


1. 都 [dū]2. 都 [dōu]都 [dū]大都市:~市。~会。通~大邑。一国的最高行政机关所在的地方,京城:首~。国~。京~。建~。美好:“雍容闲雅,甚~”。~丽。~雅。总:~为一集。居:“~卿相之位”。古代称头目、首领。姓。都 [……



1. 广 [guǎng]2. 广 [ān]广 [guǎng]指面积、范围宽阔,与“狭”相对:宽~。~博。~义。~漠。~袤(东西称“广”,南北称“袤”,指土地面积)。~厦。多:大庭~众。扩大,扩充:推~。~开言路。广 [ān]同“庵”,多用于……



汉语拼音:dōu guǎng







  1. 古代传说中的地名。

    《山海经·海内经》:“西南 黑水 之閒,有 都广之野 , 后稷 葬焉。” 袁珂 校注:“ 杨慎 《山海经补注》云:‘ 黑水 广都 ,今之 成都 也。’衡以地望,庶几近之。”

  2. 古代国名。

    《淮南子·墬形训》:“东南方曰 大穷 ,曰 众女 。南方曰 都广 ,曰 反户 。” 高诱 注:“ 都广 ,国名也。山在此国,因復曰 都广山 。” 南朝 梁 江淹 《空青赋》:“ 都广 之国, 番禺 之野,皆咫尺八极,镜见四荒。”



  1. Is usually the way to go when you are referring to a resource with a globally well-known identifier or location.


  2. During her 2007 "Best of Both Worlds" tour, she played to sell-outs all across America.


  3. All the information presented is generally known and accepted.


  4. For these reasons, after-school notes are very popular with parents.


  5. As Kessler puts it, "It's socially acceptable to eat at any time. That wasn't the case four or five decades ago. "


  6. They are popular on crossovers, both foreign and domestic.


  7. Many of the specific reform proposals, such as increasing financial products and expanding institutional investing, are well-known.


  8. CCTV has a greater coverage than any station.


  9. The anti-corruption drive has been popular, as have cash handouts for the poor, introduced last year to compensate for rising fuel prices.


  1. 自出版以来,在儿童和成人中都广受欢迎。

    Since it was published, it has gained massive fancy among children and adult readers.

  2. 现今英语在国际交往中比其他任何语言用得都广。

    English is more widely used in international intercourse than any other languages today.

  3. 各位乘客, 本班车已经到达广都。

    Dear passengers, we have arrived in Guang Du.

  4. 住家的阳台都对着广

    The balconies of the houses look out on the plaza.

  5. 盟军的技能应用范围很广但是她们都有着明确的使用目的。

    Allied Powers vary greatly but they all serve very important purposes.

  6. 分布很广的植物通常都具有变种。

    Plants which have very wide ranges generally present varieties.

  7. 拨浪鼓在世界各地分布很广, 五大洲都有。

    Rattle is widely distributed throughout the world, five continents.

  8. 但是,它影响之广,之深,都不可小视。

    It, however, is enormous in both scale and importance.

  9. 所有物体都有广延性。

    All matter has dimensionality.

  10. 所有物体都有广延性。

    All matter has dimensionality.

  11. 所有生物都属于广盐性生物。

    All kinds of organisms belonged to euryhaline organisms.

  12. 早期的在线广告都是广告条。

    Each of these designs will carry at least one banner advertisement.

  13. 这里得广式小点心做得都很不错呢。

    Here general expression small dessert does very is all good.

  14. 这里的广式小点心做的都很不错呢。

    Here general expression small dessert does very is all good.

  15. 她的读物范围很广,从诗歌到通俗小说都读。

    Her reading is eclectic, ranging from poetry to hip slicks.

  16. 圣诞铃声和平安夜都是广受欢迎的圣诞颂歌。

    Jingle Bells and Silent Night are popular Christmas carols.

  17. 北方人到了两广地区,在各个方面都不适应。

    When people from the north come to Guangdong and Guangxi, they are unable to adapt to the environment.

  18. 叛乱分布很广,装甲车、直升机和武装部队都调来了。

    The rebellion was widespread, and armoured cars, helicopters and armed forces were brought in.

  19. 在国外,在各个年龄层都有广受欢迎的动漫作品。

    In other countries, in all ages have a popular anime.

  20. 教授然后一广口瓶鹅卵石并倒入原先都玻璃瓶。

    The professor then up a jar of pebbles and poured them into the jar.

  21. 广告中的技术与艺术都服务于广告美的实现。

    Technology and art on advertisement give service to beauty of advertisement.

  22. 在你的广厅里有许多名家,一天到晚都有歌曲在唱。

    Masters are many in your hall, and songs are sung there at all hours.

  23. 一个笑容, 一句好话, 都是广结善缘的大布施。

    A smile and a kind word are great giving that sow favorable conditions.

  24. 杨广、杨素等人的作品都呈现出文质并重的特征。

    Yang, Yang, who works the text has emerged both quality characteristics.

  25. 他们都是小分子量的蛋白质具有广谱抗菌活性。

    They are small molecular weight proteins with broad spectrum antibiotic activity.

  26. 提供的系列产品范围广,交货迅速,公英制型号都备有库存。

    The series provides a wide range of products, fast delivery, the English models are available inventory.

  27. 广而言之,所有人类经验都能成为现象学研究的焦点。

    In a broad sense, any human experience may become the focus of phenomenological research.

  28. 摄食策略图显示两种都是摄食不同食物种类的广食性种类。

    Feeding strategy plots showed that both species are generalist feeders with a heterogeneous diet.

  29. 都立广尾医院已经导入服务处理于石棉有关的情况。

    The Tokyo Metropolitan Hiroo Hospital has also introduced services to treat asbestos related conditions.

  30. 东坡肉在色泽,香气和口味上都很好,因而广受欢迎。

    Dongpo Pork is quite good in color, smell and taste and is favored greatly by people.