







汉语拼音:mù shì






  1. 犹墓庐。

    元 本 高明 《琵琶记·一门旌奖》:“自居墓室已三年,今日丹书下九天。”

  2. 犹墓穴。坟墓中放棺槨的处所。

    明 李贽 《又与周友山书》:“但念我既无眷属之乐,又无朋友之乐,煢然孤独,无与晤语,只有一塔墓室可以厝骸,可以娱老。”



  1. The King's chamber is located at the heart of the pyramid, only accessible through the Great Gallery and an ascending corridor.


  2. He continued to assign tasks: "Muras, call your four students, each put a bucket of water to the tomb, waiting for me. "


  3. I decided to stretch my legs before beginning the long trip home. I rode to the gate, killed the engine and laid the bike down.


  4. Originally sarcophagus in the tomb is not open, because there is no protection of the environment, may damage the mummy inside the body.


  5. The King's Chamber is not the center of mass of the Great Pyramid, rather it is where the primary energetic vortex is centered.


  6. The new cache was discovered at the end of a 36-foot shaft drilled into the side of the tomb during the 26th Dynasty.


  7. The myriads who built the pyramids to be the tombs of the Pharaohs were fed on garlic, and it may be were not decently buried themselves.


  8. Some of the stone houses, said study leader Brigitte Kovacevich, may have doubled as burial chambers for the city's early kings.


  9. Tut's Tomb But experts who have examined the case of Lord Carnarvon believe that tomb toxins played no role in his death.


  1. 李贤墓室壁画

    The frescoes in LI Xian s coffin chamber.

  2. 辽阳墓室壁画

    tomb chambers mural paintings in Liaoyang.

  3. 隋唐墓室壁画

    tomb mural paintings of Sui and Tang Dynasties

  4. 丁家闸墓室壁画

    tomb chamber mural paintings in Dingjiazha

  5. 墓穴, 墓室墓室, 尤指地下的

    A burial chamber, especially when underground.

  6. 嘉峪关魏晋墓室壁画

    mural paintings on tomb of Wei and Jin Dynasties in Jiayu Pass

  7. 我们跟随导游走进了墓室。

    We followed the guide into the grave.

  8. 战国早期曾国君主的墓室。

    Zeng early Warring States tomb of the monarchy.

  9. 她将被安葬在家族墓室中。

    She is to be buried in the family vault.

  10. 墓室平面呈长方形, 券顶, 单室。

    Tomb a rectangular plane, the top coupons, single room.

  11. 墓室一般由斜坡墓道、甬道和墓室组成。

    The coffin chamber commonly consists of slope aisle, corridor and vault.

  12. 泰姬陵的中心墓室错综复杂, 占地42英亩。

    The Taj Mahal itself forms the centerpiece of a 42acre complex.

  13. 在金字塔里面有国王和王后的墓室。

    Inside the pyramids are the burial rooms for kings and queens.

  14. 她被葬在家族的地下墓室内。

    She was buried in the family vault.

  15. 在金字塔里面有安葬国王和王后的墓室。

    Inside the pyramids are the burial rooms for the kings and queens.

  16. 考古学家在墓室发现了一口古代石棺。

    Archaeologists found a sarcophagus in the burial chamber.

  17. 论南北朝墓室画像砖与画像石的艺术思想

    Discussion of The Artistic Ideas of Stone Reliefs In Coffin Chamber In The Northern And Southern Dynasties

  18. 墓室内照明很好,装备有通风机和气泵。

    The chambers are nicely lit and equipped with ventilators and air pumps.

  19. 我们把死去的人埋在邸宫下面的墓室里。

    We had buried our dead in the rooms under the palace.

  20. 埃及金字塔是从古埃及墓室发展而来的。

    The Egyptian pyramids developed from the mastaba.

  21. 埃及金字塔是从古埃及墓室发展而来的。

    The Egyptian pyramids developed from the mastaba.

  22. 墓室平面呈圆形,采用仿木结构的建筑形式。

    There are abundant burial things, such as potteries, porcelains and so on.

  23. 最后他也告诉了他们墓室里所发生的事。

    He finally told them what had happened in the tomb.

  24. 他的棺木被安放在当时的一个临时墓室里。

    His coffin was placed in what was to be a temporary vault.

  25. 在海边那儿的石墓穴? ? 在涛声回响的海边墓室里。

    In the sepulchre there by the sea ? In her tomb by the sounding sea.

  26. 埃及法老想他需要一个有几个墓室的陵墓。

    The Pharaoh of Egypt thought he would need a tomb with several chambers.

  27. 主要建筑有牌坊。墓道。陵门。碑亭和墓室等。

    The main structures consist of memorial archways, tomb passage, mausoleum gate, gateway pavilions and coffin chamber.

  28. 墓室内外灯光微暗,空气凝重肃穆,甚至有些阴森。

    Tomb and outside the darkened lights, air dignified silence, and even some ghastly.

  29. 此外,他的死发生在他首次进入墓室的数月之后。

    Plus, his death occurred months after his initial exposure to the tomb.

  30. 墓园看守人跑进墓室中,吓得当场傻眼了。

    The watchman ran into the vault and stood there in shock.


  1. 问:墓室拼音怎么拼?墓室的读音是什么?墓室翻译成英文是什么?

    答:墓室的读音是mùshì,墓室翻译成英文是 tomb; coffin chamber


