




拿着:~刃。~鞭。~笔。掌握:~政。~教(jiào )。捕捉,逮捕:战败被~。坚持:固~。~意。实行:~行。凭单:回~。朋友:~友(志同道合的朋友,简称“执”)。姓。……



汉语拼音:wǒ zhí






  1. 见“ 我见 ”。



  1. The poor man's affairs are in a bad way, though this did not prevent him from paying off my bailiff and dismissing the watchman .


  2. any motive that is not pure, stop it immediately, do not go on with it, or make some change instead.


  3. Today is a good day to die to the ego which has had us in such a stranglehold of fear and problems.


  4. Confidence should not be confused with ego. It is complete wisdom, dharma, love, beauty, and is complete God.


  5. If every time you requested something, I immediately accomplished it right in front of you, my ego would unavoidably grow bigger and bigger.


  6. Perhaps, my father is smiling down on me now because I am finally beginning to do something about these attachments.


  7. So, the master also practiced for many lifetimes. When you master the art of egolessness, then you become a master.


  8. Zhixin, a tree and a person, born in there, how long, what kind of children do some kind of life event, is doomed, and any one can escape.


  9. You cannot always keep on giving. You will be depleted if you give with the ego or the physical strength of an ordinary human being.


  1. 俗世是我执的世界。

    The ordinary world is the world of egos.

  2. 因为我执着,执着着你对成功的信念。

    I perseverance, dedication to the success of your convictions.

  3. 我很怀疑!因为我发现自己更多的缺点及我执的极限。

    I very much doubt it, since I have grown even more aware of my imperfections and the limitations of my ego.

  4. 与人相处要去除我执,扩大心胸,客客气气,互让互爱。

    You must be free of eno when you are with others, so expand your heart, be courteous, cooperative, and loving.

  5. 这是个残酷得讽刺, 因为自我和我执正是我们痛苦得来源!

    This is a savage irony, considering that ego and its grasping are at the root of all our suffering.

  6. 这是个残酷的讽刺,因为自我和我执正是我们痛苦的来源!

    This is a savage irony, considering that ego and its grasping are at the root of all our suffering.

  7. 谁, 执我之手, 消我半世孤独。

    Who, holding my hand, eliminate my dark alone.

  8. 请给我回执。

    I'd like a delivery receipt.

  9. 大海软化我的执着。

    The Ocean melts my stubborn self.

  10. 我总是执着于某些事情。

    I was, however, loyal to something.

  11. 我的倔强,我的执着,在青春上放肆的走着。

    My obstinate, I persist, unbridled on the youth of walk.

  12. 我不再执着的追问虱子是什么。因为我已有了答案。

    I will not persistent in asking what is lice. Because I have the answer.

  13. 因为他没有妄起我法二执。

    Because he doesn't have the two attachments to self and dharmas.

  14. 当我太过执着, 你提醒我放下自我的羁绊。

    When I try too hard, you remind me to get out of my own way.

  15. 我就是片执着的星云,无悔的追逐它远逝的光芒。

    I am right the clinging nebula, following its fading lights and never would I regret.

  16. 我是个执着的学生, 一心想上南密西西比州大学。

    I was a dedicated student, and I had my heartset on going to USM.

  17. 我只是执了些必须品如清洗用品以及几件替换衣服。

    I am only packing essentials like Toiletries and a few change of cloth.

  18. 这一刻,我多想执你的手啊,舞清风盈袖,弄花香满衣。

    At this moment, I want to hold your hand, dance, floral breeze.

  19. 夜晚,在你的床上你执着我的头道晚安,然后思绪飞向远方。

    Late in your bed You held my head for a while Said goodnight and flew away.

  20. 我父亲生性固执。

    My father has a stubborn streak.

  21. 我害怕,我依旧那么偏执、固执。

    I'm afraid, I am still so bigoted and stubborn.

  22. 我是很悲观,可我还很固执。

    I am very pessimism, can I am still very stubborn.

  23. 他并没料到我会惹起争执。

    He wasn't expecting me to put up a fight.

  24. 原来我爸爸是个执着的学者!

    So my father was a headstrong scholar!

  25. 我打算放弃年初执着过的梦想。

    I plan to give up the dream that beginning of year persisted.

  26. 不要怠慢我,不要考验我对你的执着。

    Don't neglect me, don't try you and me against the world.

  27. 这里有一个我称之为实有执的谬论。

    There is a fallacy which I shall call the'essentialist fallacy'.

  28. 这是我对音乐的执着, 也是对它的敬仰。

    This is my dedication to music, but also the admiration of it.

  29. 我正努力在执着与妥协之间找到平衡点。

    But I am trying to find a balance between insistence and compromise.

  30. 我看到了一个执着于追寻真与美的人。

    The notes fascinated me. Here was someone immersed in a search for truth and beauty.