




数量大,与“少”、“寡”相对:人~。~年。~姿。~层次。~角度。~难(nàn )兴(xīng )邦。~~益善。~行不义必自毙。数目在二以上:~年生草。~项式。~义词。~元论。有余,比一定的数目大:~余。一年~。过分,不必要的:~嘴。~心。~……



汉语拼音:xīn duō






  1. 猜疑心重;顾虑多。

    《三国演义》第四九回:“ 云长 曰:‘军师好心多!当日 曹操 果是重待某,某已斩 颜良 ,诛 文丑 ,解 白马 之围,报过他了。’”《水浒传》第四回:“﹝ 金老 ﹞便对 鲁达 道:‘恩人,不是老汉心多……只怕要来村里缉捕恩人。倘或有些疏失,如之奈何?’”《红楼梦》第八五回:“﹝ 袭人 ﹞又想着 黛玉 最是心多,探不成消息,再惹着了他,倒是不好。”



  1. To maintain unity in a diverse community means that we are to be considerate of others, see others better than ourselves and be humble.


  2. Cosmetic advertising capitalizes on and perhaps reinforces the idea that no matter how strong our self-esteem may be, women still worry.


  3. Know this, and know my heart: There is only one truth in the multiverse.


  4. They are curious. They ask "Why? " They want to know more about what you're telling them.


  5. Be curious all the time and ask questions often since curiosity result in the creative life.


  6. More compassion for others, give some help.


  7. With skies so bright and hearts of youth so light.


  8. How much heart stage alone, the day I fly high


  9. A little more patience, a little more charity for all, a little more love;


  1. 雇了个保姆,我省心多了。

    Hiring a nanny has saved me a lot of worry.

  2. 心多大舞台就有多大, 天高任我飞

    How much heart stage alone, the day I fly high

  3. 请不要费那么多心。

    Please don't go to all that trouble.

  4. 马上去要, 恐怕老头子多心。

    The old man would probably smell a rat if he were to claim them now.

  5. 谢谢你为我费了这么多心。

    I thank you for all the trouble you have taken on my behalf.

  6. 表兄妹间的寒暄也会令人多心。

    Even cousinly amenities were subject to suspicion.

  7. 表兄妹间得寒暄也会令人多心。

    Even cousinly amenities were subject to suspicion.

  8. 请你不要多心,我本来是没有歹意的。

    Please don't mind what I said. I didn't mean any harm.

  9. 妈妈的心有多高

    Fly High Mother's Heart

  10. 心有多老, 人就有多老。

    One is as old as one's heart.

  11. 心有多高, 天就有多高。

    The sky is as high as your aspiration.

  12. 心有多大世界就有多大。

    Your world as large as your heart will go.

  13. 男人爱情人最多心,对爱人最好,长久地依恋母亲。

    A man loves his sweetheart the most, his wife the best, but his mother the longest.

  14. 心有多高,舞台就有多大!

    How high the center stage that day!

  15. 心有多高, 舞台就有多广。

    Heart has high, the stage is how widely.

  16. 心有多宽, 舞台就有多阔!

    How large the heart is, how large the stage is!

  17. 心有多大,歇斯底里就敢有多大!

    How much heart, how much hysteria on the dare!

  18. 知道我的心有多痛吗?

    Do you know how my heart hurt ?

  19. 一个女人的心有多小?

    How small can a woman's heart be ?

  20. 心有多大,人生的舞台就有多大!

    The stage of life as large as your heart.

  21. 你知道我的心有多痛吗?

    Do you know how my heart hurt ?

  22. 心有多大,舞台就有多大,正是如此!

    Heart extent, the stage there is little, It is so!

  23. 她是个聪明的女孩, 懂得人情世故, 我不用为她操太多心。

    She's a smart girl and knows the score, I wouldn't worry too much about her.

  24. 她是个聪明的女孩,懂得人情世故,我不用为她操太多心。

    She's a smart girl and knows the score, I wouldn't worry too much about her.

  25. 心有多大,舞台就有多大,生活就会多精彩。

    How much heart, the stage is as big as life will be more exciting.

  26. 关爱的心有多大,传播爱的舞台就有多宽广。

    The stage for spreading love is as wide as the heart with love.

  27. 心有多好奇多开阔多自由,景致就有多美多醉人。

    How curious, open and free you feel, how beautiful and intoxicating the scenery will be.

  28. 你和别的女生在一起,你知道我的心有多疼么?

    With you and the other girls, you know how much my heart hurt it?

  29. 看到伤害我得心那么多,你习惯于承认你错了。

    See what hurts me the most,is you wont admit you was wrong.

  30. 看到伤害我的心那么多,你习惯于承认你错了。

    See what hurts me the most, is you wont admit you was wrong.