







汉语拼音:shěn àn






  1. 审理案件。

    《儿女英雄传》第十三回:“况且随带的那些司员又都是些精明强干久经审案的能员,那消几日,早问出许多贜款来。” 清 昭槤 《啸亭杂录·广赓虞之死》:“戊辰春,侍郎自 山东 审案返,余遇於 圆明园 宫门外。”《中国民间故事选·长工四兄弟》:“四兄弟来了,县官就升堂审案。”



  1. A jury must unanimously agree that confinement is necessary, and finally a judge must rule on the matter.


  2. Although the Crown Court is a single court, is has court buildings all over the country, and may sit anywhere in England and Wales.


  3. That makes it time-consuming to hear cases. It also makes verdicts unpredictable.


  4. Although the basis of ruling the cases is truth in law, the goal of the case'adjudicating is to discover the objective truth.


  5. That was after the company lost a jury trial over a business dispute.


  6. Case of the trial magistrate Jiaowu Lin Tong, who try to recapture the girl's husband.


  7. Women argue that it is about time that they received a more sympathetic hearing.


  8. The judge didn't believe he was spending the money to set little animals free.


  9. The new judges sit in federal sharia courts in Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya, an administrative city.


  1. 在审案的文档

    files of the case in court

  2. 听理诉讼审案

    preside at lawsuit hearing try a case administer justice

  3. 简易案件审案日程表

    short cause list

  4. 你不可以干涉我审案。

    You must not interfere in my cases.

  5. 在审案期间由律师代表他行事。

    The lawyer acted for him during the trial.

  6. 整个审案的过程多次违反了法律。

    The whole legal process of this case has broken the rules many times.

  7. 案件的审案法官可以举行口头听讯。

    The judge hearing a case may hold oral hearings.

  8. 这是因为当年增加了五名审案法官。

    This was due to the arrival of five ad litem judges that year.

  9. 各分庭由16名常任法官和9名审案法官组成。

    The Chambers are composed of16 permanent judges and9 ad litem judges.

  10. 有个犯人被带到法官面前审案,法官问他

    The judge asked him, What is the crime you

  11. 这位官长得审案方法很特别也很有效。

    The government official's way of trying cases is very unique and effective.

  12. 这位官长的审案方法很特别也很有效。

    The government official's way of trying cases is very unique and effective.

  13. 这位官长的审案方法很特别也很有效。

    The government official's way of trying cases is very unique and effective.

  14. 一次审案时, 竟在法庭上与当事人大打出手。

    But in a trial, he fight with the litigant on court.

  15. 她撰文抨击了那些法官及其在审案中的行径。

    She wrote an article attacking the judges and their conduct of the trial.

  16. 所有的审案法官都充分参与了国际法庭的工作。

    All ad litems are fully engaged in the work of the International Tribunal.

  17. 于劳资审裁处或土地审裁处席前审案的法官。

    The judge sitting at the Labour Tribunal or the Lands Tribunal.

  18. 我们还欢迎延长常任和审案法官任期的原则。

    We also welcome the principle of extending the terms of office of permanent and ad litem judges.

  19. 两名常任法官和一名审案法官将在2008年年底辞职。

    Two of the permanent judges and one ad litem judge will resign at the end of2008.

  20. 国际法庭审案法官上一次的选举于2001年举行。

    Elections for ad litem judges at the International Tribunal were last held in2001.

  21. 如果我们有了9名审案法官,我们是否就能完成任务?

    If we get the nine ad litem judges, will we fulfil the task

  22. 审案法官继续为加快法庭的工作作出杰出贡献。

    The ad litem Judges have continued to make an outstanding contribution to expediting the Tribunal's work.

  23. 无论什么诉讼结果每一个当事人对陪审团审案弃权。

    Each party waives its rights to a jury trial in any resulting litigation.

  24. 将需要有4名新的审案法官来接手10起新案件的工作。

    Four new ad litem judges will be required to take on the work of the10 new cases.

  25. 李知府,曹操等他们也不敢怠慢,忙升堂审案。

    Lee zhi fu, Cao Cao, etc. They are also not neglect Shengtang busy ad litem.

  26. 审案官并不相信他把那些钱用于买小动物放生。

    The judge didn't believe he was spending the money to set little animals free.

  27. 这四名审案法官的到达,使两起新审判得以开始。

    The arrival of these four ad litem judges made it possible to start two new trials.

  28. 在政府案中,分庭由一名常设法官和两名审案法官组成。

    In the Government Case, the Chamber is composed of one permanent and two ad litem judges.

  29. 因此,法庭必须有足够的资源供设立第五个审案组。

    Consequently, the Tribunal must have sufficient resources to establish a fifth section.

  30. 法庭在配备九名审案法官后,将能设立六个审判分庭审判组。

    With nine ad litem judges, the Tribunal is able to set up six Trial Chamber Sections.


  1. 问:审案拼音怎么拼?审案的读音是什么?审案翻译成英文是什么?

    答:审案的读音是shěnàn,审案翻译成英文是 try a cause

  2. 问:审案权拼音怎么拼?审案权的读音是什么?审案权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:审案权的读音是shěnànquán,审案权翻译成英文是 power to try causes