


手抵物体向外或向前用力使物移动:~车。~搡。~拿。~倒。~敲。顺水~舟。使用工具向前移动进行工作:~头。~土。使事情开展:~广。~行(xíng )。~动。~销。进一步想,由已知之点想到其它:~及。~究。~导。~论。~测。~事。往后挪动(时间……





汉语拼音:tuī ná







  1. 见“ 推拏 ”。



  1. Conclusion The therapeutic effect of the Tuina group is superior to that of the Taijiquan group and the Fluoxetine group.


  2. Conclusion The preparation can be used for the quality control and was an ideal external used medicine for tuina treatment.


  3. there's difference of statistical meaning between them. [Conclusion] The said method has better cure effect on scapulohumeral periarthritis.


  4. M. G etc is superior to that of using soft tissue Tuina manipulation of the soft tissue.


  5. After a year and a half, in 2008 College Class 2 Grade Acupuncture, I found that "covertly stratified teaching" makes us get many benefits.


  6. White collar workers eat usually do not rule, ten eight 9 stomach disease. Free massage to help Gongsun Xue, the spleen and stomach.


  7. Massage is not used for dermatosis with pathologic changes and injuries, bruise and scald.


  8. In the first three months, they were given tuina treatment three times a week .


  9. Research about the mechanism of traditional Chinese medical massage has been a hot academic topic in recent years.


  1. 推拿机器人

    TCM massage robot.

  2. 有足浴, 推拿。

    There foot bath, massage.

  3. 背部督脉推拿

    back Du channel massage.

  4. 小儿推拿特定穴位

    special acupoints for massage in children

  5. 一指禅推拿

    massage using a single thumb.

  6. 小儿发热推拿治验

    Tuina used in children's fever

  7. 用推拿疗法治疗疼痛

    treat pain by massage

  8. 对脊椎骨的推拿治疗

    manipulation of the bones of the back

  9. 推拿大腿可解除抽筋。

    Massaging your leg will ease the cramp.

  10. 推拿治疗小儿癃闭18例

    18 Cases of Infantile Uroschesis Treated by Chinese Massage Therapy

  11. 按摩师替我推拿背。

    The masseur kneaded my back.

  12. 推拿治疗心脏神经官能症

    Treatment cardiovascular neurosis with massage

  13. 本店是祖传推拿手法店。

    Our shop is the ancestral manipulation.

  14. 推拿此部位要柔中带劲。

    Massage the area gently but firmly.

  15. 中国传统推拿包括背部按摩。

    Chinese traditional massage includes back rub.

  16. 我们医院的推拿科很好。

    There is a very good massage department in our hospital.

  17. 我们医院得推拿科很好。

    There is a very good massage department in our hospital.

  18. 标准针灸, 推拿经络穴位挂图

    The Wall Map of Standard Meridians and Points of Acupuncture and Tuina

  19. 清代小儿推拿的学术特点

    Academic Features of Infantile Massage in Qing Dynasty.

  20. 推拿治疗夜啼31例点滴体会

    Experience in 31 Patients with Night Crying Treated Massage

  21. 蒙哥马利主动为我推拿。

    Montgomery offered me a massage.

  22. 做个脸部护理,再做次推拿

    I think a facial and a massage.

  23. 针刺推拿治疗面瘫140例

    140 Patients with facial paralysis treated with acupuncture and massage

  24. 运动损伤与运动推拿的临床研究

    A clinical study on sports injury and sports Tuina

  25. 有些病可以通过推拿来治疗。

    Some illness can be cured through massage.

  26. 针灸推拿治疗早泄的研究进展

    Advancement in Research on Acupuncture and Massage Treatment of Premature Ejaculation.

  27. 关于推拿的禁忌症, 亦并非绝对的。

    So far as contraindications are concerned, are not absolute in massage therapy.

  28. 对脊柱推拿的临床实践与思考

    Considerations on Spinal Massage Clinical Teaching

  29. 影响推拿时腰椎刚度的因素

    Factors associated with an alteration in lumbar manipulation stiffness

  30. 你真的会给人推拿正骨吗?

    Is it true that you manipulate people's bones?


  1. 问:推拿拼音怎么拼?推拿的读音是什么?推拿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推拿的读音是tuīná,推拿翻译成英文是 massage

  2. 问:推拿疗法拼音怎么拼?推拿疗法的读音是什么?推拿疗法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推拿疗法的读音是,推拿疗法翻译成英文是 naprapathy

  3. 问:推拿疗病派拼音怎么拼?推拿疗病派的读音是什么?推拿疗病派翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推拿疗病派的读音是tuī ná liáo bìng pài,推拿疗病派翻译成英文是 naprapathy

  4. 问:推拿疗病者拼音怎么拼?推拿疗病者的读音是什么?推拿疗病者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推拿疗病者的读音是,推拿疗病者翻译成英文是 naprapath



“推拿”是个多义词,它可以指推拿(康洪雷导演电视剧), 推拿(娄烨导演电影), 推拿(国家大剧院制作话剧), 推拿(中医名称), 推拿(毕飞宇著小说)。