




1. 倒 [dǎo]2. 倒 [dào]倒 [dǎo]竖立的东西躺下来:摔~。墙~了。~塌。~台。打~。卧~。对调,转移,更换,改换:~手。~换。~车。~卖。~仓。~戈。倒 [dào]位置上下前后翻转:~立。~挂。~影。~置。把容器反转或倾……



汉语拼音:wò dǎo








  1. 趴下。

    魏巍 《东方》第四部第二章:“它只要一有响动,我就打枪,你们就赶快卧倒。”



  1. "I got really good at falling, " he said of his efforts. And Sergeant Strang, a tall, athletic man, had to give up running.


  2. She application calm attitude lie down comfortably under the bayonets of the enemy.


  3. She saved the children's lives by fling them to the floor.


  4. We had a law - while a raid continues no one, from ammo carriers to the battery commander, could even bend down.


  5. The fighters in the trenches stayed down while the enemy shells were exploding.


  6. If the enemy opened fire, keep down.


  7. I was afraid to stay at home for a rest because I knew I would stay there for a long time if I stayed in bed.


  8. But then, a wonderful thing happened. The gazelle laid down next to Rama, giving him his own life!


  9. It is general processing: To serious tic person, should give aid to patient take a prone, prevent to get injured by fall and be contused .


  1. 罗佛,卧倒!

    Lie down, Rover!

  2. 浮体卧倒闸门

    floating body horizontal gate.

  3. 卧倒!队长叫道。

    Lie down! shouted the captain.

  4. 马一下子卧倒在地。

    The horse threw himself into a squat.

  5. 我设法卧倒,以防被打中。

    I was trying to stay down to avoid getting shot.

  6. 卧倒, 同志们!卧倒!敌机在向我们射击!

    Down, comrades! Down! The enemy bomber is shooting at us!

  7. 有人来了!卧倒, 不要做声。

    There's somebody coming! Keep down and don't make a sound.

  8. 子弹从头顶飞过时, 他迅速卧倒。

    He threw himself down as the bullet flew overhead.

  9. 干船坞卧倒门的舱格设计计算

    The Calculation for the Design of Flap Gate Cell of Dry Dock

  10. 第一声警报一响我们就迅速卧倒。

    Alarmed at the first sound, we hit the dirt.

  11. 第一声警报一响我们就迅速卧倒。

    Alarmed at the first sound, we hit the dirt.

  12. 子弹在头顶嗖嗖飞过, 他迅速卧倒。

    He flung himself to the ground as the bullets flew past overhead.

  13. 射击一开始, 我便卧倒以躲避子弹。

    As the firing began, I fell flat to avoid the bullets

  14. 士兵们听到机枪开火时, 马上卧倒隐蔽。

    The soldiers hit the dirt the moment they heard the machine gun fire.

  15. 士兵卧倒埋伏了起来,等待开火的信号。

    The soldiers lay in ambush, waiting for the signal to open fire.

  16. 战士卧倒埋伏了起来,守候开火的信号。

    The soldiers lay in ambush, waiting for the signal to open fire.

  17. 仅适用于步兵站著而不是卧倒时。

    Only applies when the infantry is standing and not lying prone.

  18. 囚犯们被迫在逮捕他们的那些人面前卧倒。

    The prisoners were forced to lie prostrate in front of their captors.

  19. 当敌人的炮弹爆炸时,战壕里的人卧倒了。

    The men in the trenches stayed down while the enemy shells were exploding.

  20. 当子弹从耳边呼啸而过时, 他们卧倒隐蔽起来。

    They dropped down to take cover when the bullets whistled past their ears.

  21. 当敌人的炮弹爆炸时, 战壕中的战士们都卧倒了。

    The fighters in the trenches stayed down while the enemy shells were exploding.

  22. 当一个熊猫人卧倒至四肢, 他的速度极大提升。

    When a pandaren drops down to all fours, his speed increases greatly.

  23. 犀牛睡觉的姿势很特殊, 它们有时卧倒, 也有时站着入睡。

    The posture when they are asleep is special, sometimes they sleep when they are standing.

  24. 她坚贞不屈, 申请镇定, 态度从容地卧倒在敌人的刺刀之下。

    She application calm attitude lie down comfortably under the bayonets of the enemy.

  25. 杰基立刻控制住自己的热情, 顺从地卧倒在老人的脚旁。

    Immediately, Jacky controlled his enthusiasm and lay down obediently at the old man's feet.

  26. 杰基立刻控制住自己得热情,顺从地卧倒在老人得脚旁。

    Immediately, Jacky controlled his enthusiasm and lay down obediently at the old man's feet.

  27. 安德烈斯听到枪栓声, 立刻卧倒, 头顶狠狠地抵住地面。

    Andres had flattened at the click, the top of his head hard against the ground.

  28. 见到背蓝色背包得人你就立马卧倒,以避免手榴弹得杀伤。

    You dive for cover at the sight of anyone with blue back packs and wait for the grenades.

  29. 见到背蓝色背包的人你就立马卧倒,以避免手榴弹的杀伤。

    You dive for cover at the sight of anyone with blue back packs and wait for the grenades.

  30. 最厉害的一张是我们叫教官卧倒,大家把脚踩在他的身上。

    The most powerful one is that we ask instructors to lie down, we put foot on him.


  1. 问:卧倒拼音怎么拼?卧倒的读音是什么?卧倒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卧倒的读音是wòdǎo,卧倒翻译成英文是 lie down