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1. 弥 [mí]2. 弥 [mǐ]弥 [mí]满,遍:~满。~月(a.整一个月;b.婴儿满月)。~望(满眼)。~天(满天,形容极大的)。补,合:~补。~缝。~封。更加:~坚。欲盖~彰。水满的样子:~漫。久,远:~留(病久留不去,后称病重将……
1. 撒 [sā]2. 撒 [sǎ]撒 [sā]放开,发出:~手。~网。~谎(说谎)。~气。尽量施展或表现出来:~刁。~奸。~娇。~欢儿。~野。~酒疯。姓。撒 [sǎ]散播,散布,散落:~种(zhóng )。~播。把酒端平,别~了。姓。……
汉语拼音:mí sa
She went into her little bedroom and, remembering that the next morning was a mass morning, changed the hand of the alarm from seven to six.
她走进小小的卧室,记起第二天早上的弥撒,便把闹针从七点钟拨到了六点钟。Apologists for religion point to the Sistine Chapel and Bach's Mass in B minor as some sort of justification for it.
辩护者提到西斯廷教堂与巴赫的B小调弥撒作为为宗教辩护的理由。A week later, he and his wife, who are expecting a baby and have two older children, could not stop holding hands during the sermon.
罗伯·哈勒西和他怀孕的妻子已有两个孩子。一周后,他们在做弥撒时情不自禁地把手挽在了一起。His mass said, he broke his fast on rye bread dipped in the milk of his own cows.
弥撒经念过以后,作为早餐,他吃一块黑麦面包,蘸着自家的牛的乳汁。It seems to me that the mass is better from here.
我觉得在这位子上望弥撒来得好些。The word "Mass" means death and was coined originally by the Roman Catholic Church, and belongs exclusively to the Church of Rome.
“弥撒”这个词意味着死亡,是由原来罗马天主教会创造的,并完全属于罗马教廷。And just as I predicted, they gave him a fine funeral, with solemn mass, huge wreaths, and everything.
正如我所预见的,他们替他举行了隆重的丧礼,庄严的弥撒,巨大的花圈,一切应有尽有,应有尽有。that the Risen Christ, who gives himself to us in the Eucharist, may truly shape the whole of our lives by the radiance of his divine love.
的确,在弥撒圣祭中将自己赐予我们的复活了的主基督以自己天主性的大爱塑造滋养我们整个人生。Crowds are gathering at the Vatican in Rome, with up to a million expected for the inauguration Mass of Pope Francis.