







汉语拼音:liǔ shù






  1. The Mole, greatly wondering, obeyed. 'I hear nothing myself, ' he said, 'but the wind playing in the reeds and rushes and osiers. '


  2. Down below us, where the escarpment levelled out, was a grassy field used for pasture, bounded by a line of pollarded willows.


  3. I sat there and wondered how he managed to see a self-pitying woman beneath an old willow tree.


  4. Liu Chi passing of the pace I can not help but stop, with a sense of achievement on the willow, I said: the tree, you are amazing!


  5. I reached the line of pollarded willows at the bottom of the hill, crossed a dry ditch and climbed through a barbed wire fence.


  6. The willow in the backyard is gone, but a small tree has grown up on the fence line east of the garden plot of corn.


  7. Next day he moved into a pollard willow near the lake, frightening the wild ducks and the water rats.


  8. It was about dark now; so I dropped the canoe down the river under some willows that hung over the bank, and waited for the moon to rise.


  9. In this stinking ditch fish can no longer stay does not go on, the Willow River has not been quite the .


  1. 柳树已经抽芽。

    Willows have burgeoned forth.

  2. 柳树已经发芽。

    Willows have burgeoned forth.

  3. 柳树在井边。

    The willow tree is by the well.

  4. 她访问过柳树。

    She accessed the willows.

  5. 柳树阴翳的河边

    river banks shaded by willows

  6. 柳树又添新绿。

    The willows grow fresh leaves.

  7. 柳树又添新绿。

    The willows grow fresh leaves.

  8. 大柳树水利枢纽

    daliushu hydro project

  9. 倾听柳树的悲叹

    Listen to the wailing of the willow tree

  10. 柳树开始抽芽了。

    The willow trees have begun to bud.

  11. 柳树成荫的, 多柳树的。

    Planted with or aboundingin willows.

  12. 柳树在风中悲泣

    willows sighing in the wind.

  13. 柳树开始抽条了。

    The wheat seeds have sprouted up.

  14. 柳树成荫得,多柳树得。

    Planted with or aboundingin willows.

  15. 柳树枝很柔软。

    Willow twigs are pliable.

  16. 柳树正开始飘絮。

    The willows are beginning to feather out.

  17. 这棵柳树空心了。

    The willow tree has become hollow inside.

  18. 该湖四周柳树环绕。

    The lake is ringed with willows.

  19. 街道两侧种着柳树。

    Willows are planted on both sides of the streets.

  20. 花园两侧是一些柳树。

    Some willows flank the garden.

  21. 截去了树梢的柳树

    pollarded willows

  22. 柳树被风吹弯了。

    The willow trees are bending before the wind.

  23. 柳树被风吹弯了。

    The willow trees are bending before the wind.

  24. 游泳池四周围绕着柳树。

    An encincture of willows rings the swimming pool.

  25. 瞧湖里柳树的倒影。

    Look at the willows reflected in the lake.

  26. 瞧湖里柳树得倒影。

    Look at the willows reflected in the lake.

  27. 这些柳树需截去树梢。

    The willows need to is pollarded.

  28. 无花被的无花被的, 如柳树的花。

    Having no perianth, as the flowers of a willow.

  29. 她一哭就在柳树下。

    She cried under a willow.

  30. 沿河长着一排柳树。

    A row of willows stands on the riverside.


  1. 问:柳树拼音怎么拼?柳树的读音是什么?柳树翻译成英文是什么?

    答:柳树的读音是liǔshù,柳树翻译成英文是 willow

  2. 问:柳树沟拼音怎么拼?柳树沟的读音是什么?柳树沟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:柳树沟的读音是Liǔshùgōu,柳树沟翻译成英文是 Liushugou

  3. 问:柳树泉拼音怎么拼?柳树泉的读音是什么?柳树泉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:柳树泉的读音是Liǔshùquán,柳树泉翻译成英文是 Liushuquan

  4. 问:柳树第一隧道拼音怎么拼?柳树第一隧道的读音是什么?柳树第一隧道翻译成英文是什么?

    答:柳树第一隧道的读音是liǔshù dì yī suìdào,柳树第一隧道翻译成英文是 Yusu Tunnel 1

  5. 问:柳树第二隧道拼音怎么拼?柳树第二隧道的读音是什么?柳树第二隧道翻译成英文是什么?

    答:柳树第二隧道的读音是liǔshù dì èr suìdào,柳树第二隧道翻译成英文是 Yusu Tunnel 2



柳树是一类植物的总称:旱柳 Salix matsudana Koidz.、腺柳 Salix chaenomeloides Kimura、垂柳 Salix babylonica Linn.、枫杨 Pterocarya stenoptera C. DC. 柳树种类多,容易杂交。杂种生长势和适应性强,且易无性繁殖,可从天然或人工杂种群体内选择,通过无性繁殖,获得优良无性系品种;另外,也可用植物组织培养的方法快速获取大量优质树苗。以园林观赏为主的育种,应重点改良其枝叶及树形,提高抗污染、耐修剪整形的能力。
