








1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……



汉语拼音:gāo gāo zài shàng







  • 【解释】:原指地位高,现在形容领导者脱离实际,脱离群众。
  • 【出自】:《诗经·周颂·敬之》:“无曰高高在上,陟降厥士,日监在兹。”
  • 【示例】:有着理智的青年朋友们眼看部长~,“三青团”爪牙虎视眈眈,也只有沉默装傻而已。
  • 【语法】:补充式;作谓语、定语;形容领导者脱离实际


  1. When a party to pay all of a sudden one day awareness, get away with it high above the party will fall badly battered.


  2. You never will, you ll never see Him in person, you never expect to. Just a global celebrity of the highest rank.


  3. At the same time, industry customers should also be placed on its own location, do not always walk all over you, high above the ground.


  4. Lei as long as a legend, you can straight up the sky, into a mighty dragon and high above.


  5. CEOs are on pedestals and if they announce from on high, "I'm a bit of a bully" , someone is likely to knock them down.


  6. The twig dropped from his nerveless fingers, as though an arrow had pierced his heart. Slowly, he turned to look at the looming shape.


  7. If they continue to see the children of high government officials doing better, their disaffection will grow.


  8. "Oh, " she said, "we were waiting for you to come down to earth and stop being up yourself! "


  9. You feel as if you were at the bottom of some tremendous abyss, with all the world far above you.


  1. 高高在上和散那!

    Hosanna in the highest!

  2. 他不想高高在上。

    He did not want to be pinnacled.

  3. 高高在上或陷入低谷

    High up above or down below

  4. 不知道的是,高高在上的地位

    what they don't know is that living on that high.

  5. 这个清真寺高高在上大门紧闭。

    The mosque was raised high above the ground with its door inhospitably bolted.

  6. 你高高在上,我就要卑躬屈膝吗?

    Do I have to be obsequious since you are above?

  7. 谁需要一个高高在上的天堂?

    Who needs a heaven up above?

  8. 我觉得你高高在上俯视你的角色。

    I thought you looked down on the people you were writing about.

  9. 变得高高在上, 飘飘欲仙, 或沉迷。

    get high, stoned, or drugged.

  10. 高高在上挂天空,只有夜晚才出来。

    It is high in the sky I can be seen only at night.

  11. 在你知道前我们已经高高在上了。

    We'll be back on top before you know it.

  12. 你知道吗?我总是觉得自己高高在上

    You know, I used to walk tall around here.

  13. 高高在上的信天翁是一种壮观景象。

    An albatross aloft can be a spectacular site.

  14. 我会成为神,高高在上,然后,毁灭一切。

    I'll be god, on high, then, destroy everything.

  15. 不要表现出一副高高在上的样子。

    Dont act so allfired high and mighty.

  16. 现在的我高高在上,所有的模式运用自如!

    Now I superior, all the model with ease!

  17. 前一刻他们还把我捧的高高在上

    One minute they're holding you up.

  18. 我觉得,观众不是上帝,我们也不是高高在上。

    I don't think that the audience is God. Nor do I think we are above them.

  19. 但是有你这个家伙高高在上, 我也有感情。

    But it's the stiff upper beak and I have feelings.

  20. 高高在上的, 让我想吐他一脸唾沫。

    Stand high above the masses, let me feel sick he one face saliva.

  21. 他看人的眼神还是那种高高在上的神态。

    His stare is one of regal aloofness.

  22. 我不喜欢他那种高高在上、讥讽的口吻。

    I don't like that superior, sneering tone of his.

  23. 你竟敢用这样高高在上的口气对我讲话?

    How dare you talk down to me like this?

  24. 圣瓦伦丁河啊,你戴着王冠高高在上

    Saint Valentine thou who art crowned aloft.

  25. 他不愿高高在上,而愿深入到民众当中去。

    He desired not to be pedestalled, but to sink into the crowd.

  26. 他,高高在上,我感觉自己只不过是地底泥。

    He, high above, I feel only to sediment.

  27. 这些高高在上得老板既不了解员工, 也不了解顾客。

    The men at the top misunderstood both the employees and the customers.

  28. 这些高高在上的老板既不了解员工, 也不了解顾客。

    The men at the top misunderstood both the employees and the customers.

  29. 他不喜欢丽莉并非因为后者聪明漂亮,高高在上。

    She did not dislike Lily because the latter was brilliant and predominant.

  30. 我依旧只是一只鸵鸟,仰望着高高在上的他。

    I still just an ostrich, looking forward to his superior.


  1. 问:高高在上拼音怎么拼?高高在上的读音是什么?高高在上翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高高在上的读音是gāogāozàishàng,高高在上翻译成英文是 be superior



词目 :高高在上 发音: gāo gāo zài shàng 释义: 原指上天或人君处在极高的位置,后泛指身处高位,含有脱离群众、不了解下情之意。