




1. 戏 [xì]2. 戏 [hū]戏 [xì]玩耍:游~。儿~。嬉~。~豫(嬉游逸乐)。二龙~珠。嘲弄,开玩笑:~言。~弄。~谑(用诙谐有趣的话开玩笑)。演员在舞台上化装表演故事的艺术:~剧。~文。~码(戏曲演出的节目)。~剧性。指具体剧……



汉语拼音:pāi xì






  1. That was something that had never happened during filming, I could only say that it was a miracle.


  2. Fischer revealed that she doesn't wear her multi-faceted diamond engagement ring to work -- for fear that it'll get stolen from her trailer.


  3. She said she wanted to continue her career after marriage but would not consider bearing a baby.


  4. see blindsided, before filming, really do not know how to appreciate the spectacle of the Creator.


  5. I came in, he laid in a bed and was covered in rubber. I was covered in rubber. We did the scene together and that was all.


  6. He also said the extras hired for the set only took photos and "ruined the acting atmosphere. "


  7. Now I feel it is interesting, trying to immerse in the role, it is fun.


  8. After recuperating for a few months, he has gone back to work, pretending nothing has happened.


  9. Meanwhile, her training in walking also helps her in the film for she had to run a lot in the film even with high heels.


  1. 他也许喜欢给我拍戏?

    You think maybe he like to take my picture?

  2. 一个剧组在河岸边拍戏。

    Just along the bank a TV crew were filming.

  3. 一个剧组在河岸边拍戏。

    Just along the bank a TV crew were filming.

  4. 为什么好莱坞不找你拍戏。

    Surprised Hollywood ain't found you yet.

  5. 可知有个导演在这里拍戏。

    You know this director who was doing the film here.

  6. 那是我第一次有酬拍戏。

    That was my very first paid acting roie.

  7. 从外地拍戏才回来,看到这个帖子。

    Movies coming back from field, to see this message.

  8. 我们一起拍戏, 接着我就不理他了。

    We did the scene together and then I left him alone.

  9. 吴宇森拍戏之前,有没有人放白鸽?

    Before John Woo did it, who would bring pigeons to the set?

  10. 苏智诚需要拍戏,暂时不能去度蜜月。

    No honeymoon for Cavin in the near future.

  11. 目前觉得拍戏是乐趣,投入角色相当好玩。

    Now I feel it is interesting, trying to immerse in the role, it is fun.

  12. 首先, 可否讲一下你是怎样入行拍戏的?

    First, can you tell us how you became a filmmaker?

  13. 我在杭州附近的安吉拍戏,刚到北京。

    Just got to Beijing from a couple weeks filming in Anji near hangzhou.

  14. 我最喜欢的事情就是马上和她合作拍戏。

    You could shoot almost immediately with her which is something I like to do.

  15. 孔侑说起之前在国外拍戏时类似的经历。

    Ggong then mentioned that he also used to have that kind of experience before when he was filming abroad.

  16. 所以拍戏要十分有耐心,随时等待奇迹的发生。

    It took a lot of patience, waiting for magic to happen.

  17. 但是我喜欢喝小孩一起拍戏, 我总是很享受这个。

    But I love working with kids, I've never not enjoyed it.

  18. 我们必须在5时前来制片厂排演,并于7时至10时拍戏。

    We must be at the studio for rehearsals by 5 and on camera from 7 to 10.

  19. 当你的父母知道你要全职拍戏后, 他们有什么反应?

    How did your parents react when you told them you wanted to be a filmmaker?

  20. 但是, 这次拍戏我却觉得能被水泼是一种幸福。

    However, I think this movie can be a blessing of water is poured.

  21. 我们轮流拍戏, 这样就可以保证有一个人在家陪孩子。

    We take turns working so one of us can be home with the kids.

  22. 在大陆拍戏甜酸苦辣, 什麽都有, 好玩的蛮多。

    Eric I got all sorts of experiences from filming in Mainland China, sweet, resentful, bitter and acrid.

  23. 她总是这样忙着拍戏, 是否会为丢失的童年感到遗憾呢?

    Would she feel regret about her lost childhood?

  24. 她还表示希望婚后可以继续拍戏, 并不打算生小孩。

    She said she wanted to continue her career after marriage but would not consider bearing a baby.

  25. 只是,提到郭羡妮拍戏晕倒的事,温兆伦就快气疯。

    But when mentioning Sonija sank in a faint due to acting, Deric almost mad.

  26. 这是拍戏以来从没有发生过的事情, 我只能说这是奇迹!

    That was something that had never happened during filming, I could only say that it was a miracle.

  27. 听说摄制组正在我们这里拍戏,村里人都去看希罕了。

    Knowing that a film is being produced there, the villagers all went to see the spectacle.

  28. 看傻了眼,以前拍戏,真的不懂得欣赏造物者之奇。

    see blindsided, before filming, really do not know how to appreciate the spectacle of the Creator.


  1. 问:拍戏拼音怎么拼?拍戏的读音是什么?拍戏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拍戏的读音是pāixì,拍戏翻译成英文是 shoot a scene; film; make a motion picture



pāixì [make a motion picture] 拍摄电影或演电影、电视剧、短片、MV的都是拍戏,是有电影明星 、艺人参加拍摄的。拍戏又称演戏