




1. 远 [yuǎn]2. 远 [yuàn]远 [yuǎn]距离长,与“近”相对:~方。~道。~程。~景。~足(较远的徒步旅行)。~见(远大的眼光)。~虑。~谋。~客。遥~。~走高飞。舍近就~。时间长:~古。~祖。长~。永~。关系疏,不亲密……



汉语拼音:jìn yuǎn









  1. 指亲近或疏远的人。

    《汉书·公孙弘传》:“其性意忌,外宽内深。诸常与 弘 有隙,无近远,虽阳与善,后竟报其过,杀 主父偃 ,徙 董仲舒 胶西 ,皆 弘 力也。”

  2. 近处和远处。

    唐 玄奘 《大唐西域记·飒秣建国》:“进止威仪,近远取则。其王豪勇,邻国承命。” 清 宋之绳 《梅花》诗:“漠漠冻云连近远,荒荒野月照清寒。”

  3. 谓远近的程度。

    晋 木华 《海赋》:“徒识观怪之多骇,乃不悟所歷之近远。”《敦煌变文集·李陵变文》:“ 李陵 问:‘火去此门近远?’左右报言:‘火去此间一里。’” 宋 陈克 《谒金门》词:“消息不知郎近远,一春长梦见。”

  4. 偏义复词。谓远。

    元 无名氏 《替杀妻》楔子:“不多近远有个员外,待要结义小人做兄弟。” 元 无名氏 《千里独行》楔子:“[ 张虎 云:] 张飞 言道, 曹丞相 军马,偌近远来到这里,人困马乏,他要今晚夜间,领兵来偷营刼寨。”



  1. Conclusion: Mesio- distally direction occlusal relationship obviously piloted chewing movement.


  2. High-density probe and wider frequency band optimize greatly image quality of near and far field.


  3. And according to the algorithm is near far-field transform theory to calculate the antenna far-field characteristics.


  4. Fracture strengths of domestic ceramic orthodontic brackets during mesial-distal archwire tipping


  5. Near-Field Far-Field Transformations Contained Probe Correction in Spherical Near-Field Antenna Measurement


  6. Hemodynamic Changes of Proximal and Distal Artery of Serious Stenosis or Occlusion of Internal Carotid Artery


  7. Two techniques in near-to-far-field extrapolation for one-dimensional periodic structure


  8. A Novel NFFF Transformation Algorithm to Calculate the Antenna Pattern in FDTD


  9. Investigation of Near-Field-Far-Field Transformation inAntenna's Planar Near-Field Measurements


  1. 那就让他迈向他听到的音乐, 无论近远。

    Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.

  2. 从近到远,行不行?

    Start close and work back for distance, all right?

  3. 仁爱须由近及远。

    Charity begins at home, but should not end there.

  4. 他讲课总是由近及远,由浅入深。

    His lectures always proceed from the close to the distant and from the elementary to the profound.

  5. 老花眼和远视眼的近点都比正常服的近点远。

    The near point of either a presbyopia or a hyperopic eye is farther eye than normal.

  6. 老花眼和远视眼得近点都比正常服得近点远。

    The near point of either a presbyopia or a hyperopic eye is farther eye than normal.

  7. 请按照先近后远的顺序依次填写您的工作经历

    Please indicate inverses chronological order your fulltime employment history.

  8. 人们的基本认知规律是由近及远, 由具体到抽象的。

    The basic cognitive rule for people to know the world is from the near to the far and from the concrete to the abstract.

  9. 最后一周至本月底也将耸人听闻的旅费, 或近或远。

    The last week of the month would also be sensational for travel, near or far.

  10. 她画了一排由近而远高度递减的树以演示透视法的规律。

    She drew a row of trees receding into the distance to demonstrate the laws of perspective.

  11. 虎豹别墅离这里是近还是远?

    Is Tiger Balm Garden near or far ?

  12. 它可以是离现在很近或是很远。

    It can be a short time from now or a long time from now.

  13. 肘部离身躯太近或太远都属于缺陷。

    Elbows are too far out or in are faults.

  14. 卫星轨道近地点和远地点能量平衡式

    Energy Balance Equation at Perigee and Apogee of Satellite Orbit

  15. 椭圆轨道半长轴为,近地点到远地点。

    A The ellipse has a semimajor axis A, 2a perigee to apogee is 2a.

  16. 歌声由远而近。

    The singing came closer and closer.

  17. 现在我们要看看, 近地点和远地点得情况。

    Now we want to know what the situation is with perigee and with apogee.

  18. 现在我们要看看,近地点和远地点的情况。

    Now we want to know what the situation is with perigee and with apogee.

  19. 无论我们相隔远或近。

    Whatever we apart from.

  20. 远是近的反义字。

    Far is the antonym of near..

  21. 今日府河与南河紫霓横江近水光弥天远。

    The neon lights shine upon the nearby river, and the reflections on the water light up the distant sky.

  22. 被炸碎得汽车玻璃飞落到爆炸地点近500米远得街道。

    Broken glass from car windows was strewn about on streets nearly500 meters from the blast site.

  23. 被炸碎的汽车玻璃飞落到爆炸地点近500米远的街道。

    Broken glass from car windows was strewn about on streets nearly500 meters from the blast site.

  24. 朋友或远或近,总记在心头。

    Far or near, the friends are always in my heart.

  25. 由远而近传来悲壮的笛声。

    From near, then far, comes the solemn, tragic sound of a flute.

  26. 那个小先生总是不远不近地跟着。

    The young teacher would always wait for her in a certain distance.

  27. 耕地撂荒过程上,先远后近,先旱地,后水田。

    Abandonment of arable, far and dry arable first; near and paddy fields after.

  28. 我眺望大海,空,眺望不可理喻而又相距不远不近的一切。

    I look to the sea, to the sky, to what is unintelligible and distantly near.

  29. 一种中枢神经癫痫症通常是肢体肌肉抽动从远到近。

    Focal epilepsy in which the attack usually moves from distal to proximal limb muscles on the same side of the body.

  30. 近远场测量

    near far field mesurement.


  1. 问:近远方向拼音怎么拼?近远方向的读音是什么?近远方向翻译成英文是什么?

    答:近远方向的读音是jìn yuǎn fāng xiàng,近远方向翻译成英文是 proximo – distal direction