







汉语拼音:zuò yōng






  1. 安坐而拥有。

    《晋书·范弘之传》:“坐拥大众,侵食百姓,《大东》流於远近,怨毒结於众心,不可谓爱人。”《儿女英雄传》第四十回:“只看外省有个经费不继,开起捐来,如那班坐拥厚貲的府厅司道,合那班盘剥重利的洋商盐商,都得花到上万的银子,才捐得这件东西到头上。” 李大钊 《大哀篇》:“此辈蝇营狗苟,坐拥千金,以供其贿买选票者,又果谁之血髓耶?”



  1. That can leave the PRC sitting on a huge pile of dollars and the U. S. economy as the only place big and solid enough to absorb it back.


  2. Microsoft (MSFT) has two massive platforms in Windows and Xbox, and has been thrashing about for a decade trying to build one in mobile.


  3. Thanks to abundant natural resources, Russia's economy has grown by an average of 7% a year for the past decade.


  4. 'That guy may have had access to 10, 000 books, but I was the one who was able to keep reading, ' he says.


  5. Call it a scam, but Ty's line of collectibles created the most insane fad frenzy of all time, and he now sits on billions.


  6. Normally, an investor with an estimated $52bn fortune would not be a natural recipient of Christmas compassion.


  7. Spices Garden, with its pleasant location overlooking the hotel's garden terrace, sets the trend for Vietnamese cuisine in the city.


  8. if there is no happiness in your heart, it has not had any meaning even if you had the wealth and fame of the whole world.


  9. With rates held low by the U. S. Federal Reserve, financing rates remain at some of the cheapest on record.


  1. 坐拥财富,不如善加利用之。

    Better is the use of riches than the possessing of them.

  2. 你也可能并不坐拥巨大财富,

    You may not own a lot of wealth.

  3. 永远坐拥财产也不是一个选择。

    Sitting on assets for ever is not an option either.

  4. 天津坐拥渤海湾的海港,是主要的贸易中心。

    Tianjin is a major trade center with connection to seaports on the Bohai Gulf.

  5. 同时因为坐拥大量现金, 他们的决策更为快捷。

    As well as having lots of money, they tend to make decisions quickly.

  6. 巴菲特的公司目前坐拥380亿美元的现金储备。

    Mr. Buffetts company is now sitting on a cash hoard of 38 billion.

  7. 企业利润水平仍然健康,大公司仍然坐拥大量现金。

    Corporate profits are still healthy. Big companies continue to sit on a cash hoard.

  8. 坐拥名家设计家园的美梦如今已能付诸实现。

    Owning a designer dream home can now become a reality.

  9. 它们坐拥大量现金,但没有将其用于扩大信贷。

    They sit on this pile of cash but do not use it to increase credit.

  10. 人去楼空处,你还坐拥曾经的奥斯曼。

    When people leave, you still own the ancient Ottoman Empire.

  11. 执行上面的指示的时候,切记要设想自己已坐拥这笔金钱。

    As you carry out these instructions, SEE YOURSELF ALREADY IN POSSESSION OF THE MONEY.

  12. 餐馆毗邻著名得金紫荆广场, 坐拥醉人得维多利亚港景致。

    Next to the famed Golden Bauhinia Square, the restaurant commands a magnificent view of Victoria Harbour.

  13. 在幽静的藤架下拥坐在一起。

    Sit close together in the sequestered pergola.

  14. 我曾经坐拥十个。

    I had ten of these.

  15. 坐拥书城在美国

    Buying Books Galore in America

  16. 我家还坐拥朗氏企业。

    My family also owns Lang Enterprises.

  17. 我家还坐拥朗氏企业。

    My family also owns Lang Enterprises.

  18. 玖珑湖坐拥秀丽风光, 环境幽静。

    Lake Dragon is set a scenic, tranquil area.

  19. 同时, 个别投资者正坐拥成堆的现金。

    Meanwhile, individual investors are sitting on mounting cash.

  20. 波札那坐拥宜人的缓坡, 地与平原。

    Botswana has gentle rolling hills, wetlands and plains.

  21. 仅管坐拥金山, 却为富不仁, 这是藏宝穷人。

    An evil rich man is like a poor man with treasure.

  22. 坐在这个心里拥着你的伴侣欣赏太阳慢慢落下。

    Sit inside the heart and cuddle your partner as you watch the sun go down.

  23. 病人拥被而坐。

    The patient sat wrapped in a quilt.

  24. 坐拥正东南河景及公园景,绝无楼望楼,环境开扬。

    Excellent river and garden view, southeast, far away from buildings, excellent environment.

  25. 餐馆毗邻著名的金紫荆广场,坐拥醉人的维多利亚港景致。

    Next to the famed Golden Bauhinia square, the restaurant commands a magnificent view of Victoria harbour.

  26. 荷和我拥衾对坐,在廊子的两角,遥遥谈话。

    My roommate and I, each wrapped in a quilt, were seated far apart in a different corner of the porch, facing each other and chatting away.