







汉语拼音:zǒu yǎn







  1. 看错;发生失误。

    《红楼梦》第四八回:“买的不知底里倘或走了眼,花了钱事小,没的淘气。” 杨纤如 《伞》第五章:“做生意也如押宝,往往也有看走眼的时候。”



  1. But I do not worry that I have an advantage over her, a girl you recover is a good thing, my eyes have charisma, I was not brought about.


  2. I was usually a good judge of character, and this man had impressed me as reliable. But I must have been wrong this time.


  3. If even I could discern the 'euphoria' that Mr. Buffett warns about, surely he could, too.


  4. He misjudged and thought that the volcanic rock was just ordinary rock.


  5. Mr. Buffett has sometimes been wrong about which businesses will prosper forever.


  6. And even sophisticated collectors get it wrong, as the clients of Salander-O'Reilly, a New York art gallery, discovered.


  7. Of course, some missteps are rites of passage for all collectors, but there are safe havens.


  8. "I can go wrong but not heavily. Collectors are like artists, there are days when you are less en forme, you are tired, it's not so good. "


  9. Mr Esteves may yet slip up. But his ambitions reflect the shifting power in the world of finance. A place to watch is China.


  1. 可能你看走眼了。

    Maybe you're betting on the wrong horse.

  2. 这不是第一次我看走眼。

    It's not the first time I've been proven wrong.

  3. 他看走眼了,把火山岩当成了礁石。

    He misjudged and thought that the volcanic rock was just ordinary rock.

  4. 真对不起了,我看走眼了,我把食盐当成白糖了。

    I'm terribly sorry. I took the salt for sugar.

  5. 拿着好货当次货,你可看走了眼了。

    You've seen wrong. You took superior goods for inferior goods.

  6. 理查兹这个穷老汉让我看走了眼。

    This poor old Richards has brought my judgment to shame.

  7. 一旦发觉看走了眼, 所有的一切就只剩下戏谑了。

    Once the disclosure saw to walk eye, all everythings left the cajolery only.

  8. 总之,我的上述论断也可能全然错了,完全看走了眼。

    Anyway, I could certainly be wrong here and just missing it.

  9. 我是否应该是当人们走进来第一眼看到的人?

    Am I supposed to be the first person people see when they walk in ?

  10. 他冲我眨眨眼就走掉了。

    He then winked at me and walked off.

  11. 大多数人都垂下了眼皮或是直瞪着两眼向前走。

    Most of them walked with downcast eyes or staring blankly straight in front of them.

  12. 彼得爬上树匆匆看走过去的总统一眼。

    Peter climbed a tree to catch a glimpse of the president as he went by.

  13. 一个穿着十分惹眼的小伙子走了过来。

    A young fellow, dressed to kill, came.

  14. 他每走一步都是有板有眼、小心翼翼。

    Every step he took was stolid and careful.

  15. 走到门口,睁眼一看,有个美丽的女人微笑著迎接她。

    Take an entrance, goggle look, the woman that has a beauty is smiling to receive her.

  16. 眼迷走神经反射

    oculovagal reflex

  17. 他一直朝前走,双眼目不斜视。

    He went straight ahead, looking steadily forward.

  18. 眼看著他们走使她很痛苦。

    It wrenched her to watch them go.

  19. 我走开的时候,他们肯定在翻白眼。

    When I walked away, I am sure they rolled their eyes.

  20. 帕尔默两眼泪汪汪地走开了。

    With tears welling in his eyes, Palmer walked away.

  21. 两眼看着正前方径直往前走。

    Keep your eyes to the front and walk straight ahead.

  22. 然后还睁眼说瞎话,所以我们要走了。

    And then you lie about it. So now we're leaving.

  23. 在走迷宫过程中你将被蒙住双眼。

    You will blindfolded during the length of the event.

  24. 她走进屋内时被强光刺得睁不开眼。

    She was dazzled by bright lights when she came into the room.

  25. 走向光明,我放弃了,紧闭双眼,走出黑暗。

    Into the light, I give up and close my eyes, Out of the dark.

  26. 人质被蒙上眼,由一辆车带走了。

    The hostage was blindfolded and driven away.

  27. 人质被蒙上眼,由一辆车带走了。

    The hostage was blindfolded and driven away.

  28. 那个英俊的男孩走过时,我们多看了他两眼。

    We did a double take as the handsome boy walked by.

  29. 是啊,谢谢你吧,为你曾驱赶走她眼中的困惑。

    yes, and thanks, for the trouble you took from her eyes.

  30. 大家的眼跟着祥子, 腿也想动, 都搭讪着走出来。

    All eyes followed him and, eager to be moving, they shambled out.


  1. 问:走眼拼音怎么拼?走眼的读音是什么?走眼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:走眼的读音是zǒuyǎn,走眼翻译成英文是 to see wrong; to mistake for