


1. 远 [yuǎn]2. 远 [yuàn]远 [yuǎn]距离长,与“近”相对:~方。~道。~程。~景。~足(较远的徒步旅行)。~见(远大的眼光)。~虑。~谋。~客。遥~。~走高飞。舍近就~。时间长:~古。~祖。长~。永~。关系疏,不亲密……


撒种:~种(zhóng )。~种(zhòng )(用撒布种子的方式种植)。~撒。夏~。春~。传扬,传布:广~。传~。~音。~发。~弄。~扬(a.宣扬,传扬;b.发动)。~放。~映。……



汉语拼音:yuǎn bō








  1. 传播到远方。

    晋 孙绰 《聘士徐君墓颂》:“音徽远播,飱仰芳流。” 明 冯梦龙 《万事足·京都谈胜》:“天威远播,四夷来宾,所以武将各逞英雄。” 郭沫若 《孔雀胆》第四幕:“这足见得是朝廷的恩威远播,故尔四夷来王了。”



  1. Charles Dickenshad been reporting on the world about him for the past six years, as a journalist and then as a novelist.


  2. CHOPIN: NOCTURNES One of the idiosyncrasies of music history is the number of composers who flowered far from their native soil.


  3. "Dwarf stew? " suggested Duck. "Urho the Unwashed is the worst of them, " Haldon confided. "His stench alone is enough to kill a man. "


  4. This made them even more famous, garnering millions of young fans throughout the United States and the rest of the world.


  5. Browsing. Like a rabbit, albeit a rabbit in charge of a restaurant that has set the culinary world abuzz.


  6. The banner of his renown streams throughout the ten directions, for the dakas and dakin is speak of his greatness everywhere.


  7. Tianning Temple gained far-flung fame because of this, and. was given the honor of one of Four Famous Temples in Central Plains.


  8. Two months after the Tightwad Bank opened in May 1984, an article on it appeared in The Kansas City Times. Word began to spread.


  9. A hippie fan brought him to California for a visit in 1975, and his fame spread.


  1. 能够声名远播的原因就在于

    and why Skinner is so well known

  2. 莱温的吸引力甚至远播伊拉克。

    Lewins appeal has even spread to Iraq.

  3. 剩下的就是一个臭名远播的故事。

    And the rest was an infamous story.

  4. 我不信任吉姆那个臭名远播的骗子。

    I don't trust Jim, who an infamous liar.

  5. 她是个超级巨星, 名声远播, 非常富有。

    Pros, she is huge star, great publicity, terrific money.

  6. 澳门在中华文明远播拉美中的重要作用

    The important role of Macao in spreading Chinese cultures to Latin America

  7. 他为人高洁,雅誉远播,大家都很喜欢他。

    He has a noble character and a good reputation. Everybody likes him.

  8. 他为人高洁,雅誉远播,大家都很喜欢他。

    He has a noble character and a good reputation. Everybody likes him.

  9. 由于名气日益远播,渐渐地她有了很多弟子。

    As her fame grew she had many disciples.

  10. 愿龙王的恩泽远播广传以利益更多的有情!

    May the grace of Dragon King spread far and wide to benefit more beings!

  11. 很快这个欺骗者的臭名远播,便没有顾客了。

    Soon there will be no more customers as the cheater's putrid reputation becomes known.

  12. 当他十六岁时已是威名远播的射雕英雄了!

    When he was 16 when is ornery shoots carves the hero!

  13. 他的声名远播, 勇父和勇母把他的伟大传向四面八方。

    The banner of his renown streams throughout the ten directions, for the dakas and dakin is speak of his greatness everywhere.

  14. 在艺术风格上形成一个浪峰,远播了陈洪绶的影响。

    In the arts to form a style Langfeng, Jingsheng, the impact of the Chen Hongshou.