







汉语拼音:chóu cuò








  1. 亦作“ 筹厝 ”。谋划措办;设法筹集。

    郭孝成 《湖南光复纪事》第五节:“ 湘省 财政,自近年创办军学各要政,库储久已无几,此次骤增兵餉至五倍之多,一时实无可筹厝。” 茅盾 《秋收》三:“镇上的商会筹措一百五十担米交给村长去分俵。”



  1. The public felt they'd been made a fool of the first time she said she'd raised all those money to help the earthquake victims.

  2. China's banks borrow money in the interbank market to make loans and meet regulatory requirements for how much cash they have on hand.

  3. They can be funded only by higher taxes, which is no doubt fair if everyone wants such a system, but far from everyone does.

  4. To fund the research and the various drafts of his chair, Li sold his house in Beijing and took out his life's savings and pension .

  5. She had already become an early member of the National Autistic Society and soon began to instigate and fund research into the condition.

  6. Last week the company raised $25bn in emergency funding from three of Japan's largest banks while saying it had "sufficient liquidity" .

  7. The trouble is, the euro area has no mechanism to help a member that cannot fund itself in capital markets.

  8. Silver Lake is expected to begin raising money for its fourth fund next year, according to people familiar with the matter.

  9. The CBI, the employers' body, also welcomed the crackdown on illegal workers from abroad, but warned about how the money would be spent.


  1. 筹措维艰。

    It is not easy to devise means.

  2. 谁来筹措旅费?

    Who will find the money to pay for this trip?

  3. 为一项计划筹措经费

    find money for a plan

  4. 筹措现金可能不好办。

    It may be tough to raise cash.

  5. 他们在筹措探险的资金。

    They are raising funds for the expedition.

  6. 为救援而筹措的善款

    Money raised for the relief effort

  7. 我们筹措的钱不够度假。

    We couldnt raise enough money for a holiday.

  8. 我们在为住宅计划筹措资金。

    We are financing for the housing project.

  9. 一般工科院校办学资金的筹措

    Fund Raising in Normal Technological Institutes

  10. 为医院筹措基金举行旧物义卖。

    hold a jumble sale in aid of hospital funds

  11. 需要筹措资金、营销问题和竞争。

    The need for financing, marketing problems and competition.

  12. 总经理在设法筹措款项支付工资。

    The general manager is trying to meet the payroll.

  13. 精力充沛的大学经费筹措者

    an energetic fund raiser for the college

  14. 缺少合适的资金筹措与税收安排

    A lack of appropriate funding and tax arrangements

  15. 为筹措该基金将举行一次募捐。

    A collection will be made for the fund.

  16. 这孩子筹措了足够上大学的钱。

    The boy scared up enough money to go to university.

  17. 失业保险基金困境与合理筹措利用

    A study on the existing problems of unemployment insurance fund, its raising measures and its utilization

  18. 我们已经筹措了数量可观的新的款项。

    We had raised a significant amount of new money.

  19. 我们已经筹措了数量可观得新得款项。

    We had raised a significant amount of new money.

  20. 贵方向外筹措资金的渠道是 什么

    What be the source of your outside financing

  21. 贵方向外筹措资金得渠道是 什么

    What be the source of your outside financing

  22. 选举和各党派的资金筹措没有保障。

    Financing for the elections and for political parties is not guaranteed.

  23. 这是一次社会名流筹措资金得晚宴。

    This is a celebrity fundraising dinner.

  24. 这是一次社会名流筹措资金的晚宴。

    This is a celebrity fundraising dinner.

  25. 将努力为贫困者筹措更多的食品。

    There will be efforts to get larger amounts of food to the needy.

  26. 我们必须以某种方式筹措房租的钱。

    We must have money to pay the rents somehow or other.

  27. 双方同意为合营公司筹措差额进行合作。

    The Parties agree to cooperate in raising the Difference for the JV Company.

  28. 我们必须筹措一笔储备基金以应不测。

    We must build up a reserve fund to meet emergency.

  29. 我们筹措了100英镑而我们需要250英镑, 还缺150英镑。

    We raised 100, and we need 250 thats a deficit of 150.

  30. 大部分资金将通过发行政府债券来筹措。

    Most of it will be financed by government bonds.


  1. 问:筹措拼音怎么拼?筹措的读音是什么?筹措翻译成英文是什么?

    答:筹措的读音是chóucuò,筹措翻译成英文是 raise; raise money

  2. 问:筹措资金拼音怎么拼?筹措资金的读音是什么?筹措资金翻译成英文是什么?

    答:筹措资金的读音是chóu cuò zī jīn,筹措资金翻译成英文是 raise funds

  3. 问:筹措建造资金拼音怎么拼?筹措建造资金的读音是什么?筹措建造资金翻译成英文是什么?

    答:筹措建造资金的读音是chóu cuò jiàn zào zī jīn,筹措建造资金翻译成英文是 construction financing

  4. 问:筹措高额资金拼音怎么拼?筹措高额资金的读音是什么?筹措高额资金翻译成英文是什么?

    答:筹措高额资金的读音是chóu cuò gāo é zī jīn,筹措高额资金翻译成英文是 high level of financing



拼音:chóu cuò中文:筹措