







汉语拼音:jué suàn








  1. 亦作“决算”。根据年度预算执行的结果而编制的年度会计报告。

    清 孙诒让 《周礼政要·会计》:“泰西理财之法,豫计一岁岁入赋税之数,岁出经用之数,普告於众,名曰豫算;其既用之也,又总计其入出之都数,校其赢絀,亦普告於众,名曰决算。”《新华月报》1980年第6期:“三哥,今年子决算出来,你家的超分款能补得清么?”



  1. The ratio was at least 4% in the most recent fiscal year, and there was no accumulated loss in the most recent fiscal year.


  2. Set up the company's fund operational plan, monitor fund management report, forecast and final accounts report; ?


  3. Since the emergence of the democratic ethos of modern economy, budget and final accounts demonstrates the necessity of democracy.


  4. To examine and approve the annual financial and budget plan and financial accounting plan of the company.


  5. The two most profitable banks were Chinese, though what might be hiding on their balance-sheets is anyone's guess.


  6. and shall, within four months after the end of a tax year, submit the annual income tax declaration forms and final accounting statements.


  7. Must be knowledgeable in local statutory accounting requirements with previous experience with final financial sign offs.


  8. Affairs of the business can be studied mainly by consulting final accounts and the balance sheet of the particular business.


  9. The system adopted method of monomial charging and adapt to invite public bidding and tender for engineering and final accounting of item.


  1. 竣工决算报告

    final accounting report

  2. 未决算法律责任

    unliquidated liabilities

  3. 浅谈竣工决算审计

    How to Do the Audit of Final Accounts Well

  4. 财务季度的财务决算报告

    Consolidating financial statements of the company for management

  5. 基建工程竣工决算审计

    Audit of returns for the completion of capital construction

  6. 基本建设工程竣工决算

    final accounts of the completed capital construction project

  7. 浅谈水利事业单位财务决算

    Discussion on the final accounting of revenue and expenditure of the water conservancy enterprises

  8. 基建工程预算、结算、决算审计。

    Construction work auditing on budgets, settlements, and final accounts.

  9. 董事长假装他知道决算利润。

    The chairman pretended he know the final profit.

  10. 批准临时议会得预算和决算。

    Approval of the interim Parliament's budget and final account.

  11. 批准临时议会的预算和决算。

    Approval of the interim Parliament's budget and final account.

  12. 票据交换所贷借决算表

    clearing sheet

  13. 编制联邦年度总预算和决算。

    To prepare the annual general budget of the Federation and the final account.

  14. 批准年度工作计划和财务预、决算。

    Approve annual work plan and finance budget and final account.

  15. 指定公司的年度财务预算方案、决算方案。

    To prepare annual financial budget plan and final accounts plan.

  16. 基建工程预算决算复审公示制浅谈

    Reexamine and Publication of Budget and Final Accounts of Basic Construction Engineering

  17. 议决年度工作计画、报告及预算、决算。

    To establish a plan for the year, report, estimated cost and final cost.

  18. 国防费预算、决算由全国人大审查批准。

    China's defense budget and final accounts are reviewed and approved by the NPC.

  19. 随后应公布审定账目和决算表的概要。

    A summary of the audited accounts and balance sheet shall thereafter be published.

  20. 四,议决年度工作计画,报告及预算,决算。

    IV. To establish a plan for the year, report, estimated cost and final cost.

  21. 制定年度预算与决算, 执行年度财务管理计划

    daft annual budget and define final accounting of revenue and expenditure and execute annual financial management plan

  22. 决算后同财产、厂房和设项目有关的出。

    Subsequent expenditures related to an item of property.

  23. 国防费预算,决算由全国人民代表大会审查批准。

    China's defense budget and final accounts are examined and approved by the NPC.

  24. 这包括向联合国归还实物资产和编制决算。

    These include the return of physical assets to the United Nations and the preparation of final accounts.

  25. 怎么能把自己变公司决算表中的资产 呢

    How are you an asset to a company's balance sheet.

  26. 决算由七个报表、五个附表和财务报表附注组成。

    The accounts consist of seven statements supported by five schedules and notes to the financial statements.

  27. 决算包括12个报表,并附有8个附表和财务报告说明。

    The accounts consist of12 statements supported by8 schedules and notes to the financial statements.

  28. 论中央企业年度报表决算的编制重点年度收支决算报告表

    On the Key Points of Establishment of Annual Final Accounting Report in the Central Enterprises

  29. 对建设工程进行决算审计, 公正公平地确定工程造价。

    We are committed to carrying out settlement audit for construction engineering and calculating the construction cost impartially and fairly.

  30. 各种注销数额的报表, 与年度决算一并提交审计委员会。

    A statement of all amounts written off is submitted to the Board of Auditors with the annual accounts.


  1. 问:决算拼音怎么拼?决算的读音是什么?决算翻译成英文是什么?

    答:决算的读音是juésuàn,决算翻译成英文是 final accounts; to calculate the final bill—t...

  2. 问:决算单拼音怎么拼?决算单的读音是什么?决算单翻译成英文是什么?

    答:决算单的读音是jué suàn dān,决算单翻译成英文是 final certificate

  3. 问:决算日拼音怎么拼?决算日的读音是什么?决算日翻译成英文是什么?

    答:决算日的读音是jué suàn rì,决算日翻译成英文是 ticket day

  4. 问:决算期拼音怎么拼?决算期的读音是什么?决算期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:决算期的读音是jué suàn qī,决算期翻译成英文是 period of settlement

  5. 问:决算法拼音怎么拼?决算法的读音是什么?决算法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:决算法的读音是juésuànfǎ,决算法翻译成英文是 annual reporting law

  6. 问:决算表拼音怎么拼?决算表的读音是什么?决算表翻译成英文是什么?

    答:决算表的读音是jué suàn biǎo,决算表翻译成英文是 final statement

  7. 问:决算审计拼音怎么拼?决算审计的读音是什么?决算审计翻译成英文是什么?

    答:决算审计的读音是juésuàn shěnjì,决算审计翻译成英文是 audit of returns

  8. 问:决算报告拼音怎么拼?决算报告的读音是什么?决算报告翻译成英文是什么?

    答:决算报告的读音是jué suàn bào gào,决算报告翻译成英文是 final report

  9. 问:决算账单拼音怎么拼?决算账单的读音是什么?决算账单翻译成英文是什么?

    答:决算账单的读音是jué suàn zhàng dān,决算账单翻译成英文是 account settled

  10. 问:决算委员会拼音怎么拼?决算委员会的读音是什么?决算委员会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:决算委员会的读音是jué suàn wěi yuán huì,决算委员会翻译成英文是 Committee of Account

  11. 问:决算报告书拼音怎么拼?决算报告书的读音是什么?决算报告书翻译成英文是什么?

    答:决算报告书的读音是jué suàn bào gào shū,决算报告书翻译成英文是 report on the closed accounts


