


1. 茜 [qiàn]茜 [qiàn]红色:~纱。~衫。~裙。……





汉语拼音:qiàn cǎo






  1. Objective: To evaluate the quality of Radix Rubiae of different place in Henan province.


  2. Christmas, Xmas, holiday, Christmas gifts, Easter gifts, Halloween gifts, Hallowmas.


  3. Objective: To investigate the protective function of cordifolia polysaccharide on ischemic renal failure.


  4. The soft tissues have been cleared by immersion in glycerol, and the bones stained red with alizarin.


  5. Plants used in dyeing - Woad, Weld, Madder, Sumach.


  6. Objective: Make use of high-efficient liquid chromatography to determine the content of rubimaillin of nasosinusitis pill.


  7. I had left some Qian Cao to soak with some alum a couple of days before and when we added potash we got a lovely pink.


  8. New species of Rubiaceae and Araceae from Xizang (Tibet).


  9. dye extracted from the root of the madder plant.


  1. 茜草长江大桥

    Qiancao Yangtze River Bridge

  2. 茜草的性能和染色试验

    The Properties and Dyeing Experiments of Madder

  3. 植物染料茜草的稳定性研究

    Study on stability of vegetable dyestuff madder

  4. 茜草果实红色素稳定性研究

    Study on the Stability of Red Pigment from Rubia Cordifolial Fruit

  5. 茜草饮片炒炭前后止血机制的比较

    Comparison of Hemostasis Mechanisms between Radix Rubiae and Charred Radix Rubiae.

  6. 衰老模型小鼠心肌线粒体酶活性与茜草的影响

    Effect of Rubia cordifolia L. On the activity of adenosine triphosphatase in myocardial mitochondria of senile mice model

  7. 阔叶丰花草 浙江茜草科一新归化种

    Spermacoce latifolia Aubl., a newly naturalized species of Rubiaceae in Zhejiang

  8. 茜草红色淀

    madder lake.

  9. 标题药用茜草一新种。

    A new species of medicinal Rubia.

  10. 茜草藤的生药学研究

    Study on pharmacognosy of Rubia cordifolia

  11. 广西茜草科植物三新种

    Three new species of the Rubiaceae from Guangxi, China

  12. 目的茜草双酯的制备与纯化。

    Objective To study the synthesis of Rubidate.

  13. 茜草素的抗菌活性与药效试验

    Antibacterial activity and curative effect of alizarin

  14. 西藏茜草科和天南星科的新种。

    New species of Rubiaceae and Araceae from Xizang.

  15. 目的为了安全, 确的使用茜草藤药材。

    Object A pharmacognostic study on Rabia cordif olia L.

  16. 茜草红素是从茜草根里提取的纺织染料。

    Madder lake is a textile dye extracted from the root of the madder plant.

  17. 茜草红素是从茜草根里提取得纺织染料。

    Madder lake is a textile dye extracted from the root of the madder plant.

  18. 茜草红素是从茜草根里提取的纺织染料。

    Madder lake is a textile dye extracted from the root of the madder plant.

  19. 甘肃唇形科、茜草科牧草霜霉病调查研究

    The investigatino of downy mildew on Labiatae and Rubiaceae pasture plants in GanSu

  20. 茜草根该植物的根,原为染料茜素的重要来源

    The root of this plant, formerly an important source of the dye alizarin.

  21. 我相当担心他, 我认为他也许得到茜草属植物。

    I quite worry him, I thought perhaps he obtains the rubia plant.

  22. 荧光法测定茜草双酯固体分散体中茜草双酯的含量

    Determination of Rubidate Solid Dispersion by Fluorescence Spectroscopy

  23. 目的评价河南不同产地茜草药材的质量。

    Objective To evaluate the quality of Radix Rubiae of different place in Henan province.

  24. 目得为茜草炭炮制工艺得优化提供依据。

    ObjectiveTo provide the basis of the technological standardization of Rubia cordifolia L.

  25. 目的为茜草炭炮制工艺的优化提供依据。

    ObjectiveTo provide the basis of the technological standardization of Rubia cordifolia L.

  26. 天然染料茜草对亚麻织物的染色性能研究

    Research on the dyeing behavior of flax fabrics with natural alizarin dyes

  27. 对天然染料茜草在亚麻织物上进行染色试验。

    Dyeing experiments were conducted on linen fabrics with vegetable dye Qian cao.

  28. 茜草属中数量众多的树木,灌木,蔓生植物中的任意一种

    any of numerous trees or shrubs or vines of the family Rubiaceae

  29. 软组织已被甘油浸泡而除去, 而骨骼是用茜草素染成红色。

    The soft tissues have been cleared by immersion in glycerol, and the bones stained red with alizarin.

  30. 以染100克的羊毛为例,你可能需要多达50克的干茜草根。

    To dye 100 grams of wool for example, you might need up to 50 grams of dried madder root.


  1. 问:茜草拼音怎么拼?茜草的读音是什么?茜草翻译成英文是什么?

    答:茜草的读音是qiàncǎo,茜草翻译成英文是 Rubia cordifolia

  2. 问:茜草属拼音怎么拼?茜草属的读音是什么?茜草属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:茜草属的读音是qiàncǎo shǔ,茜草属翻译成英文是 Rubia

  3. 问:茜草族拼音怎么拼?茜草族的读音是什么?茜草族翻译成英文是什么?

    答:茜草族的读音是qiàncǎo zú,茜草族翻译成英文是 Trib.; 18.; Rubieae

  4. 问:茜草甙拼音怎么拼?茜草甙的读音是什么?茜草甙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:茜草甙的读音是,茜草甙翻译成英文是 rubian

  5. 问:茜草科拼音怎么拼?茜草科的读音是什么?茜草科翻译成英文是什么?

    答:茜草科的读音是xīcǎo kē,茜草科翻译成英文是 Rubiaceae

  6. 问:茜草亚科拼音怎么拼?茜草亚科的读音是什么?茜草亚科翻译成英文是什么?

    答:茜草亚科的读音是qiàncǎo yàkē,茜草亚科翻译成英文是 Subfam.; 2.; Rubioideae

  7. 问:茜草染料拼音怎么拼?茜草染料的读音是什么?茜草染料翻译成英文是什么?

    答:茜草染料的读音是qiàn cǎo rǎn liào,茜草染料翻译成英文是 madder

  8. 问:茜草霜霉拼音怎么拼?茜草霜霉的读音是什么?茜草霜霉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:茜草霜霉的读音是qiàncǎoshuāngméi,茜草霜霉翻译成英文是 Peronospora rubiae

  9. 问:茜草洲尺蛾拼音怎么拼?茜草洲尺蛾的读音是什么?茜草洲尺蛾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:茜草洲尺蛾的读音是qiàncǎozhōuchǐ'é,茜草洲尺蛾翻译成英文是 Epirrhoe hastulata

  10. 问:茜草白腰天蛾拼音怎么拼?茜草白腰天蛾的读音是什么?茜草白腰天蛾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:茜草白腰天蛾的读音是qiàncǎobáiyāotiān'é,茜草白腰天蛾翻译成英文是 Deilphila hypothous


