


1. 蛤 [gé]2. 蛤 [há]蛤 [gé]〔~蜊〕软体动物,壳形卵圆,色淡褐,稍有轮纹,内白色,栖浅海沙中,肉可食。〔文~〕软体动物,略呈三角形,栖近海沙泥中,有黑白两种,幼时称“棋子蛤”。〔~蚧〕爬行动物,土黄色,像壁虎,头大,尾部……





汉语拼音:há ma








  1. His face was like the face of a toad, and his body like an adder!


  2. At the foot of the garden was a broad stream. Here, under the muddy banks lived the old toad with her son.


  3. As she said it, a great big toad dropped out of her mouth.


  4. Chiew Ah Chan said she was cleaning her house on Wednesday when she saw the toad trying to hop out of a drain.


  5. Toad went upstairs a little crossly, but he was pleased to get out of the washerwoman 's dress.


  6. There sat the sea witch, allowing a toad to eat from her mouth, just as people sometimes feed a canary with a piece of sugar.


  7. she sang merrily as she floated down the stream, away, far way out of reach of the ugly old toad and her ugly son.


  8. Therefore, he told the frog about the environment of East Sea. Meanwhile, he made a comparison and an analysis in his mind.


  9. The fat toad gave him a hollowed out yellow turnip, to which were harnessed six little mice.


  1. 工头让我们去买蛤蟆夯。

    The foreman asked us to buy frog rammers.

  2. 这只丑蛤蟆偷窥着她

    She peeped at her, this ugly toad.

  3. 工头让我们去买蛤蟆夯。

    Citizens enthisiastically buy government bonds, because they have higher interest rates than ordinary deposits.

  4. 不拿喇叭换喇嘛手里的蛤蟆。

    Without using a loudspeaker for the frog Lama hands.

  5. 她是一只嫉妒心很强的蛤蟆。

    she was an envious frog.

  6. 而实际上, 她把蛤蟆推入运河里。

    And she actually pushed Toad off the barge into the canal.

  7. 就连该死的蛤蟆的书都比我们的书好。

    Even the cursed frogloks have better books than these.

  8. 回到蛤蟆府第, 战后有大堆的收拾工作。

    Back in Toad Hall, there was a lot of tidying up to do after the battle.

  9. 我们知道在晚上青蛙蛤蟆得叫声比鸟大。

    We know that frog shouts louder than birds do at night.

  10. 我们知道在晚上青蛙蛤蟆的叫声比鸟大。

    We know that frog shouts louder than birds do at night.

  11. 蛤蟆一直很不高兴得叫著他们得名字骂骂咧咧得。

    And Toad called them some very unpleasant names while this was going on.

  12. 我给小孙子买了一只漂亮得蛤蟆过生日。

    I bought a swell toad for my grandson's birthday.

  13. 我给小孙子买了一只漂亮的蛤蟆过生日。

    I bought a swell toad for my grandson's birthday.

  14. 蛤蟆骑在马上大笑自己竟有如此聪明之举。

    Toad rode on laughing at his own cleverness.

  15. 蛤蟆蹦三蹦,还得歇三歇呢,我总得稍停两天!

    The frogs rest after each jump. I have to relax for a couple of days, at least.

  16. 因为这些, 蛤蟆很少再说什麽旅行是愉快生活的话。

    Because of this, Toad said very little about a pleasant easy life.

  17. 东北当地叫蛤蟆或哈士蟆,香港,广东人均称为雪哈。

    It as toad in northeast area, where Honkong and Guandong people as Snow toad.

  18. 他们三个把蛤蟆带进屋里并且关上房门。

    The three of them took Toad inside and shut the door.

  19. 像早餐吃到沼泽地胖苍蝇的蛤蟆那样得意忘形的表情

    the smug look of a toad Breakfasting on fat marsh flies

  20. 上面有一只懒蛤蟆, 它张大嘴巴想吃天鹅肉。

    Look, above a toad opening its mouth to eat a swan.

  21. 蛤蟆, 当然是他跌落水里, 然后他得朋友把他拉出来。

    Toad, course, managed to fall in the river and his friends pull him out.

  22. 蛤蟆,当然是他跌落水里,然后他的朋友把他拉出来。

    Toad, course, managed to fall in the river and his friends pull him out.

  23. 第二天晚上一桩小小得交易在蛤蟆得监狱里成交。

    The next evening a little business was done in the Toad's prison.

  24. 第二天晚上一桩小小的交易在蛤蟆的监狱里成交。

    The next evening a little business was done in the Toad's prison.

  25. 水塘边有很多疥蛤蟆,它们专吃蚊子等小飞虫。

    There are many toads by the river which eat mosquitos and other insects.

  26. 几个金币离开蛤蟆的口袋消失在洗衣婆的钱包里。

    Several gold coins left the Toads pocket and disappeared into the washerwoman s purse.

  27. 因而蛤蟆, 又打又叫的被他的两个朋友带到上楼。

    So Toad, fighting and shouting, was pulled upstairs by his two friends.

  28. 当她这么说的时候, 一只大蛤蟆从她嘴里蹦了出来。

    As she said it, a great big toad dropped out of her mouth.

  29. 你们两个必须马上跟我去将蛤蟆从疯狂中解救出来。

    You two must come with me immediately,and we will save Toad from this madness.

  30. 肥蛤蟆交给他一个空心的萝卜,上面套着六只小老鼠。

    The fat toad gave him a hollowed out yellow turnip, to which were harnessed six little mice.


  1. 问:蛤蟆拼音怎么拼?蛤蟆的读音是什么?蛤蟆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蛤蟆的读音是háma,蛤蟆翻译成英文是 toad

  2. 问:蛤蟆镜拼音怎么拼?蛤蟆镜的读音是什么?蛤蟆镜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蛤蟆镜的读音是hámajìng,蛤蟆镜翻译成英文是 A type of sun-glasses that have large lenses....

  3. 问:蛤蟆夯拼音怎么拼?蛤蟆夯的读音是什么?蛤蟆夯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蛤蟆夯的读音是hámahāng,蛤蟆夯翻译成英文是 A kind of power tapper which uses an electromoto...

  4. 问:蛤蟆油拼音怎么拼?蛤蟆油的读音是什么?蛤蟆油翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蛤蟆油的读音是hámayóu,蛤蟆油翻译成英文是 Forest Frog's Oviduct; Oviductus Ranae

  5. 问:蛤蟆皮拼音怎么拼?蛤蟆皮的读音是什么?蛤蟆皮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蛤蟆皮的读音是há má pí,蛤蟆皮翻译成英文是 drag

  6. 问:蛤蟆菌拼音怎么拼?蛤蟆菌的读音是什么?蛤蟆菌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蛤蟆菌的读音是há má jùn,蛤蟆菌翻译成英文是 fly agaric

  7. 问:蛤蟆蕈拼音怎么拼?蛤蟆蕈的读音是什么?蛤蟆蕈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蛤蟆蕈的读音是há má xùn,蛤蟆蕈翻译成英文是 Amanita muscaria

  8. 问:蛤蟆蕈氨酸拼音怎么拼?蛤蟆蕈氨酸的读音是什么?蛤蟆蕈氨酸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蛤蟆蕈氨酸的读音是gé má xùn ān suān,蛤蟆蕈氨酸翻译成英文是 muscazone

  9. 问:蛤蟆背形扶手拼音怎么拼?蛤蟆背形扶手的读音是什么?蛤蟆背形扶手翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蛤蟆背形扶手的读音是há má bèi xíng fú shǒu,蛤蟆背形扶手翻译成英文是 toadback handrail

  10. 问:蛤蟆石榴颗石藻拼音怎么拼?蛤蟆石榴颗石藻的读音是什么?蛤蟆石榴颗石藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蛤蟆石榴颗石藻的读音是hámashíliu kēshízǎo,蛤蟆石榴颗石藻翻译成英文是 Pomegranatecoccolithus frogus



蛤蟆há ma( 蟆单独读má ),也叫蟾蜍。两栖动物,体表有许多疙瘩,内有毒腺,俗称癞蛤蟆、癞刺、癞疙宝。在我国分为中华大蟾蜍和黑眶蟾蜍两种。从它身上提取的蟾酥以及蟾衣则是我国紧缺的药材。