


船。行船或飞行:~海。~空。~天。~行(xíng )。~班。民~。……


1. 模 [mó]2. 模 [mú]模 [mó]法式,规范,标准:~范。~式。楷~。~型。~本。~压。仿效:~仿(亦作“摹仿”)。~拟(亦作“摹拟”)。~写。特指“模范”:劳~。英~。模 [mú]〔~样〕a.人的长相或装束打扮的样子;b.表……



汉语拼音:háng mó






  1. 飞机和船只的模型。

  2. 体育运动项目。设计、制造并操纵航空或航海的模型。如:国际航模比赛。



  1. Carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) is an important kind of composite materials to produce light aircraft or large model aircraft.


  2. Much valuable work on fluid noise and propeller noise can be done by means of remote submersible model.


  3. The government has already banned the flying of model planes in parts of the city to thwart any plot to scatter anti-China leaflets.


  4. Finally, a test result of controlling multi-sensorless BLDCM in aeromodelling is specified.


  5. Museum facilities to international competition with the standard model aircraft enthusiasts is also an ideal base of operations.


  6. Servo motor is an important executive structure in robots, mechanism and electronics and aeromodellings.


  7. Model industry: building model, car model, and plane-model making; ABS board cutting, multi-board cutting.


  8. In the morning, we learned modeler, and I felt the joy produced by doing them.


  9. A speed-adjustment control system of senseless brushless DC motor in aeromodelling is introduced.


  1. 航模内燃机

    model airplane engine.

  2. 航模粘合胶

    airplane glue.

  3. 航模比赛与表演?

    Model Plane Competitions and Exhibitions?

  4. 航模飞机飞越大西洋

    Model plane flown across Atlantic

  5. 国际航模展

    International Exhibition of Models and Utensils for Modelmakers.

  6. 航模器具有限公司

    aviation model corporation, Ltd

  7. 航模飞机生产的质量保障

    Quality Assurance for Model Plane Production

  8. 男孩子们正在放飞航模。

    The boys are flying model planes.

  9. 上星期天他们放航模机。

    Last Sunday they flew their model planes.

  10. 他对制作航模有很大兴趣。

    He is interested in making model ships.

  11. 他从1993年以来一直收集航模。

    He has been collecting model ships since1993.

  12. 这些小朋友是来参加航模比赛的。

    These kids are here for a model ship competition.

  13. 潜艇自航模操纵性试验规程

    Trial code of manoeuvrability for free running submarine model

  14. 这架航模飞机是由橡皮圈推进的。

    The model plane is propelled by a plastic band.

  15. 别碰我的航模!你们谁都不许碰!

    And don't you touch my model ships! Not one of you!

  16. 约翰不慌不忙地修理着他的航模。

    John is repairing his model plane at his leisure.

  17. 基于卫星定位技术的航模线性化定位方法

    Linear localization algorithm of aeromodelling based on satellites positioning technology

  18. 航模直升机微型组合导航与控制系统研究

    Investigation of a Model Helicopter Navigation and Control System

  19. 乔治是奥地利国际航模协会的主席。

    Georg Breiner is the Chairman Federation of Aerosport Internal of Austria.

  20. 软体飞机航模的基础实验与开发研究

    Development Research And The Basic Experiment Of Software Airplane Navigation Mould

  21. 航模飞机快速固定折叠机翼装置属于航模飞行器。

    The utility model relates to a quick wing fixing and folding device of an aeromodelling airplane, which belongs to an aeromodelling aerocraft.

  22. 航模作为无需人力驾驶的飞行器越来越受到重视。

    Model airplanes have gained more and more attention as a kind of aircraft without manpower driving.

  23. 自航模试验数据计算机遥测及实时显示系统

    A Remote Actual Time Data Acquisition and Display System for Free Running Model Test

  24. 鲍勃对航模发生兴趣后,就一心一意地做起了航模。

    When Bob became interested in model airplanes,he went the whole hog.

  25. 无线收发系统是航模通信设备的最重要的部分。

    Wireless transceiver system is the most important part of communication equipments in model airplanes.

  26. 单片机定时器在航模直升机平衡控制系统中的应用

    Application of MCU Timer IN Model Helicopter Balance Control System

  27. 当我制造航模碰到问题时,我就请马克舅舅帮助。

    When I ran into a problem while making my model airplane,I asked uncle Mark for help.

  28. 还能够应用于诸如旱冰鞋、航模和电动玩具等民用产品。

    It can also be used in civilian products like roller skate aeromodelling and electric toy.

  29. 杨润说, 因为父亲认为这太过危险, 便亲手毁了那架航模。

    So my father destroyed the plane, says Yang.


  1. 问:航模拼音怎么拼?航模的读音是什么?航模翻译成英文是什么?

    答:航模的读音是hángmó,航模翻译成英文是 model airplane

  2. 问:航模运动员拼音怎么拼?航模运动员的读音是什么?航模运动员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:航模运动员的读音是háng mó yùn dòng yuán,航模运动员翻译成英文是 airplane modeler


