






1. 看 [kàn]2. 看 [kān]看 [kàn]使视线接触人或物:~见。~书。~齐。观察,判断:~病。观~。~好(根据市场情况,估计某种商品好销)。~透(透彻深刻地了解或认识。亦称“看破”、“看穿”)。~风使舵。访问,拜望:~望。~朋……



汉语拼音:shì shì kàn






  1. Gene: OK, let me get at it and I'll see what I can do.


  2. When asked to raise his sunken starfighter from the Dagobah swamps with the power of his mind alone, he responded he would try.


  3. You could give it a trial for a few months to see how you like it.


  4. So my advice it to give it a try and do not discard it because of the taste.


  5. You give it a try, add ice cream coffee drink to be sure, do not have some flavor.


  6. Jesse almost told the younger man to come on and try, but he made himself look at the ground, get himself under control before he spoke.


  7. See if you can take it out, without my feeling it. Just as you saw them doing it when we were playing.


  8. I'm not so sure I'll be able to fix your MP4, but let's give it a go and see if it works.


  9. Counselor: Give going to the pool every night a try. Do this for a week and if you don't feel any better, come see me again.


  1. 我们试试看。

    Let's give it a try.

  2. 我们试试看。

    Let's give it a try.

  3. 我试试看吧。

    I'll see what I can do.

  4. 那试试看吧。

    Let's see how it goeth.

  5. 让我试试看。

    Let me have a shot at it.

  6. 你可以试试看。

    You try it out.

  7. 好歹我们试试看。

    Anyhow, let us try.

  8. 试试看交友网站。

    Try personals sites.

  9. 心想着,试试看吧

    I said, Let's give it a try.

  10. 我们在这儿试试看

    Let's try this here.

  11. 试试看,效果怎麽样。

    Try and see what happens.

  12. 我看我们总得试试看。

    I guess we'll try it on, Harran.

  13. 我们一起来试试看。

    So let's run this and see if it works.

  14. 谁说的,试试看吧

    Oh yeah? Try me.

  15. 但是他们愿意试试看

    But they were willing to give it a try.

  16. 不信让他试试看。

    Just let him try it once.

  17. 怎么了,你来试试看

    What? You try it!

  18. 麦克,要不要试试看?

    Do you want to try some, Mike ?

  19. 再加点水试试看。

    Try to superinduce a little more water.

  20. 抱着试试看的态度

    Be on the off chance

  21. 如果你敢,你就试试看。

    Try it if you dare.

  22. 所以呢,我们来试试看

    So let's give it a try.

  23. 我来试试看,当心点。

    Let me just check this out.Be careful.

  24. 我来试试看,当心点。

    Let me just check this out. Be careful.

  25. 是啊,我们应该试试看。

    Yeah, we should try.

  26. 他做这种生意试试看。

    He took a whack at the business.

  27. 你试试看, 叫他掏腰包!

    Just try getting money out of him! ie He is very mean

  28. 试试看你能跳多远。

    Try how far you can jump.

  29. 试试看你能扔多远。

    Try how far you can throw.

  30. 你试试看,衣服合适不?

    Why don't you try on the clothes and see if they fit?