


1. 头 [tóu]2. 头 [tou]头 [tóu]人身体的最上部分或动物身体的最前的部分:~骨。~脑。~脸(a.头和脸;b.指面貌;c.指面子,体面)。~角(jiǎo )(喻青年的气概或才华)。指头发或所留头发的样式:留~。剃~。物体的……





汉语拼音:tóu xiān









  1. 起先;早先。


  2. 首先,最重要。




  1. Okay. Hasek went over to see if he was okay. But. . . he had his head down! -If you're a goalie, what are you supposed to do? Come on!


  2. Jack explains that the wildlife preserve they were in actually hides an underground detention facility where Victor Drazen is being held.


  3. Peter fell down head first; but it was of no consequence, as the bed below was newly raked and quite soft.


  4. Radiographic pelvimetry is of limited value in managing most cephalic presentations.


  5. Usually, babies are born with the head emerging first.


  6. I may have been about 8 at the time and I couldn't fathom letting my head hit the water first.


  7. When young porpoise birth, the tail first leaves, because if first leaves, can have the danger which is drown to death.


  8. To land, put the nose of the board down. You can also land both feet at the same time. Bend your knees to absorb the impact of the landing.


  9. Fish begins to stink at the end.


  1. 鱼要腐烂头先臭。

    Fish begin to stink at the head.

  2. 好像那时候我八岁, 想不明白要怎样让我的头先入水。

    I may have been about 8 at the time and I couldnt fathom letting my head hit the water first.

  3. 前卫, 先头部队

    advance guard

  4. 先遣队, 先头部队

    advance party

  5. 先遣队,先头部队。

    Advance party.

  6. 先头部队打响了。

    The advance detachment has engaged the enemy.

  7. 先锋。前锋。先头部队

    person or group that begins or leads an attack

  8. 先头部队与敌人遭遇。

    The advance unit encountered the enemy.

  9. 先头部队已看见了敌人。

    The advance troops have sighted the enemy.

  10. 先头部队跟敌人接火了。

    The advanced detachment has started to exchange fire with the enemy.

  11. 我们是先头部队,大军随后就到。

    We are the advance detachment. The main forces will be here soon.

  12. 士兵们拼命地跑, 想赶上先头部队。

    The soldiers ran hard and tried to catch up to the advanced battalion

  13. 我先头部队已于5月30日抵达该城近郊。

    Our forward troops teached the outskirts of the city on May 30.

  14. 团部命令二连担任先头部队, 四连殿后。

    The regimental headquarters ordered the second company to take the lead and the fourth company to bring up the rear.

  15. 先头部队受到掩体中交叉火力的攻击而撤退。

    The leading companies recoiled from the murderous crossfire from the pillboxes.

  16. 黄昏时分,埃及普塔军团先头部队赶到,加入战斗。

    Dusk, Egypt Legion spearheads Gupta arrived to join the fighting.

  17. 先头部队将会在地下向前不停地推进30天。

    The lead crews will be underground for pushing 28 days straight.

  18. 很快,装甲先头部队就从周围接近了他们的猎物。

    Soon, panzer spearheads were closing around their prey.

  19. 西非经共体当前正在最后确定先头部队行动的概念。

    The Economic Community of West African States is currently finalizing the concept of operations of the vanguard force.

  20. 其后,侵略军的飞船紧急撤退,遗下了先头部队在蓝星。

    Since then, forces emergency evacuation of the spacecraft, leaving the vanguard in the Blue Star.

  21. 那个孩子去找妈妈, 头却先着地摔在他妈妈跟前。

    The child leaned towards his mother and fell headlong in front of her.

  22. 无论何种头面罩,先从上面拆下呼吸管。

    Disconnect breathing tube from any attached headgear.

  23. 我教你。你先洗头,然后用温热的清水漂洗两次。

    Let me show you. First you wash your hair,then rinse it twice with clean warm water.

  24. 让我教你,你先洗头,然后用温热的清水漂洗两次。

    Let me show you. First you wash your hair, then rinse it twice with clean warm water.

  25. 请你先开个头。

    Would you make a start?

  26. 好歹我先开个头。

    Let me make a start, anyhow.

  27. 他一只大脚先迈上了头一个台阶,就停下了。

    He put one enormous foot on the first step, and then he stopped.

  28. 他们明天所要讨论的问题是哪一组先开个头。

    It is which group is to have the first move that they will discuss tomorrow.

  29. 他们既然要射杀那男孩为什么还先在他头下面放个枕头?

    Why would they put a pillow under the boy's head just to shoot him?

  30. 请先给我洗头。

    I'd like a shampoo first, please.


  1. 问:头先露拼音怎么拼?头先露的读音是什么?头先露翻译成英文是什么?

    答:头先露的读音是tóu xiān lù,头先露翻译成英文是 cephalic presentation


头先 tóu xiān(1).起先;早先。《水浒传》第二八回:“看看天色晚来,只见头先那个人,又顶一个盒子入来。”《金瓶梅词话》第五十回:“头先,爹在屋里来,向床背阁抽梯内翻了一回去了。”(2).首先,最重要。《水浒传》第二四回:“便是老身十病九痛,怕有些山高水低,头先要制办些送终衣服。”