







汉语拼音:yīn lǜ







  1. 指音乐的律吕、宫调等。


  2. 泛指乐曲,音乐。

    宋 苏轼 《朱寿昌梁武忏赞偈》叙:“一切众生,有不能了。乃以韵语,谐诸音律。使一切人,歌咏赞叹。”《红楼梦》第二二回:“这一齣戏是一套‘北点絳唇’,鏗鏘顿挫,那音律不用説是好了。”

  3. 文字声韵的规律。

    南朝 梁 沉约 《答陆厥书》:“以《洛神》比 陈思 他赋,有似异手之作,故知天机启,则律吕自调,六情滞,则音律顿舛也。” 唐 封演 《封氏闻见记·声韵》:“ 永明 中, 沉约 文词精拔,盛解音律,遂撰四声谱。”



  1. I spoke them slowly as I wrote and only discover- ed when I read them to somebody else that there was no common music, no prosody.


  2. Astronomy barrier of geography, not up to the aesthetic temperament, but love hiking wading, unless claiming to be Happy.


  3. A sensation of actuality and spiritual content would be born, like the rise of a wave or a musical phrase.


  4. At least that tune was a little more modern.


  5. He was also good at astronomy, mathematics, geography and music. He was a prominent leader of literature in Luoyang City.


  6. But its haunting chords and rhythms do not conquer tone-deaf bureaucracies .


  7. Almost without exception, any harpsichord sounds better in an historic temperament.


  8. It was more atonal and twelve-tone.


  9. About music, is clearly one of the characteristics of the Chuanqi art.


  1. 舒张期三音律

    diastolic triple rhythm.

  2. 舒张期四音律

    diastolic quadruple rhythm.

  3. 音律计算法比较

    compared numeration of music temperament

  4. 他是个音律家。

    He is a master of melody.

  5. 于无声中感悟音律

    And hear sound and rhythms in silence

  6. 大诗人也是音律大师。

    A great poet is a master melody.

  7. 分析诗歌的音节音律。

    analysis of verse into metrical patterns.

  8. 皮尔斯音律振荡器

    mode Pierce oscillator

  9. 以及声带仍然记得那些音律

    and her vocal chords still remembered the notes.

  10. 他苦练音阶, 指法, 音律和节奏。

    He practices scales, fingering, melody and rhythm.

  11. 一种模仿演讲节奏的诗歌音律。

    A poetic rhythm that imitates the rhythm of speech.

  12. 伟大的语言同时也领有妙美的音律。

    Great language also has a wonderful musical quality.

  13. 自幼博学多才,好文辞,又精于音律。

    Se was erudite from childhood, good at writing and melody.

  14. 有关民族乐团音律改革的几点认识

    Some Suggestions on Temperamental Reform of Chinese Orchestra

  15. 到终极, 那参差的音律, 无一不能。

    My poet, thou canst touch on all the notes.

  16. 讲究音律,显然是传奇艺术的特征之一。

    About music, is clearly one of the characteristics of the Chuanqi art.

  17. 汉代音律学文献资料中的两个问题

    Two problems on the musical documents in Han Dynasty.

  18. 音乐喷泉系统的音律控制变频调速技术

    The Technique of Swing Control Variable Frequency Adjusting Speed in a Music Fountain System

  19. 多音节单词重音的分布。分析诗歌的音节音律。

    The distribution of stresses within a polysyllabic word. analysis of verse into metrical patterns.

  20. 分布律的解析表达式分析诗歌的音节音律。

    The law of distribution analysis of verse into metrical patterns.

  21. 心脏跳动节奏不规律。分析诗歌的音节音律。

    An abnormal heartbeat rhythm. analysis of verse into metrical patterns.

  22. 这些音调是等同于宇宙万物的音律或振动的。

    The tones are equivalent to the tones or vibrations of creation.

  23. 汉语诗歌得音律原则, 山东文学, 2008年3月, 第3期。

    Principles of Sound and Rhythm of Chinese Poetry, Shandong Literature, 2008.

  24. 而刘炜庭院里的布置,却也抑扬顿挫,暗合音律。

    Liu Wei courtyards and layout, but also voice, though covertly.

  25. 汉语诗歌的音律原则,山东文学,2008年3月,第3期。

    Principles of Sound and Rhythm of Chinese Poetry, Shandong Literature,2008.

  26. 这首歌音律谐美, 唱歌得人演绎得也非常好。

    This song is beautiful in its melody and is performed very well by the singer.

  27. 啊,我的爱人像首演奏的乐曲,音律和谐,音调甜美。

    O, my luve is like the melodie, That's sweetly play'd in tune.

  28. 首先是音律上的特殊性和二个变音的游移性

    It first come with the particularity of melody and vacillation in two inflexion

  29. 这首歌音律谐美, 唱歌的人演绎得也非常好。

    This song is beautiful in its melody and is performed very well by the singer.

  30. 这首歌音律谐美,唱歌的人演绎得也非常好。

    This song is beautiful in its melody and is performed very well by the singer.


  1. 问:音律拼音怎么拼?音律的读音是什么?音律翻译成英文是什么?

    答:音律的读音是yīnlǜ,音律翻译成英文是 temperament; tonality

  2. 问:音律的拼音怎么拼?音律的的读音是什么?音律的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:音律的的读音是yīn lǜ de,音律的翻译成英文是 phonematic

  3. 问:音律单位拼音怎么拼?音律单位的读音是什么?音律单位翻译成英文是什么?

    答:音律单位的读音是yīn lǜ dān wèi,音律单位翻译成英文是 phonematic unit




宋 苏轼 《朱寿昌梁武忏赞偈》叙:“一切众生,有不能了。乃以韵语,谐诸音律。使一切人,歌咏赞叹。” 《红楼梦》 第二二回:“这一出戏是一套‘北点绛唇’,铿锵顿挫,那音律不用说是好了。”文字声韵的规律。