







汉语拼音:fù chū







复出 [fù chū]
  1. 重新出现。


复出 [fù chū]
  1. 再度出现。




  1. By the time he turned the reins of the company over to Cook, Jobs had become one of the business world's greatest comeback kids.


  2. That was the race I wanted to come back in but it's difficult to say if it would've been possible.


  3. 's really sad to hear this. I hope he could recover in a few games, but don't rush to be back, TMac.


  4. At the moment it's all good and I'm itching to get back. In fact it's worse than itching, my stomach is turning.


  5. Lakers center Andrew Bynum has not been cleared for full practices or to play and is doubtful for the start of the playoffs.


  6. "I really tried everything to make that temporary comeback possible, however, much to my regret, it didn't work out, " said the German.


  7. He was originally ruled out for another 25 days, but has made a rapid recovery and is reportedly close to his comeback.


  8. The England full-back has spent just short of a year on the sidelines having seen numerous comebacks hampered by injury.


  9. First and foremost I need to come through the next couple of days' training unscathed and I'm just pleased to be back involved.


  1. 三回掌状复出的

    tripalmately compound

  2. 你复出的事怎么样了

    What your little comeback thing is all about

  3. 明星出乎预料的复出了

    The film star made an unexpected comeback.

  4. 问阿娇是否习惯复出?

    Gillian question whether customary comeback.

  5. 三回羽状复出的

    tripinnately compound

  6. 复出所有复出,开始在第54分钟。

    The comeback of all comebacks began in the 54 th minute.

  7. 我听说, 他正在争取复出。

    He was trying to make a comeback, from what I heard.

  8. 复出时间将定在4月6日。

    That mark would be April 6.

  9. 我在纽约时报的复出。

    My comeback in The New York Times.

  10. 下野4年后他又复出了。

    He is enjoying a revival after four years in the wilderness.

  11. 网球球员复出的例子比比皆是。

    Tennis has had a surplus of comebacks.

  12. 后请归养母,遂不复出。

    Please return after the adoptive mother, did not return subsequently.

  13. 我们犹如两个复出的斗士

    We were two fighters on the comeback trail

  14. 谢谢, 我们会有个完美的复出的!

    Thank you, we have the perfect resumes!

  15. 呼魂异能在晨光系列复出。

    The evoke ability makes a return appearance in the Morningtide set.

  16. 只是,她这个复出还是有伏笔的。

    Is only, her this resurfaces has the foreshadowing.

  17. 这位电影明星出人意料地复出了。

    The film star made an unexpected comeback.

  18. 迈克尔乔丹复出了, 你听说了?

    Have you herad about Michael Jordan making a comeback

  19. 突然间,我们又非常盼着他复出

    Suddenly, we're almost longing for him to return.

  20. 几年来他首次从退隐中复出。

    He emerged from his hibernation to make his first appearance in several years.

  21. 几年来他首次从退隐中复出。

    He emerged from his hibernation to make his first appearance in several years.

  22. 同时, 欧文仍然在为复出努力着。

    In the meantime, Owen is still making progress on the comeback trail.

  23. 工党於1980年下野。下野4年后他又复出了。

    The Labour party went out in1980. He is enjoying a revival after four years in the wilderness.

  24. 但好消息是他复出了也打了比赛。

    But the good news is he is back and he played.

  25. 在迪拜, 欧文仍然在为复出而努力

    In Dubai Owen still works hard on comeback trail

  26. 他原计划在伦敦举行50场复出音乐会。

    He was scheduled to begin a series of 50 comeback concerts in London.

  27. 那你妈妈怎么看你这次愚蠢的复出?

    So what does your mama think about this comeback foolishness?

  28. 那就是我坚信我将不久后复出的理由。

    That's why I'm confident that I'll be fine soon.

  29. 那位息影三年的影星,打算本月复出。

    The star plans to make a comeback after three years rest.

  30. 那位息影三年的影星,打算本月复出。

    The star plans to make a comeback after three years rest.


  1. 问:复出拼音怎么拼?复出的读音是什么?复出翻译成英文是什么?

    答:复出的读音是fùchū,复出翻译成英文是 to hold a post again or participate in social act...

  2. 问:复出口拼音怎么拼?复出口的读音是什么?复出口翻译成英文是什么?

    答:复出口的读音是fùchūkǒu,复出口翻译成英文是 re-exprot

  3. 问:复出口地海关拼音怎么拼?复出口地海关的读音是什么?复出口地海关翻译成英文是什么?

    答:复出口地海关的读音是fù chū kǒu dì hǎi guān,复出口地海关翻译成英文是 office of reexportation

