如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 铺 [pū]2. 铺 [pù]铺 [pū]把东西散开放置,平摆:~开摊平。~床。~垫(a.卧具;b.衬托,陪衬,写作技巧之一)。~张。平~直叙。铺 [pù]商店:饭~。肉~。~面。床:床~。搭~。卧~。旧时的驿站:三十里~。……
汉语拼音:wò pù
Through a scheduling mix up, a man and a woman who have never met before find themselves in the same sleeping carriage of a train.
由于出行安排闹混了,一对以前从不相识的男女,在同一节卧铺车厢里碰上了。It was early morning on day four of a 22-day journey and I wanted to be somewhere else: anywhere but on the Cologne to Moscow sleeper train.
时间已是凌晨,今天是我22天游程的第四天,我实在想逃离这列科隆驶往莫斯科的卧铺列车。There were not many people on board, and it was easy to find a good seat. The carriage was in such silence that we were all frightened.
车上人不算多,总是能够找到好的空位,我们所在的卧铺车厢静得让我们害怕。A high shelf turned out to be a narrow bed, a source of unending delight to my sons, who replayed childhood skirmishes about the top bunk.
高处的搁架可以转变成一张狭窄的卧铺,这给儿子们带来了很多快乐,他们重温了孩提时代在上铺上玩的小把戏。State television said that the bus had 35 sleeper berths, suggesting it had been overcrowded.
国家电视台称,巴士上有35个卧铺,说明车内人满为患。But sleeping-car sleep is in a category of its own: your mind rests while your body goes the distance.
但是在卧铺车睡觉不是很舒服的。当你的身体还在前行,你的意志已经在休息。Teach me to live , that I may dread The grave as little as my bed ; Teach me to die , that so I may Rise glorious at the awful day .
求您教导我如何生活,使我看待坟墓只不过是我的卧铺;求您教导我如何死亡,使我能在可畏之日来临时荣耀复活。My husband and I arrived at the hotel early on Sunday morning, having travelled on the overnight sleeper train from Rome.
从罗马乘坐午夜的卧铺火车后,我和丈夫在周日早上很早就到达了酒店。Having been slightly apprehensive about what our four-bed, second-class compartment would be like, we were pleasantly surprised.