


1. 令 [líng]2. 令 [lǐng]3. 令 [lìng]令 [líng]〔~狐〕a.古地名,在今山西省临猗县一带;b.复姓。令 [lǐng]量词,印刷用的原张平版纸五百张为一令。令 [lìng]上级对下级的指示:命~。法~。朝(z……









汉语拼音:lìng rén tòng xīn









  1. Sixth, talked to me again allowed a fit of anger, are not allowed to happen again yesterday afternoon, things to see you more sad ah!


  2. Puris's death was a grievous loss, as he held so many British, American, and Canadian threads in his hands.


  3. But these events are, at the least, misguided and offensive, and it is painful to see squirming senior Tories trying to argue otherwise.


  4. that it is painful to think of the multitude of people living in the midst of it and yet remaining almost blind to it.


  5. I think I just realized that, you know, it's a bad loss, but I was mentally really tough.


  6. LIFE of PI All of life is an act of letting go, but what hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye.


  7. But it's painful to see so much corruption, especially among high-ranking officials.


  8. I can only posit a theory, but I tend to blame the higher rate of mortifying sex scenes in novels by men on the nature of their fantasies.


  9. To lose the long-distance migrations performed by some species would be a grievous diminution.


  1. 一次令人痛心的失败

    a mortifying defeat

  2. 竞选失败令人痛心失望。

    Losing the election was a sore disappointment.

  3. 这样浪费粮食令人痛心。

    It is distressing to see food being wasted like this.

  4. 她的去世实在令人痛心。

    Her death was a real grief.

  5. 伊拉克文物浩劫令人痛心

    Looting of Baghdad artefacts a crying shame

  6. 我不想写,那些令人痛心的话。

    I do not want to write, those sad words.

  7. 这是针对我们社会的令人痛心的评论。

    This is a sad commentary on our society.

  8. 这是非常令人痛心的,尤其是她的妈妈。

    It's heartbreaking to see, especially for her mom.

  9. 不是告别令人痛心,而是别后的回忆。

    Not farewell distressing memories, but parted.

  10. 令人痛心的买卖。一个人的灵魂交换一块面包。

    A soul for a morsel of bread.

  11. 更令人痛心的是, 有时我们的亲人也令我们失望。

    Most painfully of all, sometimes our relatives have let us down.

  12. 联合国分歧严重是一个令人痛心的事实。

    It is a painful reality that the United Nations is deeply divided.

  13. 这其中一个令人痛心的例子与救护车有关。

    A heartrending example involves ambulances.

  14. 这其中一个令人痛心得例子与救护车有关。

    A heartrending example involves ambulances.

  15. 看到他与罪犯同流合污真令人痛心。

    It's sad to see that he's flung in his lot with criminals.

  16. 我们认为,这是安全理事会令人痛心的一天。

    In our view, this is a sad day for the Security Council.

  17. 这样浪费粮食令人痛心。他是个爱挥霍浪费的人。

    It is distressing to see food being wasted like this. He is a wasteful man.

  18. 互联网上竟然出现冲动自杀网站,实在令人痛心。

    Actuation suicide website appears actually on internet, make a person distressed really.

  19. 事情令人痛心,但我们必须在法律范畴内行事。

    The circumstances are tragic but we have to act within the law.

  20. 委员会令人痛心的报告完全被新闻媒体所忽略。

    The subcommittee's harrowing report was virtually ignored by the news media.

  21. 令人痛心的是,在这一时期也发生了许多悲剧。

    Sadly, this period has also witnessed many tragedies.

  22. 两国关系恶化到今天这个地步,是令人痛心的。

    It is saddening to see that relations between the two countries should have deteriorated to the present state.

  23. 他们的最终命运悲喜交加,天差地别,令人痛心。

    Their final fates vary from happy endings to tragic and heartbreaking deaths.

  24. 这是令人痛心的失败, 但我精神上还是很顽强的。

    I think I just realized that, you know, its a bad loss, but I was mentally really tough.

  25. 令人痛心的是,我们从祖先那里继承的是一个好的世界。

    The sad part is that we inherited a world that was good from our forefathers.

  26. 攻击人道主义工作人员和援助车队的事件特别令人痛心。

    Attacks on humanitarian workers and aid convoys are exceptionally deplorable.

  27. 当然失去惠勒,曾经被大片的休息室很长的时间,令人痛心。

    Certainly losing Wheeler, who has been a big piece of our bullpen for a long time, hurts.

  28. 从当时的情形看来, 北京之行看来是与他无缘了, 这令人痛心。

    Getting to Beijing seemed excruciatingly unlikely.

  29. 更令人痛心得是,有时我们得亲人也令我们失望。

    Most painfully of all, sometimes our relatives have let us down.

  30. 令人惊叹。

    It's amazing.


【名称】令人痛心【拼音】lìng rén tòng xīn【解释】指让人悲愤痛恨。【出处】邓小平《在北方局党校整风动员会上的讲话》:“特别是我们这些负责的同志还有不少的歪风,给予工作的损害也是令人痛心的。”