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1. 亲 [qīn]2. 亲 [qìng]亲 [qīn]有血统或夫妻关系的:~属。~人。~缘。双~(父母)。~眷。婚姻:~事。因婚姻联成的关系:~戚。~故。~邻。~朋。称呼同一地方的人:乡~。本身,自己的:~睹。~聆。~笔。感情好,关系密切……
汉语拼音:qīn kǒu
唐 吕岩 《七言》诗:“神仙亲口留斯旨,何用区区向外寻。” 元 无名氏 《连环计》第三折:“老宰辅,你令爱原是 吕布 之妻,流落在你府中,昨日酒席上亲口许了 吕布 ,今日可送进太师府里去了,是何道理。” 曹禺 《王昭君》第二幕:“天子亲口叫我问单于可安息好了。”
毛泽东 《实践论》:“你要知道梨子的滋味,你就得变革梨子,亲口吃一吃。”
It seems basic, but when I spell it out to myself like this, it forces me to continually try to add new points to the discussion.
这看起来很初级,但当我亲口对自己这样说,就能迫使我自己不断地尝试为当前的讨论加点料。He wanted to be sure and tell his mother one more time just how much he loved her.
他想亲口再跟他母亲说一次,他有多么爱她。I always send gifts for your birthday and all the holidays. It bugs me that you never thank me personally.
我常在你生日和每个假日送些礼物。让我恼火的是你从不亲口感谢。"I never had any conjectures about it, " replied Margaret; "it was you who told me of it yourself. "
“我从来没有猜测过,”玛格丽特答道,“那是你亲口告诉我的。”Wait for her to say the words! - Fine! And she will!
等她自己亲口说!-好!她肯定会说的!In only half of the cases, though, had the respondent to a survey tried to do anything about the misconduct he said he had witnessed.
然而,面对这种情况,在某一调查中,竟有一半的被调查对象对其亲口所言的亲眼目睹的不端行为无动于衷。"I ought to have done you the common justice to explain myself, " she said, repeating my own words.
“我应该好好地亲口说破,”她学着我的话说。And I also wanted to tell him how much his worked was loved and how many people saw it as an inspiration for their own works and lives.
而且我还想亲口告诉他,他的作品是多么的受欢迎,许多人甚至把它当做自己工作和生活的一种激励。He said the U. S. government has himself admitted the last six years, Mexican police seized 104 000 weapons, 85% were sold by U. S. weapons.