


〔~唔〕象声词,形容读书的声音。〔~哑(yǎ ㄧㄚˇ)〕a.象声词,小孩学话的声音;b.象声词,摇桨的声音。均亦作“咿呀”。……


1. 呀 [yā]2. 呀 [ya]呀 [yā]叹词,表示惊疑:~!你流血了。象声词,形容摩擦转动的声音:两扇大门~的一声打开了。呀 [ya]助词。表示疑问、感叹、祈使等语气:别见怪~!你快回去~!你怎么不回家~!……



汉语拼音:yī yā







  1. 象声词。

    刘绍棠 《瓜棚柳巷》:“船尾,有个人咿呀摇橹。”



  1. he was but eleven months and nine days old and , though still a tiny toddler , was just beginning to lisp his first babyish words.


  2. Once a little toddler with bright curly blonde hair and deep brown eyes came up to us. She wore a white flower shirt and pink pants.


  3. it would wail in its cradle all night long - not screaming heartily like any other child , but whimpering and moaning.


  4. Where love is just a lyric in a children's rhyme.


  5. Either way, please find it in yourself to sit down and listen to my babbling.


  6. Obama gets a lot of facts wrong, but gosh do we love to hear him prattle on. Such delivery.


  7. Just then Ralph, Jr. jumps on the stage making weird maniacal BABBLING NOISES. The MUSIC gradually stops. Stupefied, the band stares.


  8. People in the audience follow suit. The CROWD STAMPEDES, as Ralph, Jr. continues to perform his maniacal babbling and his buttock bouncing .


  9. and is the squeaky urheen in the depth of life, with no way of getting rid of hubbub and maze.


  1. 咿呀的桨声

    the squeak of oars in oarlocks.

  2. 咿呀发音爸爸妈妈

    The murmur of Papa Mama

  3. 我便咿呀拨弄一两段

    I fumble with a melody or two

  4. 爱只在儿歌的咿呀里。

    Where love is just a lyric in a children's rhyme.

  5. 这婴儿刚开始咿呀学语。

    The baby is just starting to talk.

  6. 老麦当劳有个农场,咿呀咿呀噢!

    Old Macdonald had a farm, Ee I Ee I Oh!

  7. 发出婴儿的咿呀声水流声。

    make a babbling, gurgling sound, as of water.

  8. 近旁的一扇门咿呀一声开了。

    A door squeaked open nearby.

  9. 这婴儿连续半个小时咿呀学语。

    The infant babbled for half an hour.

  10. 这婴儿接连几个小时地咿呀学语。

    The baby babbled on for hours.

  11. 别老是咿咿呀呀的,说慢点儿。

    Stop babbling and speak more slowly.

  12. 婴孩们一边玩一边咿咿呀呀地学说话。

    The babies babbled as they played.

  13. 小爱玛整个上午都在咿呀个不停。

    Little Emma had been babbling away all morning.

  14. 婴儿在小床上快乐地咿呀学语。

    The baby babbled happily in its cot.

  15. 她开始尝试理解我们的话,和我们咿呀学语。

    She began to attempt to understand what we said and burble to us.

  16. 我们听着伊莎贝尔玩耍时发出童稚的咿呀声。

    We listened to isabel's childish babble as she played.

  17. 你的女婴早在会说话之前就要开始咿呀发声了。

    Your baby will begin to vocalize long before she can talk.

  18. 我方才咿呀学语的时候,在我的心中就一有英雄。

    I have just babbling, when, in my mind there is a hero on the one.

  19. 照看咿呀学语的孩子对治疗发无名火的毛病有奇效。

    Watching a toddler works wonders on learning not to loose your cool.

  20. 照看咿呀学语得孩子对治疗发无名火得毛病有奇效。

    Watching a toddler works wonders on learning not to loose your cool.

  21. 照看咿呀学语的孩子对治疗发无名火的毛病有奇效。

    Watching a toddler works wonders on learning not to loose your cool.

  22. 不是光有音节就能使咿呀学语听起来如同言语。

    It's not just the syllables that make babbling so speechlike.

  23. 许多咿呀学步的孩子非常挑食,而且不愿尝试新事物。

    Many toddlers are notoriously choosy about their foods and reticent to try new things.


  1. 问:咿呀拼音怎么拼?咿呀的读音是什么?咿呀翻译成英文是什么?

    答:咿呀的读音是yīyā,咿呀翻译成英文是 squeak; prattle

  2. 问:咿呀语拼音怎么拼?咿呀语的读音是什么?咿呀语翻译成英文是什么?

    答:咿呀语的读音是yī ya yǔ,咿呀语翻译成英文是 babble




【拼音】yi ya

【解释】咿呀,网络流行语,表示惊叹,惊讶的心情· 最初出自央视版笑傲江湖片尾一声咿呀的声音,翻译成文字"咿呀" 由一位网友,偶然惊呼出"咿呀"的表情走红网络· 咿呀 yīyā(1) [squeak;creak]∶象声词 芦苇里传出咿呀的桨声 (2) [sound of speak]∶小孩子学话的声音