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1. 色 [sè]色 [sè]由物体发射、反射的光通过视觉而产生的印象:颜~。~彩。~相(xiàng )。~调(diào )。脸上表现出的神气、样子:脸~。气~。~厉内荏。情景,景象:行~匆匆。景~宜人。种类:各~用品。品质,质量:音~。成……
汉语拼音:sè sù
王统照 《沉思》:“她那白润中显出微红的皮肤色素,和那双一见能感人极深的眼睛……都表现出难以形容的美丽。” 秦牧 《艺海拾贝·鲜花百态和艺术风格》:“由于一些基本色素的复杂配合,加上折光作用,花的颜色就变化无穷了。”
The possible nature of the pigmented seeds, mechanism and clinical significance of such phenomenon are discussed in this article.
本文将探讨该色素颗粒可能之性质、该现象发生之机转及临床之意义。Moles are the result of rapidly dividing cells which produce a dark pigment in the skin, usually in childhood.
据了解,黑痣是可分泌暗沉色素的某种皮肤细胞快速分裂的结果,常见于人类幼年阶段。Yet that alone is not enough for transparency. Cartilage has no melanins or blood supply and is colorless, but it is at best translucent.
不过单是如此还不足以达成透明,就像软骨,既没有黑色素亦无血液供应,同时也没有颜色,但它顶多只是半透明。Senile plaques: All referred to as "senile pigment spot, " also known as medical seborrheic .
老年斑:全称为“老年性色素斑”,医学上又被称为脂溢性角化。But was an extra photopigment all that was needed to evolve trichromatic vision?
但是是否另一种感光色素必须完全进化成三色视觉?Recently, the studies on them have been a hot region. Thus it is of great significance to comprehensively exploit the macro fungi.
近年来,对大型真菌色素的研究开发已成为一项热门领域,对真菌资源综合利用有着重要的意义。IV contained large amount of dark brownish pigments impurities, further treatment of purification had not been carried out on this fraction.
四所载黑褐色色素大量杂质,净化进一步治疗没有进行过关于这一部分。It's almost as if you knew that he was going to tell her that the melanoma was back.
就好像你事前就知道他会告诉她黑色素瘤复发了一样。A study of urban pigeons in central Paris has shown that birds with higher levels of the dark pigment melanin have stronger immune systems.