


1. 查 [chá]2. 查 [zhā]查 [chá]考察:检~。调~。~验。~访。~阅。古同“槎”,水中浮木。查 [zhā]姓。同“楂”。古同“渣”,渣滓。……





汉语拼音:chá shōu







  1. 查清接收。多用于书信。

    清 黄六鸿 《福惠全书·莅任·酬答书札》:“每年终或管理人更换,原书并草藁録册,俱宜送官内查收。”《儿女英雄传》第二回:“一面完工,一面通报上去,禀请派员查收。”如:附寄杂志三种,即希查收。



  1. Most mobile phones allow you to check email on the move, but it's best to check with your service provider before giving it a go.


  2. Indeed, there has been more government intrusion into the market during the last few years than since the Great Society programs.


  3. Mr. Norman, who lives and works in London, was checking email in bed with his girlfriend when he got the flattering news.


  4. The room was comfortable and the staff was friendly but the morning we were to leave, we decided to go to the lobby and check our emails.


  5. I venture to try to open business connection with your esteemed firm, by send you some pattern of manufactured article.


  6. The ship is to set sail tomorrow noon. Enclosed please find copy of invoice for same to your immediate attention.


  7. Reading a blog can become as much of a habit as checking email, a new study looking at readers, rather than bloggers, suggests.


  8. Enclosed is the payment certificate by the bank for your check.


  9. If I'm on vacation and leave my computer at home, I can't access my email, photos, or any of my data when I need it.


  1. 查收邮件吧。

    Check your email.

  2. 大家查收一下邮件

    Everyone check their emails.

  3. 附上我方请查收。

    Enclosed please find our Proforma Invoice No.. For.

  4. 附件发票请查收,谢谢。

    Please check the invoice in the attachment, thanks.

  5. 附上样稿一份,请查收。

    Enclosed please find a set of sample sheets.

  6. 附寄十美元支票,请查收。

    Enclosed please find a check for ten dollars.

  7. 寄上样品两种,请查收。

    Please find two samples enclosed herewith.

  8. 我已传真给你, 请你查收。

    I have faxed to you already, please check it!

  9. 兹附上一张汇票,请查收。

    Enclosed please find a money order.

  10. 附寄照片四张,希查收。

    Please find enclosed four snapshots.

  11. 现附上会议得日程, 请查收。

    Please find enclosed an agenda the meeting.

  12. 兹随函附上保险单,请查收。

    Enclosed please find the insurance policy.

  13. 请查收按开出帐单付款。

    Please find enclosed payment per account rendered.

  14. 兹附上100元支票一张,请查收。

    Enclosed please find a check for 100 dollars.

  15. 那里全是查收的现金和毒品。

    Where all the seized cash and drugs go.

  16. 请查收附件中的电放申请函

    Pls find attached the application form for telex release.

  17. 今天你可以坐在这里查收邮件

    You check your email while you're sitting here.

  18. 兹随函附上支票一张,请查收。

    Please find the cheque enclosed herewith.

  19. 定价单带在附件上, 请查收一下。

    Please check the attached quotation.

  20. 随函附上草案一份,希查收。

    Enclosed you will find a copy of draft.

  21. 请查收附件昨晚安排出货的清单。

    Ask to find it the attachment arrangement of last night the list of dispatch.

  22. 现随函寄上大麦样品,请查收。

    Enclosed find sample of barley, which we shall like you to examine.

  23. 随信附上50箱货物的发票,请查收。

    Enclosed you will find an invoice of 50 cases goods.

  24. 随信附上50箱货物得发票,请查收。

    Enclosed you will find an invoice of 48 cases goods.

  25. 请查收随信附上的会议日程复印件。

    Please find enclosed a copy of our agneda.

  26. 随附有我公司的宣传册, 请查收。

    Enclosed please find our company brochure.

  27. 您马上就要收到货物了, 请注意查收。

    You will get it soon, Please note that package delivery.

  28. 随信附上正式收据一张,敬请查收。

    Enclosed please find our formal receipt, which we trust you will find in order.

  29. 请查收附件初步订单数量和查询信息。

    Attached pls find the initial order qty and inquiry info.

  30. 随函附上我方会签的合同, 请查收。

    Enclosed please find the duplicate with our countersignature.


  1. 问:查收拼音怎么拼?查收的读音是什么?查收翻译成英文是什么?

    答:查收的读音是cháshōu,查收翻译成英文是 check and accept



