


1. 露 [lù]2. 露 [lòu]露 [lù]靠近地面的水蒸气,夜间遇冷凝结成的小水球:~水。白~。寒~。朝(zhāo )~。甘~。在室外,无遮盖:~天。~宿。~营。加入药料或果子汁制成的饮料或药剂:~酒。枇杷~。滋润:覆~万民。表现,……


1. 骨 [gǔ]2. 骨 [gū]骨 [gǔ]人和脊椎动物体内支持身体、保护内脏的坚硬组织:~头。~骼(全身骨头的总称)。~节。~肉(a.指最亲近的有血统关系的人,亦称“骨血”;b.喻紧密相连,不可分割的关系)。~干(gàn)。像骨的东西……



汉语拼音:lù gǔ








  1. 尸骨暴露。

    《晋书·成都王颖传》:“ 黄桥 战亡者有八千餘人,既经夏暑,露骨中野,可为伤惻。”

  2. 瘦骨嶙峋貌。

    宋 苏轼 《见长芦天禅师三绝》之一:“瑟瑟寒松露骨,耽耽病虎垂头。” 元 范梈 《题秋山图》诗:“江空石露骨,木落风无声。”

  3. 用意十分明显,毫不含蓄。

    明 谢榛 《四溟诗话》卷二:“大篇约为短章,涵蓄有味;短章化为大篇,敷演露骨。” 茅盾 《子夜》二:“大家一听这话太露骨,谁也不愿意多嘴。” 高云览 《小城春秋》第十三章:“ 秀苇 一看见 刘眉 的画高高挂在世界名画中间,不禁又格格笑起来,笑声公开的带着露骨的嘲讽。”



  1. In some cases they may have been genuinely mistaken, but in others the claims seem to have been blatant extortion.


  2. And third, I do think it's fair to say that, at this point in US history, most individuals aren't racist, at least in any blatant way.


  3. Although the current international politics is not as explicit law of the jungle, but what is often gloat.


  4. Some of his comments about her appearance were a bit close to the bone.


  5. He said respondents were happy to answer the questions, even though they were asked about "some pretty explicit stuff" .


  6. Although it's easy to laugh at such military manoeuvring, there's a dark underside to such blatant interventions.


  7. But it need not be quite so blatant: even if Mr Paulson's fund buys comparable assets, Goldman will be able to mark up its own book.


  8. 'Ha, ha, ha, you're so funny, Jack. I feel I nearly fall in love with you. ' Lily becomes a little broad.


  9. Susan smiles broadly and puts her hands behind her head, flexing her powerful stomach muscles into a solid mass.


  1. 露骨的谎言。

    a barefaced lie.

  2. 性方面露骨的

    sexually explicit.

  3. 露骨,煞风景,下流。

    conspicuously and tastelessly indecent.

  4. 翻瓣露骨法

    open flap technique.

  5. 一些歌曲的歌词露骨。

    Some of the songs had explicit lyrics.

  6. 一些歌曲的歌词露骨。

    Some of the songs had explicit lyrics.

  7. 影片中露骨的性爱镜头。

    explicit sex scenes in the film

  8. 露骨地干涉别国内政

    flagrantly interfere in the internal affairs of another country

  9. 最近,她表现得更加露骨了

    Yeah, lately, she's been taking it to another level.

  10. 史上最强最露骨集体丝袜诱惑!

    The most barefaced collective silk stockings most strong on history is lured!

  11. 不要露骨地拍老板的马屁。

    Not barefaced ground takes equestrian wind of the boss.

  12. 他露骨地向她表明了性企图。

    He made sexual advances to her in an unsubtle way.

  13. 表现得这么露骨, 就未免可怪了。

    rather horrid to show it so plainly

  14. 我要讲得怎样露骨你才懂呢

    How explicit do I have to be?

  15. 他露骨地自打圆场令人难以接受。

    His transparent selfjustification was unacceptable.

  16. 他露骨地自打圆场令人难以接受。

    His transparent self-justification was unacceptable.

  17. 他最后一句话有点太露骨了。

    His last remark was a bit near the knuckle.

  18. 露骨得奉承对她已经失去了作用。

    Flattery in its most palpable form had lost its force with her.

  19. 露骨的奉承对她已经失去了作用。

    Flattery in its most palpable form had lost its force with her.

  20. 剧院里的演出还允许使用露骨的语言。

    And theater performances can use explicit language.

  21. 不寻常的一句话却真实得露骨。

    The sentence is not unusual in the real undisguised.

  22. 外来人员会继续受到最露骨的歧视。

    Outsiders will continue to suffer the most blatant discrimination.

  23. 露骨的姿态极度暧昧引人幻想无限。

    Barefaced attitude is exceeding and ambiguous fetching illusion is infinite.

  24. 这部电影充斥着露骨的暴力和色情。

    The film is full of explicit violence and sex.

  25. 这部电影充斥着露骨的暴力和色情。

    The film is full of explicit violence and sex.

  26. 她对他露骨的性别偏见感到十分震惊。

    She was shocked by his blatant sexism.

  27. 这简直过于露骨地引起了戏剧性的误会。

    This was too direct to be histrionically misunderstood.

  28. 她认为, 任何露骨表达的感情都是虚假的。

    She believed that any emotions openly expressed must be false emotions.

  29. 你对她外貌的评论有点太露骨了。

    Some of your comments about her appearance were a bit close to the bone.

  30. 这次他们得手法太露骨, 结果是弄巧成拙。

    This time the maneuver was too crude, they had overplayed its hand.


  1. 问:露骨拼音怎么拼?露骨的读音是什么?露骨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:露骨的读音是lùgǔ,露骨翻译成英文是 undisguised

  2. 问:露骨地拼音怎么拼?露骨地的读音是什么?露骨地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:露骨地的读音是,露骨地翻译成英文是 baldly

  3. 问:露骨的拼音怎么拼?露骨的的读音是什么?露骨的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:露骨的的读音是,露骨的翻译成英文是 crude


露骨,指暴露骸骨;说话不含蓄,没有保留。见明 谢榛《四溟诗话》卷二:“大篇约为短章,涵蓄有味;短章化为大篇,敷演露骨。”