 刀子, 斧头等

    brandish a gun, a knife, an axe, etc

  19. 刀子是用来切物品。

    Knives are not employ for cutting stuff.

  20. 那把刀子很好切。

    That knife cuts well.

  21. 珍妮,请递给我刀子。

    Please pass me knife, Jenny.

  22. 用刀子将苹果切开

    Cleave an apple with a knife

  23. 我用刀子打开它的。

    I opened it with a knife.

  24. 以淬火使刀子变硬

    to stiffen a knife by quenching

  25. 我用刀子打开它得。

    I opened it with a knife .

  26. 刀子穿过他的胸腔。

    The knife penetrated his chest.

  27. 他用刀子向我刺来。

    He thrust at me with his knife.

  28. 刀子刺入他的手指。

    The knife penetrated his finger.

  29. 他把刀子当杠杆用。

    He employed his knife as a lever.

  30. 刀子利落地切开肉。

    The knife cut cleanly through the meat.


  1. 问:刀子拼音怎么拼?刀子的读音是什么?刀子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:刀子的读音是dāozi,刀子翻译成英文是 A small knife.




拼音:dāo zǐ 基本解释 1. [small knife]∶小刀,小的刀 2. [pocketknife]∶其刀身可折合于柄中以便放在口袋中携带的小刀 用力眨着眼,握紧刀子 详细解释 小刀。 北魏贾思勰《齐民要术·养牛马驴骡》:“缠刀子,露锋刃一寸,刺咽喉,令溃破,即愈。”《红楼梦》第四四回:“你要不实说,立刻拿刀子来割你的肉!”陈映真《夜行货车》二:“然而她近乎惊惶地抑制着自己激动的感情,用力眨着眼,握紧刀子。”