




1. 颈 [jǐng]2. 颈 [gěng]颈 [jǐng]头和躯干相连接的部分(亦称“脖子”),亦指事物像颈的部分:~项。头~。~联(指律诗的第三联,即第五、六两句)。长~鹿。曲~甑。颈 [gěng]〔脖~子〕口语指脖子。亦称“脖颈儿”。……







汉语拼音:wěn jǐng zhī jiāo








  • 【解释】:刎颈:割脖子;交:交情,友谊。比喻可以同生死、共患难的朋友。
  • 【出自】:《史记·廉蔺相如列传》:“卒相与欢,为刎颈之交。”
  • 【示例】:他有个闺中谈禅的密友,却是个~的娇妻。
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作宾语;含褒义


  1. na.
  2. Damon and Pythias (

  3. friendship);a friendship to the death;a friendship that would lead persons to die for each other;bosom friends who are willing to die for one another;friends sworn to death;intimate friendship

  1. 两人相与为刎颈之交。

    The two are such devoted friends they would die for each other.

  2. 有一面之交

    meet each other once.

  3. 泛泛之交, 点头之交

    a speaking acquaintance

  4. 他们只是泛泛之交。

    They are only acquaintances.

  5. 我们只是泛泛之交。

    We are only casual acquaintances.

  6. 他俩是生死之交。

    They are friends that are ready to die for each other.

  7. 我们不过是泛泛之交。

    We are only casual acquaintances.

  8. 一知半解的知识。点头之交

    nodding acquaintance

  9. 贫贱之交不可忘。

    One should not forget one's friends from hard times.

  10. 我跟他只是泛泛之交。

    I am on speaking terms with him.

  11. 我和他们只是泛泛之交。

    I only know them socially.

  12. 君子之交淡如水。

    A hedge between keeps friendship green.

  13. 我与他不是泛泛之交。

    I have more than a nodding acquaintance with him.

  14. 我跟他不是泛泛之交。

    I have more than a nodding acquaintance with him.

  15. 我们只不过是泛泛之交。

    We are only casual acquaintances.

  16. 君子之交淡如水。

    The friendship of a gentleman is insipid as water.

  17. 此时正是秋冬之交。

    We are just on the cusp between autumn and winter.

  18. 此时正是秋冬之交。

    We are just on the cusp between autumn and winter.

  19. 君子之交淡如水。

    The friendship between gentleman appears indifferent but is pure like water.

  20. 晚更新世与全新世之交

    interim of Late Pleistocene and Holocene

  21. 这位邻居跟他只是泛泛之交。

    It was a neighbor he knew only socially.

  22. 他跟列文一家只是泛泛之交。

    He had known the Levine family only casually.

  23. 君子之交淡如水, 小人之交甘如醴

    The friendship between men of virtue is light like water, yet affectionate

  24. 不懂饶恕的妇人永远只能是汉子的颔首之交。

    A woman who can't forgive should never have more than a nodding acquaintance with a man.

  25. 为在马, 狗上面打赌所交之税

    Tax levi on betting on horse dog, etc

  26. 在此情况下,已缴交之款项将不获退还。

    In such case no refund would be made.

  27. 未经乙方同意前, 甲方不得自行领回缴交之标的证券。

    Customer may not withdraw the deposited underlying securities without the consent of Company.

  28. 未经乙方同意前,甲方不得自行领回缴交之标得证券。

    Customer may not withdraw the deposited underlying securities without the consent of Company.

  29. 不懂宽恕之妇人永远只能是男人之点头之交。

    A woman who can't forgive should never have more than a nodding acquaintance with a man.

  30. 除非因课程额满或取消,否则已缴交之学费恕不退款及转让。

    Course fees are not refundable transferable unless the course is full or cancelled.


